Baby Sitter

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Dabi pecks her goodbye as she gets back to the mall.

A man carrying large groceries is standing outside. She stands beside the man and kindly keeps him company while he waits for his ride.

She notices the Yakuza pin, "Oh, a Yakuza pin. Been a while since I've seen one of those."

A tall male behind her buds into the conversation, "What do you know about the Yakuza?" He's wearing a bird mask.

Akali smiles taking off her jacket to show off her tattoo, "My family used to be a Yakuza family, when heroes became common and started running the business down they became a martial arts studio."

The male quotes the lines on her back without looking, "Used to be a pretty big name. Heard they disbanded."

Akali snorts, "Cute lie, they got slaughtered. Only two members of the family are left. My mother and her sister."

The male raises a brow, "Aren't you a part of that family?"

Akali frowns, "I want nothing to do with them." She looks at the old man and takes his hand healing him accidentally when she touches him. "

"My apologies I'm still not used to my own quirk, I didn't hurt you did I?"

The man shakes his head laughing, he feels healthier then ever. He suddenly passes out and Akali rushes him into the car.

"I'm so sorry. This happens to some people after I heal them." She forms a cloud and rests it on his forehead.

They drive to a house in a neighborhood that's really quiet. Some of her classmates are patrolling this area.

She carries the old man out gently on a cloud. Taking her time getting inside the house.

She lays him on a really comfy couch and takes her phone out to call for help but her phone is snatched out of her hands.

"You said you are a healer, heal him. Clearly your quirk is trying to tell you there's something wrong with him."

Akali gulps, "I don't know what I'm doing. What if I make things worse?"

"This isn't about you, it's about him. What if he dies right before your very eyes."

Akali's breath hitches. She takes his hand, this whole time she's been missing her old quirk. She can't get it back. She has to get over it and embrace this new one.

The old man finally relaxes his face muscles once Akali passes out. A group of student heroes are grouped outside the compound.

One of the guards comes asking for Akali, "The other kids say she's here."

The man picks her up and walks to the gate. He hands her over, "Your classmate was a great help. Healed my father who was at deaths door, unfortunately she passed out herself."

Kirishima smiles, "Thanks for watching her for us, she's a real trouble magnet this one." He picks her up and freezes in his tracks.

"What?" His classmates ask.

"Her quirk is still active, it works even when she's unconscious." He carries her to the bus stop where the bus is waiting for them.

Aizawa sighs finding her unconscious, "What happened?"

"She saved an old man's life. Pretty cool right?"

Aizawa sighs in relief there was no villain attack. He was anxious the whole time sending her out on her own. The league could pop up anywhere.


The man with bird mask takes it off and looks at the old man as he finally wakes up from his long sleep.

"How are you feeling?" He asks getting up to grab him a cup of cold water.

The old man stands up. He usually feels light headed when he does. He never told his son but today he feels great, "I feel great. I don't feel light headed at all."

He walks to his grand daughters room. She's feverish again, "There's a chance they will be back tomorrow. When you see the girl call her to come heal her." The old man suggests.

The male scowls, "Why would I want heroes to know I have a daughter?"

"First of all, those are not heroes but hero students. They are still naive, swear them to secrecy for fear of your daughter and they won't talk." The old man gives him a stern look.

The male sighs, "Fine. If, I see her tomorrow."


Akali's team splits up again but this time she's the only one that has a chaperone.

"Mr Aizawa do I really need a baby sitter?" She asks, he's not being very discrete that he's keeping an eye on her specifically.

"No, you just attract trouble." He says walking around the mall and Akali tells him all she did yesterday helping out here and there.

She walks past a little boy struggling to use his quirk. She squats down taking his hand, "There, your skin was getting in the way of your quirk working properly. Eat more iron, you need that for your body to get strong enough to accommodate your quirk."

Aizawa notices the boys quirk is much stronger, either she can heal the body, or improve quirks, or do both.

Strange choice of a quirk, why would they give her a quirk that can improve quirks, who's quirk do they want her to improve.

It's obvious they will come after her to use the quirk they stored inside of her. The reason and the who is different.

The drawing of All for One is proof enough he needs it, but can her quirk be that powerful?

It's obvious there was some enhancing done to her body. She mentioned being plugged up to tubes, her quirk could be capable of both.

She smiles pulling Aizawa to meet the old man she healed yesterday. They have a chat and the old man is with a young girl with a fever.

Akali pats her head and a jolt of electricity passes through her body striking the child unconscious. She heals her on the spot.

"There, good as new. Quirk fever is a real bitch. I had it when my quirk was still new, hers is rewind." Akali crosses her eyes confused.

She can see everyone's quirks written above their heads. It's strengths and weaknesses.

She passes out again. Aizawa picks her up, "This is why you need a baby sitter."

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