peroxide blond hair

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Lee continued his little heart broken act, till around quarter to twelve when Hermione and Ginny came into the common room. Ron nudged me off of his lap, I hadn't realized that I was still on it.

"See I told you that they would already be here." Hermione said rolling her eyes at Ginny.

"Yeah, were not responsible enough to get any sleep in, especially not on a school night." The twins said.

About ten minutes later, Harry walked down the stairs, rubbing his eyes under his glasses.

"Did you not think to wake me?" He asked Ron. Ron opened his mouth but Lee interrupted.

"He was busy." He said, to Harry. Those who didn't know what he meant looked confused.

"I think that... it's time for cake, y/n?" Ron said, standing up and putting his hand out to help me up.

"We'll go in groups, me, Ron, y/n and Lee. Then George, Harry, 'mione and Gin-Gins." Fred announced, walking to the door of the common room.

"Leave me with this lot, then. No, I see how it is." George said, in a fake strop.

We walked quietly thought the corridors till we came to the door of the kitchen. It was a painting of a fruit bowl. Fred reached out and tickled the pear, it giggled quietly as the portrait swung open. There were about ten house elves working away inside. Fred nodded to them all and we waved hello, he led us through to the back and into a small room. It had one couch and an armchair, there was also a small round table with some wooden chairs surrounding it.

"Welcome." Fred gestured to the room. Lee went to sit on the couch.

"No sitting till you know the rules." Fred whined.

"It's past someone's bedtime." Ron whispered in my ear. Fred rolled his eyes at us.

"What's the rules then?" I asked.
Wait for everyone else." He said as George trailed in, with the small group behind him.

"Rule number one-" Fred started.
"-nobody else finds out about this place, unless Fred and I are consulted first." George finished.

"Rule number two-"
"-if you are using this room while Fred and I are testing our products, you cannot refuse to be a test subject."

"And the newest, rule number three-"
"-This room will not be used a as a secret kissing spot."

Fred and George didn't make it obvious who they were talking about, but Ron still went red.

"Why is that a necessary rule?" Hermione asked.

"Trust me it's necessary." Lee said behind me.

"It just is, Granger. If you have a problem with it, then you can't use our room." George said, rolling his eyes at Lee.

"Can I have cake now?" I asked hopefully. Ron's face lit up.

"If you like, go and ask the house elves." George said, sitting on the couch. Ron and I walked into the kitchen and approached the nearest elf.

"Would you mind getting us two slices of chocolate cake?" I asked her.

"Yes, of course. Right away Miss." The house elf panicked.

I turned to face Ron. He was looking around the kitchen at all the working elves. I caught his gaze and he gave me a small smile.

"I forgot rule three, did you remember it?" I asked him smiling.

"Now that you mention it, I don't." He said shrugged, giving me a menacing smile.

"Your cake slices, Miss." The house elf said behind me.

"Thank you." I said, taking the one slice of cake from the elf and walking back to the room. I sat in the empty armchair and listened Harry, who was telling us about how he still hadn't found out what the next task was. Ron walked out the kitchen eating his cake and looked at us all, there wasn't a spare seat so as always he plopped down next to me on the armchair.


The next morning I was the first awake, I showered and got dressed then headed down to the common room. Ron was fast asleep on the couch, snoring softly

"Ronnie, wake up." I said, shaking him awake. He opened his eyes as he stretched his arms above his head.

"Hello." He said, his voice groggy.

"You fell asleep on the couch when we got back last night. I'm surprised the twins didn't put your hand in a bucket of water or something." I laughed.

"What time is it?" He said looking around him for a clock.

"About seven." I shrugged. He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the couch. He kissed me again, running his hand through my long hair. He pulled away, smiling.

"Good morning." He chuckled, walking up the stairs to his dorm.

Oh no, I need to figure out what's going on. Ron doesn't do well with secrets and I don't do well when bonding with people. This is going to be a hell of ride.


I took my seat next to Harry in potions. He laughed quietly as I took out my cauldron.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He said, holding his laugh in.

"Harry Potter, one does not laugh at nothing, else the world would be a happy place. What is it?" I said sternly.

"My world is happy." He shrugged, giggling.

"You're and 14 year old orphan that's been entered into the murder games by a completely anonymous maniac, your perfusly bullied by a boy with peroxide blond hair and you stay with your evil aunt and uncle who had you locked in the cupboard for ten years. Trust me Harry, your world is not happy."

He stopped laughing and stared at me blankly.
"You kissed Ron, twice." He said, leaving me stunned.

"Now- See- well, the thing is Harry, yes I did. What's Ron's thoughts on it all?" I asked him smiling sweetly.

"I dunno, he came upstairs happy. And I asked him 'why are you so happy' and he said 'i just kissed y/n, for the second time', then he went in the shower and that's it." Harry replied.

"You are absolutely useless sometimes." I said to Harry.

"Oh." He said disappointed.

"Only sometimes though." I reassured him, laughing. Snape came into the class and cleared his throat, earning my attention.

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