four cheese

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Y/n's pov

I watched as the family of red heads greeted each other happily. I felt a small tap on my shoulder and I turned quickly to see my mother's happy face.

"This is Malcom." She said, gesturing beside her, a man in his mid thirties stood before me, he was dressed cleanly but not quite posh and he had already picked up my heavy suitcase.

"Nice to meet you." He said, smiling and holding out his free hand, it was shaking slight.

"You too." I smirked at his nervousness but shook his hand.

"Your mum told me about you, quite a character, eh?" He said with a chuckle looking between me and my mum.

"I didn't even tell you the half of it." My mum chuckled, stroking my hair.

"Let's get going." She said, before apperating us all off the platform and into our small cottage in the middle of the corn field.

The mint walls and the white cabinets in the kitchen were a nice sight to come back too. I looked to the living room, that was really just a couch and a muggle television in the far end of the kitchen where there was supposed to be a table, but we always just sat on the couch, it was comfortingly the same.

"Smells the same." I smiled, taking my suitcase from Malcom and heading into my room. I walked into the light blue room, it was pretty much empty apart from a bed, a chest of drawers and a small bookshelf. I heard a hushed conversation behind me.

"Do you think it's going well?"

"I told you, she's a hard book to read but she hasn't spat on you or anything so you're doing pretty good."

"I'm shitting bricks."

I heard my Mum's laugh. Just listening to the conversation made me like Malcom a little bit.

"What's for dinner?" I asked, walking back out my room.

"Pizza?" My mum asked.

"I haven't had pizza in forever." I smiled at her.

"Hawaiian, right?" Malcom asked. I nodded, surprised at his knowledge.

"I'll be back." He said apperating out of the room with an audible pop.

"So?" My mum asked nervously.

"He seems nice, especially for a man who's shitting bricks." I nodded.

"You heard that?" She asked, clasping her hand over her mouth.

"The walls are like paper, we just didn't notice because we never had anyone over." I smiled.

"I like your Ron. He's funny." She nodded at me a smile on her face.

"I didn't notice you spoke much." I said.

"Well you were to busy trying to get a look at Malcom." She said. I laughed a little.

"How's Lee, it's been almost a year since I saw him?" She asked.

"Lee's good, he's hoping quidditch comes back next year. He's been absolutely restless without it." I smiled.

"Are you going to play?" My mum asked, in the same enthusiastic manner that Lee had approached me with months earlier.

"I don't think so, maybe as an emergency sub or something, but I won't dedicate too much time to it." I told her, so that she wouldn't argue.

About twenty minutes later Malcom appears with two pizzas.

"Four cheese because I can't name more than three cheeses, so one will have to be a guessing game and Hawaiian because it's fun to say phonetically." He said, seemingly a bit more in his comfort zone. We all sat at the talking, I learnt that Malcom was one of three kids, he was from Windermere and he went to Hogwarts at the same time as my mum.

"So you're old friends then?" I asked, finishing my pizza.

"Not really, we ran into each other and got to talking." My mum told me.

"Hufflepuff?" I asked him, my eyebrow raised.

"How can you tell?" He asked, surprised.

"A intuition, what house am I in?" I challenged, waiting for him to guess.

"Any except Hufflepuff, I can tell you're smart, you seem brave but also ambitious, so I'm not quite sure." He said hesitantly.

"Gryffindor." My mum told him, a smile was spread on her face. I could tell she like that I was getting on with him.

"I think I'm going to bed, now." I said standing up, from next to my mum on the couch, and walking through to my room.

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, I liked Malcom. He seemed a bit weird but not in a bad way and I could tell he was genuinely interested in getting to know me, he wasn't just doing it so that my mum would like him. I grabbed a sheet of parchment and wrote all of this to Ron and sealed it in an envelope to send away in the morning.


"Does she like pancakes?" I heard Malcom ask.

"Yes, she's not stupid." I heard my mum retort. I could hear music playing through the house, Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Suede.

I put my dressing gown on and walked into the kitchen, where Malcom was making pancakes and my mum was sat on the counter next to him.

"Morning!" My mum called, a morning bird.

"Sorry, did the music wake you?" Malcom asked.

"No, it's fine. A good choice of music though." I nodded as he handed me a plate of pancakes.

"My favorite song." He said with a smile.

I sat on the couch eating my pancakes and watched as Malcom twirled my mum around the kitchen, singing and dancing. It reminded me of the night in the common room, when we all danced, I should get those pictures from Collin.


Thoughts on Malcom? Have a good week.

From A x

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