going to disappear

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The summer past quickly, I warmed up to Malcom and deemed him suitable for my mum.

"All ready?" Malcom asked handing me my suitcase.
"Yes, that should be fine." My mum replied for me.
"Well, enjoy Hogwarts." Malcom said with a kind smile.
"I will." I nodded, before being apperated into the head quarters of the order of the phoenix.

"Ahh, there they are!" Molly said, happily running to take me and my mum into a hug.
"Now Lillian, go to the kitchen and I'll introduce you to everyone. Y/n, head upstairs and you'll find at least one of them shortly." She told my mum and I, cupping our faces in the palm of her hands.
"Thanks, Molly." I smiled heading up the stairs.

I opened the first door I came to hearing voices from inside.
"Did you miss me?"  I asked, making eye contact with Ginny and Hermione. They both ran towards me, smiles on their faces.
"Ron hasn't shut up about you, it's a bit weird." Ginny told me, rolling her eyes.
"It's sweet." Hermione scolded her.
"Speaking of, where would I find him?" I asked hopefully.
"Two doors down." Hermione smiled pointing down the hall.

I knocked gently.
"Who is it?" I heard a voice call.
"Guess!" I called back I heard shuffled footsteps from within, before the door swung open and I was greeted by a smiling face. He pulled me in for a hug, picking me up from the ground, he had grown over the summer.
"Listen, I know you missed me but your cutting off circulation and I think that it might benefit you more if you keep me alive." I said, my voice muffled by his shoulder.

I felt the ground beneath my feet, as I was set on the ground.
"Finally, a haircut!" I smiled, brushing his shorter hair off his face. He looked at me still smiling.
"What?" I asked him.
"You're here. I'm happy." He shrugged.
"That was quite possibly the most disgustingly cheesy thing I've ever heard you say. I can't tell if I'm repulsed or intrigued." I giggled.
"Definitely intrigued." He said as his hands wrapped around my waist.

"We knew it was you!" I heard two identical voices say.
"Boy have we got some products for you to test!" Fred said.
"Also, magic. We can use it in the house!" George added.
"I'm proud of you both." I nodded sarcastically.

"Dinner!" Molly shouted. We headed down stairs, my mum was standing at the bottom.
"I'm heading off now." She told me, nodding towards Ron.
"Write to me." I smiled, as she kissed me on the cheek.
"Will do." She smiled back.
"Look after her." She nodded to Ron as she apperated away with a pop.
"As if you need looking after?" Ron laughed walking into the kitchen.

Ron's pov

"This is y/n." Mum introduced her. I tried to keep my head down as I took my seat but Tonks caught my glance and made my cheeks go red.

"The famous y/n. Nice to meet you at last. I'm Tonks" Tonks said, a cheerful grin on her face.
"Famous?" She asked, a smirk on her face.
"Beating up a Malfoy, Quidditch whizz, stone cold bitch." Tonks replied, looking up the table to make sure mum wasn't listening.
"That's me." She laughed a little.
"She's not that bitchy, actually. One time, I saw her smile." Fred gave a fake impressed nod.
"I think I like you, you've got character." Tonks nodded, ignoring Fred.

Sirius walked into the room, rubbing his hands together.
"Y/n, finally. Someone sane." He laughed, before receiving a light smack from Mum.
"Be nice." She told him, sternly.

"So, y/n. Your mother, Lillian. She seeing anyone?" Sirius asked, a scheming grin on his face.
"Sorry, but yes." Y/n laughed.
"Oh yeah, what's he like?" I asked, forgetting about Malcom.
"He's fine. A bit too sunshine and rainbows but I'd rather that than Sirius." She joked.

I watched her carry on her conversations with everyone at the table. Her eyes bright, her smile gleaming. I can't help but think how lucky I was. I also can't help thinking how much she would hate it off I told her all this.

"She's not going to disappear." Remus mumbled in my ear.
"Sorry?" I asked, confused.
"You're watching her, like she's about to disappear at any moment." He said with a grin. My cheeks burned red, but I ignored him and took my gaze from y/n and looked up the table at Ginny, who was using a spoon as a small catapult, to fire her peas with. She was aiming them in George's mouth.

"I like Ginny, she reminds me of young Sirius." Remus said with a little smirk toward Sirius.
"Oh yeah, I think I like Ginny too then." Sirius laughed. I looked back to y/n who was now pushing peas around her plate. She glanced up and her face broke into a smile.
"Then again, if she looks back at you like that, I don't blame you." Remus mumbled. I felt my face go red again as Remus chuckled beside me.

Y/n's pov

"Right, you lot are useless so go upstairs!" Molly said, pushing us all of the kitchen.
"I have a new wizard chess set." Ron told me sounding hopeful.
"I can't play but show me." I smiled following him up the stairs.

We sat for an hour, Ron trying desperately to teach me how to play.
"So I can move the bishop sideways?" I asked doubtfully.
"Diag- were you listening?" He laughed.
"I was, I promise. I just didn't retain it." I replied.
"Move your bishop diagonally." He sighed, humoured. I pointed at the horse shaped piece, silently asking if it was the bishop.
"That's a knight." He sighed.
"That's a horse actually. I don't think wizard chess is my thing." I said resting my head on Ron's chest.
"No, it isn't." He agreed.
"But if you brought out a twister mat, you would see a whole knew me." I giggled.
"Twister?" Ron asked, confused.
"I'll tell you later." I said, kissing him.

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