I can see them too

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Ron, Harry, Hermione and I settled in a carriage, as excited students ran through the train.

The whistle blew and we all waved out the window to Mrs Weasley. She was wiping her eyes with a tissue and waving back softly.

"Such a cry baby." Ron shook his head embarrassed.

"Shut up, Ron!" I told him off, I sat down next to Hermione and the train began to move.

"Now what?" Ron asked, already fed up.

"Honestly Ronald, at this point you should know to bring a book to entertain yourself," Hermione told him, Harry smirked at her suggestion and Ron sunk in his seat.

"What took you so long to get to the station?" I asked Harry, a frown on my face.

"Sirius came to say goodbye," Harry replied distantly. I knew he was upset about leaving Sirius, so I didn't ask him any more questions.

I started to hum a tune that took me back to the first morning in the holidays, where Malcom made us pancakes. I was humming to hooked on a feeling, whilst drumming along on my knee with my wand. The humming quickly became quiet singing. A smile grew on Ron's face as he watched me play out my little musical number. Harry began to chuckle, even Hermione smirked a little whilst she read.

"Thought you could get away without saying hello?" A loud voice echoed through our carriage.

"Lee Jordan!" Ron smiled at the tall boy standing in the doorway.

"The one and only." He smiled as he sat down between Hermione and I, his arms wrapped around our shoulders. Hermione frowned at his actions but didn't brush him off.

"Now, how has your summer been?" Lee asked, looking directly at me.

"You would know if you had written back." I said crossing my arms and turning away in a fake huff.

"Guilty!" He sang turning to the rest of the group.

"So, how's life treating you all?" He asked everyone else cheerfully.

"Not well." Harry sighed, remembering the events of the year before.

"Ah, well. Er, I'll see you all at Hogwarts then." He said awkwardly, backing out the carriage.

"I'm looking forward to finding out what this year's DADA teacher will be like." Ron said, trying to pull a conversation from the silence that Lee had left us in. I put my feet up on the seat beside him and shrugged.

"I think it will be and old, grumpy man. With loads of stories." Ron replied to himself.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" A voice called. Ron and Harry shot up in their seats and rushed to the door with their money.


"Okay, so how about this; who would win in a fight, Moody or Tonks?" Ron grinned. We were about a half-hour away from Hogwarts, Ron and Harry were comparing the strength of the members of the order.

"A duel? Moody. A physical fight? Tonks." Harry smirked, it was good to see him having fun for once.

"What are you smiling at?" Ron asked, making me realise the small smile that had grown on my face.

"I'm just happy." I shrugged, standing up to get my rucksack from the small compartment above Ron's head.

"Shit," I muttered, I was too short to pull it down.

"What're you doing?" Ron asked as Hermione pulled both mine and her bags down.

"We're almost there, we need to put our robes on." Hermione told him like it was obvious.

"Oh right, have fun." He frowned as we walked out the compartment.

"We'll have a blast, I'm sure," Hermione replied sarcastically as we walked down the train and towards the bathroom.

A hand shot out in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. Seamus Finnegan. I took a step back from him as he rose.

"Have a nice summer?" I asked, confused by the repulsed look on his face. I glanced round him, Hermione was gone, she must've not noticed I'd been stopped.

"No, my mum tried to keep me in the house because of your friend." He muttered shoving his finger in my face.

"My friend?" I asked, I knew he was talking about Harry.

"Potter. Me Mam's afraid." He explained further.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I sighed, crossing my arms.

"Get him to fess up, tell them all it's lies." He was getting closer and closer. The people on the train around us were beginning to watch eagerly.

"I'll put it on the to-do list." I muttered, shoving him back down into his seat. I glanced at Dean, who was sitting opposite Seamus. He was deliberately avoiding my gaze, staring at my feet as I walked past and into the bathroom Hermione had just come out of.

"Don't leave till I come out." I smiled at her. She frowned back but nodded, looking down the train.


"What is it?" Harry asked staring at the carriage.

"What's what?" Ron asked from beside me.

"That. Pulling the carriage." He replied quickly, pointing in the air.

"Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry. It's pulling itself, like always." Hermione insisted, a concerned tone in her voice. Harry stared in amazement at the front of the carriage, Ron and I shared a look.

"You're not going mad. I can see them too, you're just as sane as I am." An airy voice said from the carriage. A small blonde Ravenclaw girl was reading a magazine from inside the carriage.

We all frowned but sat beside her. I noticed Neville was holding a strange plant, it looked like a stack of green sharp tomatoes.

"Everyone this is Luny love-" Hermione began going red.

"Luna Lovegood." She introduced us, staring at her hands. Everyone glanced around, I bit my cheeks to stop myself from laughing at Hermione's embarrassed face.

"What an interesting necklace." Hermione tried to play it off.

"It's a charm, actually. Keeps away the nargles." She replied leaning towards Neville, Harry and Hermione.

"I'm hungry, I hope there's pudding." She announced, as the carriage took off. I liked this Luna girl, she seemed friendly yet slightly unwelcoming, in a good way. She seemed unharmed by Hermione's lack of respect, and unintentionally fought back with kindness.

"What's a nargle?" Ron muttered in my ear.

"No idea." Hermione whispered back as I shrugged.

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