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Katsuki sighs looking at the first years throwing a fit instead of listening to them, "Shut up!! What the hell do you think your freaking out changes!! We're all in the same boat! All of us!" He crosses his arms, "We are not about to act like a bunch of kids, you're heroes. We know this is a deadly occupation, are you going to change your mind today because it's high stakes? And when did this ever become easier? If you're not fit to get your head in the game, we'll exclude you and do this alone, so are you going to shut up and listen? Or we lock you up in school and you wait here doing nothing?!"

He is so annoyed with his classmates babying them. What is that going to accomplish? "The heroes are already investigating your parents. When they were infected. In the meantime we need to focus on other things. There's more to this than what you see and hear. Investigation work is not only for the police. Use your damn heads. The virus is not a bad guy we can just slap around, it's real, but we can't see or hear it. The fear of the unknown is one hell of a weakness. We need to think."

He looks at everyone settling down, "Good. The heroes are covering everything and acting as fast as they can. How can we help without getting in the way? And what do you know that the heroes don't know? What exactly can you accomplish with reckless enthusiasm? If you can answer my questions, whatever action plan you have. I am game. I will back you up, but if you can't. We have to trust that our teachers and heroes all over the country are working their asses off to save our lives."

A first year raises his hand, "Uhm. Kai last saw his mother in hospital 2 months ago. If this is really passed on from our parents, do the heroes know when the infections started passing down from our parents to us?"

Bakugou looks at Mr Aizawa who stands in front of the students.

Mr Aizawa is proud the third years are not acting recklessly, it's sort of their specialty, "This is a war of information, and we don't know, but, we investigated the places where the villains made the virus. It was administered differently to each of them, meaning it's different viruses. We also have to find out which virus went to which prefecture. Most parents it was administered as a mandatory vaccine at work.

"The ones in hospitals, or who have hospital visits were also infected than. This is most definitely a scheme that was planned a year ago, meaning, that all first years are not in the danger zone, and if it is the villains motive to choose this style of killing where they wipe out one student in every school. Second and third years are the ones in the most danger. Your first year classmate may be the only one infected." The first years need to calm down.

Katsuki looks at the first years calming down. His method is a bit unfair, it did the trick reassuring the first years, but now the second years are looking antsy.

"Heroes have handled many situations and are used to fighting the clock. Your sports festival prepared you for this. You each had to fight against the clock, but had no idea what time it is. UA has trained you for this. Use what you have learned, the villains are stopping you from being educated heroes, we are stopping you from being reckless heroes. If you have a plan, let's hear it."

Monika raises his hand, "To get out of the maize, instead of focusing on the exit I chose to find someone who had the power to deal with the moles and raise an army to find the exit. Who do we have that can do that?"

"We don't have one person. We have all the heroes working on this." Aizawa explains.

"But Mr Aizawa, in order for this plan to work, don't you think heroes have to be involved? Are we really going to give the villains that much credit?"

Mr Aizawa sighs, "So, you think the only way villains can beat heroes is if they're working with heroes? Than you're already going to lose lives. Heroes are smart and some of them geniuses. So are villains. Heroes work together and have a large network and connections even internationally, so do villains. Anything heroes can do, villains can do too. If you don't consider every possibility you've already lost the fight.

"Yes, heroes could be involved. Equally. Villains could be working alone. This could be a small group of people who have been planning this for years, who have been patient and while we had our attention elsewhere they were plotting, scheming and planning. Never underestimate villains, it doesn't always take an army to take down a nation.

"Countless society's fell and what brought it down was never anything big. Think about what happens if it stops raining. Think about what happens when it floods. Think about what happens when there's wild fires. Sometimes the little things are what bring down a nation, why do you think attacking children has made the entire country uneasy? It's not even about the method of attack for us adults, it's about the target.

"The best way to destroy a king is to do it while he is still a child. In this case. Destroying the next generation of heroes before they have matured is a blow to the future of this country that we need to handle with caution. Solving this problem is important, but what is equally important, is how we solve it. Have any of you even considered if your parents will still let you continue down this path once the problem is solved?

"Even if we win the battle, have you thought about the bigger picture? Considered what exactly is happening here? This attack is not just villains attacking students, it's a war tearing at the very fabric of our country's order. How many students will enroll in the hero course after this? How many more heroes will attack hero course students rather than attack heroes head on?

"If you have not matured enough to think and assess a situation that deeply you have not matured enough as a hero. This is unlike your typical villain hostage situation. We broadcast information to calm the public and make them think this situation is smaller than it really is, but in truth, if we don't handle this correctly, it will unravel into a giant we cannot bring down. So start thinking and once you understand what is going on,  you'll understand what we are doing. I leave you with that. You can do whatever you like just as long as you don't leave the campus. That is all." He turns around leaving the students to think about everything happening.

The third years tell everyone to go to their home room and stay there. They can run around during lunch.

Mr Aizawa walks to the staff room and looks at the other faculty members.

Midnight sighs, "This is still not enough to ease their minds."

Mr Aizawa smiles.

"Do you disagree Aizawa? You're smiling there." Midnight tilts her head to the side.

"I'm just proud of my third years. They handle the situation very calmly and managed the under classmen rather than going out to go look for trouble, as typical of them. I really don't feel that worried here. I think we did enough. The students don't have anything to worry about."

Principal Nezu nods, "Yes. The students will be calm, even if for a while, it is more than enough time. I want classes to resume tomorrow."

"But the announcement was that classes are cancelled."

"Yes, but how would they know? If they have a way of knowing classes continued, we have a way of knowing if any member in the UA faculty or student body is working with the enemy. That's dangerous, but the knowledge is important. Resume classes."

The teachers agree.

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