party in Ron's bed

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I woke up to Hermione opening a book from her parents.

"A Christmas Carol?" I asked sitting up.

"Have you read it?" She said, looking up to me.

"Yes, but its old and a bit hard to understand." I said smiling at her.

I climbed out of my bed and put on my dressing gown over my pajamas.
"Expect an apology from Ron." I said to her.

"What's going on with you and Ron?" Ginny asked, coming out of the bathroom behind me.

"He said Victor was too old for me." She said, flicking through the pages of her new book.

"Oh, right." Ginny nodded, rolling her eyes at me, clearly agreeing with her broth

"Let's go wake the boys." Hermione said, closing her book. We all got up and walked through to the boys dorm.

"Rise and shine, it's Christmas time!" I shouted walking into they're room.

"Go away!" Harry grumbled into his pillow. I pulled his duvet off of him and dropped it in the floor, he scrunched up in a ball after being hit by the cold morning air.

"What's going on?" Ron asked sitting up sleepily and rubbing his eyes.

"It's Christmas, Ronald!" Hermione said to him.

"Oh right!" He pulled himself out off his bed, his robes still on from the night before.

"Why have you got those on?" Ginny asked disgusted.

"I was to tired to get dressed." He shrugged, pulling a pair of pajamas from beneath his pillow and walking into the bathroom.

"What time did you get in last night?" Ginny asked me curiously.

"Half four-ish, I fell asleep in the common room." I shrugged.

I climbed into Ron's bed, sitting cross legged in the middle off it. Hermione sat on the edge off it.

"I'll get the twins and Lee." Ginny said rushing out. Harry smiled at us as he put his glasses on.

"Merry Christmas!" He said, climbing out of his bed and retrieving his duvet from the floor and coming to sit with us on Ron's bed.

"Weh hey hey! Party in Ron's bed!" Fred shouted, running through in his dressing gown and slippers, before jumping on all of us.

"Can't say I'm surprised to see you here." He said, looking at me. That's when Ron walked in and saw us all lying in his bed.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" He asked me.

"If I heard correctly, it's a ' party in Ron's bed' is that right Fred?" I asked him.

"Correct." He nodded back at me.

"Merry Christmas!" George and Lee sang walking in with Ginny behind them. We all sat up laughing.

"Is it time for presents?" Ginny asked hopefully.

"Better be." Ron said as he sat down next to me.

We spent the next hour opening presents from one another when Lee pulled out a cupcake with a little candle in it.

"Happy birthday!" He sang, the faces around the room went from happy to confused. I blew the candle out, my face also confused.

"No birthday celebrations. You know this." I said.

"It's just a cake, everyone needs cake on their birthday." He shrugged thrusting the pink cupcake I front of me.

"It's your birthday?" Hermione spoke up.

"No." I said, not breaking eye contact with Lee.

"She never had a proper birthday so she pretend it doesn't exist." Ron explained, looking at me worriedly.

"She's difficult to read, isn't she? I honestly can't tell if she's going to punch him or slam the cupcake in his face!" Ginny observed.

"Thank you." I whispered, taking the cupcake from him.

The room was silent for a minute until Ron stood up.

"Mum sent us all gifts." He said pulling a box from under his bed. It was full of packages with our name on them.

"Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Lee, Hermione, me and y/n" he said tossing the presents to everyone.

"I wonder what's inside." Fred mocked opening his present to reveal a yellow jumper with a blue 'f' on it. Everyone got a jumper with their initial on it, in a variation of different colours. I had a purple one with a white letter on it. I smiled, I had never had a big family, before now. I looked around the room, the faces of my friends laughing and smiling made me feel peaceful.


"This is something else." Ron said staring at the turkey infront of him.

"Eat it, before it flies away." Hermione said sarcastically.

"Don't have to tell me twice." He replied tucking in. While everyone was talking, Lee leaned over and whispered to me.

"I'm sorry about the birthday thing, I didn't know how upset you would get about it." He said quietly in her ear.

"I don't get upset, I was just confused. But thank you, for my first birthday cake ever." I reassured him.

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