her birthday on Christmas

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I added a touch of mascara and took a step back to look in the mirror. I nodded to my self, satisfied and walked into the bedroom.

"I don't understand how you got here half an hour ago and your already ready!" Hermione said, grabbing her dress and walking into the bathroom.

"I don't understand the concept of a ball, classical music, fancy dresses and twirly dancing, but hey ho look what's happening!" I called.

"You will love it!" Ginny said excitedly.

"No I won't." I said, brushing my hair against my back.

After another fifteen minutes of faffing about Hermione, Ginny and I headed down. Hermione stopped to fix her shoe and Ginny waited with her, I carried on through hogwarts.

I rounded the corner, hearing chatter from the students that were already at the ball. I walked down the stairs towards everyone.

Ron's pov

I turned around as y/n walked down the stairs, she looked magnificent. Unlike the other girls that had walked down the same stairs, she wasn't grinning or going slow so that everyone could admire her. She had kept a neutral face as she walked down at a regular pase, watching where she placed her feet on the stairs.

She was wearing her velvet red dress, that hugged her in all the right places, a gold bracelet and her hair was in a long straight curtain behind her.

I heard a whistle from behind me, but she held up her middle finger in response, so I figured she had it handled.

"Aren't you lady like?" I said as she reached the bottom. I put my arm round her waist.

"Well, your brother is quite a gentleman." She shrugged.

"It was my brother? Which one?" I said looking behind me.

"The ginger one." She said with a wink.

"She's beautiful!" I heard Padma say beside me, I turned to see Hermione standing at the top of the stairs in a pink dress. She walked down slowly keeping her head held high.

"So dramatic." I heard y/n mutter beside me. I smirked, I knew she would hate it here.


The professors started to join the dance and slowly the students joined in.

"Let's get this over and done with." Y/n said grabbing my hand and joining the group of twirling students. We danced around the hall for another minute or two before the song ended, y/n didn't look happy but she didn't look bored, content maybe?

"Food!" She said, dragging me to the food table at the back of the room. We stacked our plates and walked back to the table where Harry was sitting, looking bored.

"I'm liking this better with cake." Y/n said, biting into a slice of cake. Harry laughed a little so she slid her plate over to him.

"Have some, Potter." She offered. Harry took a cupcake of her plate and slowly licked the icing off the top.

"Not how you eat a cupcake, but at least you're having more fun." I said, laughing at him.

We sat for an hour eating cake before I grabbed y/n's hand and pulled her up to dance. She shook her head.

"C'mon, one song. It's the weird sisters!" I said smiling. She shook her head again a grin growing on her face.

"You're not winning this argument, not this time." I said, she shook her head again, about to sit down when the George walked past and pulled her chair away.

She began to fall, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her up, spinning her so she would land in my other arm.

"You owe me a dance now." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"I hate you." She said, taking my hand and pulling me onto the dance floor.

Y/n's pov

The song ended and I walked back to sit with Harry. Ron followed me a small smile on his face. I watched Hermione, Krum had just left and she was giggling excitedly, spinning in a circle.

"What?" She asked Ron who was looking at her oddly. He shook his head in response but she asked again.

"I just think he might be a little old.'" Ron shrugged looking away from her and onto the dance floor.

"And I just think that maybe you should learn to be comfortable when your friend gets a date to a ball, not cringe away because you two can't even decide whether you like each other or not!" She shouted bursting into tears and running away.

"Leave me out of this!" I called after her.

"Nothing like a like a little drama, eh? What time is it?" I asked Ron. He checked his watch.

"5 to Christmas." He nodded at me.

"5 to y/n's birthday." I heard Lee say from behind me. I gasped turning around.

"Oops." He said, taking a seat next to me.

"What!?!?" Ron exclaimed.

"Forgot about that." I said.

"It's her birthday on Christmas, her Mum couldn't afford to celebrate both so she just does Christmas." Lee told him, I stared at the table.

"Why did you not tell me?" Ron asked, trying to catch my gaze.

"Like I said, I forgot." I shrugged, looking him in the eyes.

"How do you forget your birthday?" He asked his voice softening.

"It's pretty easy when you've never really had one." I smiled at him. I felt Lee stand up beside me and heard him walk away.

"This way then, birthday girl." Ron  said loudly, holding his hand out.

"Go in say it louder, I don't think Mcgonagall heard you!" I shouted to him over the music, but I took his hand.


"Welcome to the dorm." He said, swinging the door open. There were piles of clothes all over the floor and the beds were unmade.

"Very welcoming." I nodded, walking towards Ron's bed.

"This is your Christmas present." He said pulling out a small box with gold flowers on it. I looked at it sceptically.

"Please take it." He pleaded. I reached out and took the box.


Umm, sorry about the little cliff hanger, it was exactly 1000 words and the even-ness got the better of me.

Don't let the good times fly past without you taking them in.

Lots of love
A x

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