"Crucio!" he yelled.

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I bit into my scone, sitting at the table staring into space. Everyone was chatting to each other, giving me the occasional glance.

"Your hair's still wet, you'll catch a cold." Ron told me, rubbing my back. I curved my back slightly, tensing up and he put his hand back on the table.

I looked up the long table, searching for Lee's face. He must still be in the common room.

"I'll be back in a second." I muttered standing up.

"Lee Jordan, last night you told me to tell you if anyone ever hurt me, even if I didn't want to." I said to the boy in the couch with his face in his palms. His head shot up and the sound of my voice.

"You hurt me, you know I don't want people knowing that I get hurt. But you let everyone see that this morning." I said quietly, sitting next to him.

"You made me angry, I'm not saying you have to tell me everything but that's a lot of information to leave out over three and a half years of friendship. Best friendship. Don't tell Fred and George." He said nudging me.

"Okay, I have no other huge secrets, you?" I asked.

"I like Katie Bell." He said smiling at me.

"Well, I knew that." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I'm going to do something, and your going to hate it." He said, before throwing his arms around me and squeezing me tightly.

"For once you were right, I did hate that." I said pushing him off of me.


"It's your birthday soon." I said to Ron sitting down at my desk.

"What do want?" I asked him.

"No, if you don't let me get you a present, you can't get me one." He refused.

"Fair enough." I shrugged as Moody walked into the room.

"Y/n, hand out the textbooks." Moody grumbled, looking straight at me satisfied that he knew my name.

"We all have our own." I said, not breaking eye contact with his good eye, as I pulled mine out my bag. He sighed, slightly infuriated.

"Change of plans, I think we'll do duelling today." He said quickly.

"Get into pairs." He shouted to the class. Ron looked at me and nodded but Moody shook his head and pointed to Malfoy.

"I think you two would work better together." He said a satisfied smile crept onto his face.

"I don't." I said, boldly. Ron gave me a look and shoved me towards Malfoy, who was staring at me confused.

"Lucky me." He said, as I stood next to him.

"Pairing up his least favorites, hoping we'll kill each other." I said threateningly.

"Pairing up the best, hoping we'll kill each other." He corrected.
"A compliment?" I said taken aback.

"I hate your boyfriend, not you. I admire you, you have..." He gestured his hands around like he was searching for the right words.

"A very valiant spirit." He finished.

"I still hate you." I told him, eyebrows raised.

"You're very honest too." He nodded.

"Let's start with a patronus!" Moody shouted gruffly.

"But sir, we're not support to learn that till next year!" Hermione told him.

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