"Yeah, I love her."

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Akali shakes her head, "Of course not, why would you even think that?"

Dabi kisses her passionately and deeply, "Well, you make a great mother, and besides, I promised you I would put my baby inside you."

Akali looks him in the eyes, "Whatever."

She's now upset. Dabi notices and follows her to the kitchen where she's cleaning up the table.

"What's up? Why are you so mad?"

"I don't want to be a mother, not now, or ever. So never bring that up again, okay?"

Dabi nods, he won't, but this doesn't change anything. When the time is right, they will have a family together.

She cleans the entire house room by room.

She opens Eri's bedroom door to clean it up while she sleeps to find her dad watching her.

Akali walks into the room and stands besides him, "She's so beautiful. I can tell she gets it from her mother." She cheekily comments looking at the male with a slight grin on her face.

He chuckles and looks at the cleaning tools, "What's that all about?"

Akali clears her throat, "I couldn't sleep, so I kept myself busy by cleaning up the place. It's so big, but looks so small."

She kicks him out of the room cleaning it up.

He walks around and notices his furniture was moved around. It looks more spacious yet more colourful at the same time.

He walks into this bedroom. She did the same thing with his room. The bathroom is spotless.

How did she thoroughly clean this place so fast.

He returns to Eri's room and she's using her quirk to move the brushes. She's even cleaning the cieling.

When she's done cleaning the entire house she falls asleep and wakes up in the morning taking a long bath with Eri. She goes out patrolling in her casual clothing.

Her classmates will be here soon.

Aizawa is glad he sent Akali in. She has photogenic memory that will come in handy.


When its time to go home after the day of long hours as local heroes in the area.

Aizawa waits for the students at the bus station.

The next morning Akali brings in a detailed file of what is in the house. What it looks like and even has detailed drawings and schematics.

Aizawa compares that with the floor plans of the house. They don't match, meaning one thing, "There are secret rooms in the house."

He submits the information they have to the police. He has no idea why they are under investigation, but Akali's Yakuza background was enough to gain their trust.

She was sent to be on the look out for this particular family. Their exercise ends tomorrow, it will be the last day to gather information.

Sneaking into those secret rooms should do.


Akali gives Eri a bracelet as a gift. They get in the house and play hide and seek. Akali is really good because she cheats.

Eri ends up disappearing and Akali can't seem to find her she uses her watch and finds herself standing right in front of the wall Eri is supposedly behind.

She looks all over the house for Eri so to not look suspicious.

Eri appears again outside.

Akali throws a fit. They had one rule for the game, don't go outside. And she's outside.

Chisaki chuckles listening to Akali throw a fit. She's quite the sore loser he thinks.

She walks into the room and sits down getting ready to say goodbye.

Kai Chisaki, Eri's father listens as Akali promises to come by as often as she can. She promises her to come by every Sunday.

Eri smiles yawning.

They take a long bath and have supper together. When Eri is finally asleep after pretending 3 times Akali stands up leaving.

Chisaki is at the door guarding the entrance, "Exactly how truthful was that promise of yours? You promised to visit, will you actually do it? I can't have another woman breaking her heart."

Akali smiles, "Of course I will. Heck, I plan to sneak her in and she sleeps over at my place."

Chisaki scowls, "You want my daughter to be around heroes?"

Akali's face drops, "No, I wanted her to be around me. We enjoy each others company, is that a problem for you?"

He shakes his head, "Not directly, no?" He steps out of the way as Akali leaves.

It's literally 8PM how does she plan on going home?

She rides a cloud and speeds off, she could've done so yesterday, did she stay for Eri, or something else?


Bakugou frowns, now all his friends have girlfriends and he's single. Kaminari and Jirou. Kirishima and Mina.

Mineta and the girl from the other day are still getting to know each other, but the guy is head over heels.

The one he wants he can't have. He has to seriously up his game to win her back.

He'll have to earn her. There's no shortcuts to her heart. He makes a call and makes arrangements.

"You'll be mine Akali." He says after hanging.

Dabi is smiling with a cheesy grin on his face. Everyone walks into the room and can notice the gloomy cloud that was following him around is gone.

"Wow, you must really love this girl Dabi, you're so different after seeing her." Spinner says.

Dabi smiles, "Yeah, I love her."

Girlfriend || Katsuki Bakugou X OCWhere stories live. Discover now