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Akali stares into Shigaraki's eyes and activates her quirk. "Tomura what's going on? You're acting weird. Did your master say something about us?"

Shigaraki is surprised she noticed and nods, "Don't say anything just go and we'll talk."

Akali nods and walks away going straight to bed, Shigaraki wakes her up early morning and she groans when opening her eyes. "Tomura?"

He nods and waits for her to get ready before they walk together taking public transport. Akali is surprised he is calm about traveling out in public.

The bus stops and Akali follows him off. "Stay behind me and do as I say got it?" She nods and he slowly approaches a door that leads to a warehouse.

Akali is hidden behind Shigaraki so the group think he came alone. "Who are you, what do you want?"

Akali is surprised by the way the people are acting she thought this was an arranged meeting.

"He brought a new girl for us, looks good too." A voice from above states and a tall male jumps down from the ceiling logs and stands behind Akali. Shigaraki glares at the guy giving him a warning look to stay back.

"Or not, why exactly are you here?"

Amali recognises Shigaraki instantly and walks forward peeking through Akali's hood to see her face. She looks into her daughters eyes and she's left breathless.

"They're here to see me, we'll be right back."

Akali stays close to Shigaraki as they follow behind her Mother until they reach a safe spot where Amali knows no one will hear them. "What the hell are you doing here? If I wanted to know you I would've made an effort to see you, now leave before they mistaken you for one of our products."

"Products? You traffic children?"

"You're not as dense as I thought you were, I'll give you props for that now leave we're making a big move today and you being here will only cause chaos and confusion especially since Stix decided you were good quality you'll make the list."

Shigaraki looks at Akali and she shakes her head and holds on to his pinky and index finger waiting for him to make the call for when they leave.

"Nice act, now give your daughter a nice welcome and for the last 10 minutes you have with her make an impression that isn't so fake."

Amali looks at Shigaraki shocked, but she plays along because it's clear from the look in his eyes if she upsets Akali he will kill her and that's the look Akali cannot see.

Bakugou wakes up and showers finding Kazan in the Kitchen making breakfast. "Katsuki I'm sorry for the way I acted last night, I'm sorry I put up a big front but deep down I'm just scared that Akali's better than me and we both know she has that soft vulnerable side and the patience that you need and I don't have that."

She looks at the food and he gives her a hug and pecks her cheek. "No matter what last night I would've chosen you, I just want you to start thinking about how your actions affect my image and that gentle side you speak off you have it too babe."

He tilts her chin up and kisses her, "We will spend today in doors together and we can talk a bit more alright."

They eat breakfast before spending the day in doors. Akali smiles waving at her mother as they leave. They turn the corner and Kurogiri is waiting for them.

"What are you doing here Kurogiri?"

Kurogiri hangs his head and apologises for not having his back when Tomura's master was questioning his intentions for Akali. It's almost like he wants to push Tomura to  pursue a romantic relationship with Akali.

He's acting against it knowing that Tomura will do the opposite just to piss him off and if that's what his master wants that's exactly what he won't do, he has never seen Akali in that way and he won't.

"Tomura, thank you."

"Stay away from her she's bad news even for me."

Akali smiles and he narrows his eyes, "what?"

Akali turns to Kurogiri and smiles at him too, "He's secretly a hero." She whispers to Kurogiri and he lightly smiles back looking at Tomura who is casually walking ahead of them.

"Check the coast and drop her off."


Kurogiri warps away and Shigaraki turns to Akali and as expected she jumps him with a hug. "Hey, let go."

"Thank you Tomura it means a lot."

"Sure. Whatever."

Akali and Bakugou leave for school at the same time ready for their internships and hoping to do actual hero work.

"Izoo, Morning." Akali ditches Bakugou and chats with Midoriya before going their separate ways and Akali walks into edgeshots agency.

She mostly did paper work on the first day and simple rescues  and attending Kids birthday parties.

After the internship it's back to school and the first thing she finds when getting home is Kazan who's about to go to Bakugou's house.

"Hey, saw you at the mayors function on TV you looked like you were having fun." Akali nods and rushes to her room.

"Kali." She stops before closing her door her head slowly poking out. "Mhmm?" She hums in response and Kazan sighs, "I'm sorry for the way I acted, I'm sorry I haven't been a good friend to you at all."

"It's cool." Kazan looks sad when Akali closes her door and showers going straight to bed. Everyone was talking about Midoriya and the hero killer at school today and she's surprised Kazan is here instead of at school.

Bakugou turns over and looks surprised to see Kazan sneaking in. "Hey, shouldn't you be at school?"

"Nope, Shiketsu has it's own special holidays and I thought I'd spend the night. You don't mind do you?"

Bakugou smiles and shakes his head, "I couldn't sleep anyway so I'm hoping you being here helps me sleep." Kazan cuddles up to him pecking his neck and sighing.

"What's wrong?"

"Deku, what else could it be? That damned nerd fought with the hero killer and the damn villain called him a worthy hero. What the fuck is up with that? All everyone would talk about is him and the half and half bastard."

Bakugou sits up and Kazan listens to him vent. "Babe don't worry about it, it still doesn't change what you have to do you'll be number one and everyone who's a hero or a villain will  know who you are."

Bakugou groans and she chuckles he glares at her and Kazan snorts pecking his lips, "You'll be number one Babe and I'll be there to watch it all happen no need to worry about others, focus on you and let your actions do the talking."

"I know I'm the best I just hated seeing him level up while I was stuck doing nothing at that stupid internship not to mention he copied my moves. Tch it pisses me off."

"You're so hot when you're mad."

Bakugou smirks and kisses her again. "I think my minds cleared up now, you don't mind if I fall asleep do you?"

"Not at all. Goodnight Katsuki."

"Night babe."

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