Detention! Before us?

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I sat beside Hermione waiting for DADA to begin, when a paper bird was sent around the classroom, floating majestically.

"Go on. Go on, Seamus! Get it!" Dean called behind me as the bird floated towards them. I turned to watch as he hit the bird, it didn't falter it just kept flying around the room. As Seamus sat back in his seat he caught me watching and went red.

Crabbe used a slingshot to try and hit the bird down, yet in survived and flew over Ron and Harry's head before bursting into flames and landing in the table infront of the Patill twins. I looked towards the back of the class where Umbridge was stood her wand raised at where she had just cast her spell on the bird.

"Good morning children. Ordinary, Wizarding, Examinations. Oh, double you, ell's. More commonly known as owl's." She said in a sickly sweet voice as she walked towards the front of the class.

"Study and you will pass, fail to do so and the consequences may be severe."  She shrugged, casting a spell that sent the books around the class, one landing infront of each pupil.

I blocked out her shrill voice that reminded me of nails on a chalkboard. I didn't begin to listen again until Hermione's hand raised beside me and she began to speak.

"There's nothing I here about using defensive spells." She frowned at the teacher.

"Using spell's? I can't imagine where you would need to use spells in my classroom." She giggled annoyingly.

"We're not gonna use magic?" Ron said frustrated.

"You will be learning about about defensive skills in a secure risk-free way." She continued in her sickly voice.

"Well what use is that, if we get attacked it won't be risk free?" Harry said, clearly annoyed by the Professor.

"Students will read their hands when they speak in my class." She turned around grinning.

"It is the view of the ministry that theoretical magic will be sufficient to get you through your examinations, which after all is what school is all about." She smiled again, gripping her wand in both hands.

"How is that going to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry asked infuriated.

"There is nothing out there, dear. Who'd you imagine would want to attack children like yourselves." She lied.

"Oh, I don't know maybe Lord Voldemort." Harry said sarcastically. Gasp's went around the room at the mention of his name. I was thoroughly enjoying the argument.

"Now let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at once again. This is a lie." She said slowly.

"It's not a lie, I saw him, I fought him!" Harry shouted. Hermione looked at me worriedly, probably expecting me to interfere. I shrugged back, I liked angry Harry, he was good at arguing.

"Detention Mr Potter!" Umbridge shouted walking back towards the front of the class. I sighed expecting the argument to be over but Harry kept going.

"So according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead due to his own accord." Harry sassed.

"Cedric Diggory's death, was a tragic accident." The Professor fought back, trying her best to keep up her sweet demeanor, I could tell Harry was wearing her down.

"He was murdered!" Harry shouted back.

"Enough!" She screeched, stamping her foot on the ground. I laughed at her small tantrum, Hermione gave me a look as if to tell me to act serious.

"Enough, see me later Mr Potter, my office." She collected herself, adding a high pitched laugh at the end.


"She was absolutely horrible!" Hermione grumbled as we walked to lunch.

"Also no magic, in a magic school? It's outrageous!" She said loudly, her pace was quickening and soon she was just walking infront of us.

"We'll be hearing about this for the next week." Ron sighed, leaning his arm on my shoulder like I was an arm rest.

"Sirius told me to keep you safe, did you know that?" I asked Harry quietly. He shook his head in response.

"I think you'll be doing just fine, that's one of the best arguments I've seen in a long time. If you put the reasons for it behind." I smiled at him, he nodded back putting on a smile but he was thinking of something else.

"Is that why you were laughing?" Hermione asked, I hadn't noticed she was listening.

"You were laughing?" Ron asked, shocked.

"Yes, it was funny. Little Harry all grown up. Plus that bitch deserved to be put in her place." I shrugged.

"Actually mental, you are." Ron shook his head as we walked into the hall for lunch.

"Have you had Umbridge yet?" Lee asked as we all sat down. I nodded in response, sighing.

"Gave Harry detention." I told him.he opened his eyes wide but said nothing.

"Detention! Before us?" The twins exclaimed proudly. Harry nodded and turned away to talk to Ron and Hermione.

"So, we were thinking." George said staring between Lee and I.

"Which never goes well." Fred continued.

"Y/n, will you help us prank someone?" George asked.

"Why are you asking me?" I frowned at the twins, they'd never let me in on a prank before.

"Well you try all our products and you're pretty evil, so it all makes sense." Fred nodded encouragingly. I thought for a moment looking at my friends, they won't miss me.

"Fine, I'm in." I agreed.

"You don't even know what they're doing yet!" Lee muttered, prodding me in the ribs.

"Well, Lee, we recently invented a little thing called a portable swamp." Fred began.

"You just drop this little marble on the ground and-" George continued.

"Pop!" They said together.

"You have yourself a small swamp." Fred grinned. I smirked at them, most people thought they were academically failing, the truth is they're actually smarter than most.

"Who do you plan on 'swamping' then?" Lee asked, a devious smile growing on his face.

"That's where we need your help. Who are we 'swamping'?" They grinned at us. I thought for a moment before resting my chin in my hands and smiling.



So this is probably the second or third to last chapter today, idk what your time zone is but it's like nine rn. Also this is the most I've written in one day. Drink some water, stay safe.

Until the next authors note

A x

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