I know your face

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Ron's pov

A young-ish man, probably in his early twenties with a long green cloak held the door open for y/n as she stepped into The Three Broomsticks. He let it go, having it hit my shoulder as I walked in.

"Will we get a booth?" Y/n looked back at me smiling.

"Alright." I agreed, we were lucky to get there before it started filling up with other Hogwarts students.

A waitress approached us with a rather bored look on her face.

"What are you having?" She asked in an awfully scratchy voice.

"Just two butterbeers, for now." I said taking my jacket off. Y/n rested her elbows on the table and cupped her chin in her hands.

"What do you want for Christmas?" I asked, a little grin appeared on the corners of her mouth.

"I would like..." She bit her lip, looking thoughtful for a moment before her face went serious and she took my hand.

"How would you feel about offing Umbridge?" She said, sounding completely serious.

"I really don't know if you are joking about this." I muttered, just loud enough for her to hear.

"Off course I'm joking, Azkaban doesn't seem too welcoming." She said, smiling at the man that had held the door open for her. He was heading towards the table.

"I'm sorry, but I know your face. I don't know how but I recognize you." He sat down next to her. Looking uncomfortable, y/n made it very obvious, she slid away from him and towards me.

"Listen mate I'm sure you mean well, but that's a little creepy. So if you wouldn't mind, leave us alone please." I frowned at him, his face didn't falter. He kept the same questioning grin.

"But I think I know you." He said, ignoring me.

"I don't think so, could you leave us please?" Y/n said politely but I heard her voice waver.

"Y/n!" He said suddenly, snapping his fingers. A gasp left y/n's mouth, before  I knew what was happening she had him by the collar of his shirt.

"Stop, stop! It's George!" The man said, flustered. She let him go.

"For Godric's fucking sake!" Y/n swore, a few people looked our way.

"It's poly juice... Fred." George gestured towards Fred who was sitting in a seat laughing his ass off.

"That's not funny!" Y/n began to breathe quickly.

"Scared the shit out of you two." Fred laughed, coming over.Y/n rested her head on my shoulder, hiding her face.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's just a little prank, you alright?" George asked, nudging Fred. Y/n nodded but didn't move from where she was. I nodded my head to the side, signalling for the twins to leave. Thankfully they did.

"Y/n! You okay?" I moved away a little so she would look at me. Her eyes were a little glassy and she was still breathing harshly.

"I though it was him." She  muttered, putting her face in her hands. I rested my hand on her back, rubbing it up and down like mum used to do when we were upset.


Sorry it was short but I'll update within the next two days. This has had a lot of activity within the past couple of says and I'd like to thank you for all the reads,votes and the occasional comments.

Drink some water and get some sleep.

Bye lovelies x

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