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The class snorts and Mr Hiragana just sighs looking like he just said ‘I don’t get paid enough for this’ Bakugou turns around and looks at her hanging her jacket behind her chair. 

“oi, heard you cried like a baby last weekend” Kali laughs at Izuku and he just groans. She’s seriously a waste of tears sometimes he thinks to himself. Part of him is glad she’s acting like normal.

“why are you in my class?” 

“isn’t it obvious? My class sucks plus most of the people in my class were here in the morning and now they’re gone, Kaneko’s whole click was here now their gone, except for Misumi she had an excuse to leave. Uhm. Oh yeah Iwaizumi and Karasu too”

“oh, I don’t know who was here in our class”

“I was on the same bus with Toya he’s in my class, Kenji is with his girlfriend next door too I don’t know other students in your class but the big eared kid I saw in D class. I don’t think your class has any rotten apples like the B and E class”

Bakugou notices and watches from the corner of his eyes, Neon is usually shy and only talks to Midoriya, literally.

She took him by surprise a while back when she cornered him and beat him and his friends up. he’s still pissed off but for some reason he doesn’t hate her as much anymore. 

She’s not as timid as she looks and she’s not shy either, he’s starting to see her in a whole new different light.

She’s a lot tough tougher than she looks and very talkative when she’s with her friend. He still hates that she’s friends with Midoriya of all people. 

Neon uses her quirk and makes a snakes and ladders board with fake coins to make things interesting, Midoriya puts his game face on and neon giggles. He looks ridiculous. 

Midoriya wins for the third time in a row and neon groans and glares.

“this game sucks after lunch it’s your turn to pick a game” neon goes to her class and gets her backpack and walks into the cafeteria. She’s not sure what she wants but she’s hungry. 

“wipe that stupid look on your face you know you’re going to get a salad” she turns around and flicks Bakugou on the forehead.

“I was hoping for something different today” 

He looks her over and she narrows her eyes, “quit staring you’re embarrassing me” she looks away from him and he looks in the other direction he didn’t mean to stare.

“get some rice or noodles, you don’t eat meat right?”

“yeah, I get a really bad rash, it’s actually why I couldn’t come to school for a week I hate it, and meat is so nice” her mouth waters and he rolls his eyes. She notices and flicks his forehead.

“you don’t know the pain of being told you can’t do something and you really want to do it” 

She gets her usual meal and finds Midoriya. “saw you talking to Kachan, I noticed he wasn’t yelling at you”

“he never yells at me” Midoriya’s face is frozen in horror, Bakugou is always yelling at the two of them, if she thinks he wasn’t yelling what the hell does she think he was doing.

“he’s really cute when he isn’t angry though, I hate that he’s the enemy he’s totally my type” 

Midoriya again looks ready to keel over and die, he’s never heard of anyone that thinks Bakugou Is their type in fact his mind has never even thought of things like that. “you have a crush on Kachan?”

“no, I just think he’s cute. I don’t want a boyfriend. Besides he’s the enemy. Trying to take the number one spot from you”

Midoriya watches Neon glare daggers at the ash blonde he still can’t get over how serious she is about this whole him being number one thing. 

Bakugou notices and his mood just sours up. they were talking just fine a while ago and now she’s glaring at him and he doesn’t even know why. 

In class they sit and chat while Bakugou tries to figure out what the hell made her change and decide to glare at him that way.

“I have to go to my dad’s studio from now on, he’s been looking for an excuse to drag me there for a while and he finally has a reason, plus my dad thinks I’m too fragile I’ve never felt so insulted in my life” 

“he’s not wrong, you can barely carry your own backpack” 

“what?!” neon whisper shouts and puts Midoriya in a head lock. “I’m tough as steel izoo, chaa”

Bakugou watches her try to prove her point and it goes wrong resulting in her ignoring Midoriya and sulking with a face in her palms. 

She locks eyes with Bakugou who looks away, her eyes are alluring with a very unique water like colour.

He’s been staring all day and she caught him staring more than once.

Midoriya offers her an apology letter and she snorts. She’s a cheesy old school romantic like that. 

“I’m sorry?” it comes out more like a question because he’s still not sure why he should apologise for her hurting herself but then again he may have been a bit too honest but that’s something he learned from her. She’s honest to the point of coming off as rude.

“Bakugou, you got a thing for Kali or what? You can’t take your eyes off of her” Kenji asks and Bakugou glares.

“nah, he’s just not used to having a pretty girl in class” Kenji snorts and Bakugou watches as the girls in the class go on a frenzy Neon watches completely clueless as to what’s happening.

“she’s not even that pretty” someone says and Neon just stares blankly. “what? You’re crazy she’s a total babe” Kenji defends his friend and the two of them just have a back and forth with the girls in the class. 

Neon’s eyes widen, she’s not sure what the two boys are on about but she’s ruding for them, she’s a big fan of friends who stick together when things get tough even if it’s just them vs an angry hoard of evil witches from a land of riches that want to kill all the men. 

“you’re doing that thing where you start having an active imagination Neo”

Neon turns to Midoriya and explains her evil witches theory to Midoriya and makes out the two boys as the last men standing and they are fighting for their freedom and honour as well as protecting the foreign princess that is carrying the kings sons. 

Midoriya laughs listening to her crazy story go from crazy, to extra to what the fuck? to how the hell did that happen.

Midoriya falls out of his chair with his core aching and he still can’t stop laughing. “are you laughing at me? because I know there’s nothing funny about what I said” 

Midoriya tries to explain himself but he can’t stop himself from laughing.

Neon gets mad and gets up walking to take a seat behind Bakugou. She sulks and groans. Bakugou turns around and looks into her eyes he would never admit it but he really likes looking into her eyes. 

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