House Party.

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Akali walks into school and gives Midoriya a random hug with a big smile on her face. "Hey Izoo."

Ochaco smiles and compliments how close they are, but pauses half comment when Izuku is glaring at Akali because she agreed to go with Mineta to Mount Ladies agency when she got better offers.

Akali whimpers and Izuku groans giving her a hug. "Fine, I won't say anything about your decision anymore."

She crosses her arms and storms off and Izuku sighs in defeat. "Uhh, Izuku is she okay?"

"If it's not Kachan it's something else I don't think she is, but she'll tell me about it we're close like that."

Akali just up and buries her face in Mina's chest while she's talking to Hagakure about hanging out after school. Mina gives Akali a hug and Hagakure suggests a sleep over at Akali's place since she mentioned she lives pretty close by and Amaya is always working sp she's always home alone in a big house.

"Let's throw a party you guys." Mina exclaims loudly and everyone turns their heads facing their direction.

"Uhh, I'll call Amaya first and ask her."

Mina takes her phone and dials Amaya's number shoving it in Akali s face and she groans when Amaya picks up. "What's up?" Amaya answers and Akali stammers her request and waits for Amaya's response.

"Sure, need anything? I'll have Sui bring everything in and make the necessary arrangements. How many people will be there?"

"Uhh, just a few it's not a big party."

"Uh huh, that's what they all say." Amaya hangs up and Mina getsnwild running around inviting her classmates, but she's too loud and too excited it's hard to tell if she's inviting them specifically or inviting everyone over."

Bakugou hears about the party and texts Kazan to find out what she knows, but it's news to her.

After school Aizawa cocks a brow when all the students are talking about a party at Akali's place, it's the first time he's heard that the other years and courses are agreeing on a party going to the same place.

Usually there's one course or year that talks everyone out of it. "W. Where are all these people going? It was supposed to be just us and the few people you invited."

"I don't know what happened." Mina  exclaims shocked like nobodies business. Akali sighs and goes home and finds Kazan already playing host of the year entertaining everybody.

Akali disappears to her room and locks the door getting in the shower before walking into her closet and grabbing a jean and hoodie.

A warp gate opens and Shigaraki's walks through. They stare at each other blankly and Shigaraki's looks away while Akali isn't bothered getting dressed.

"Did you find anything?"

"Yeah, I found her, but where I found her you can't go so I'll try and find her and see what I can do."

Akali wears the Jersey and Shigaraki cocks a brow when the music gets louder and he hears more people.

"What's going on?"

"A house party, but I'm sure it'll get boring pretty soon," She puts back her jersey and picks a boob tube and wears secret socks with sneakers. "I'm ready to go."

Shigaraki cocks a brow and sighs, "I said stop obsessing about this, you can't throw a party and leave it."

"I didn't throw it, it's just happening at my house. Let's go." She stares at her jersey and decides to take it just in case they come back late and she gets cold.

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