I hate you Katsuki Bakugou

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Shigaraki warps Kazan into the hideout after classes. She sits down waiting for Dabi, they haven't seen each other for a while now.

She turns to Toga, "Hey, how's Dabi doing? He hasn't been answering my calls."

Toga bites her bottom lip. She has no idea how she's going to tell her that he's in self isolation because his girlfriend is gone, "He's not feeling well, it has absolutely nothing to do with you, trust me."

Shigaraki starts planning the attack on the school trip and smiles when the rest of the league including Bakugou is here.

He gives them the files they asked for. "This is what I found." He glares at Shigaraki then turns to Dabi who looks like he's at deaths door.

Bakugou's heart squeezes out something he didn't know was inside, he can't actually believe that this so called villain claims to be in love with Akali, he's even fooling his friends.

Dabi notices Bakugou staring and rolls his eyes, "Zen, you're with me today. We're going out in pairs. Bakugou you can go home."

Bakugou growls at Dabi and walks past Kazan disgusted with her, he gets home and now he's even disgusted with Akali.

What in the world could she be thinking? Dabi is a hedious patchwork villain. He's a walking corpse, what's wrong with her?


Midoriya chokes on his drink when he walks into Akali's room and she's playing a guitar singing. He's never heard her sing before. Her dancing improved thanks to Mina.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asks expecting a sarcastic answer.

Akali shakes her head, "Everyone is brain storming what we'll do for the School Festival. I'm not really interested in that. Came here to be alone."

Midoriya smiles, "You write that song yourself?"

"Yeah, I think I should record a heartbreak album. I wrote plenty." She points to her mic and laptop at the corner.

Midoriya listens to one of the songs she recorded with Jirou at the beginning of the year, "Wow, you guys are really good together."

"Yeah, I wrote this next album with her as my partner in mind. We agreed to work on it too, they just keep coming though." She smiles weakly and Midoriya gives her a hug.

They both laugh hearing Bakugou yelling from the living room. The students get even rowdier.

Bakugou knocks on the door and Midoriya opens it. He grabs him by the collar and throws him out closing the door and locking it behind him, "I saw Dabi today."

Akali nods looking away, the tears are already threatening her.

"What do you see in him? He's a low life villain that probably treats you like shit."

Akali smiles, he doesn't at all. He treats her like Royalty. He knows how to provide, he gives her his undivided attention. She never has to guess what he's thinking. He is unapologetically himself at all times.

He's patient and kind, he can be a little jealous but he always uses that to build himself up and treat her better. He doesn't just boss her around, he supports her choices even when they don't agree.

He can put aside his own personal opinions and listen to her without prejudice. He is attentive and even gets gifts for her friends, the ones he likes.

Even Midoriya because he looks after her, though he doesn't like him he can still put aside his personal feelings and see people for who they really are.

He makes her happy. He may not say how he feels but his actions do the talking. He's a damn near perfect genius.

He opened up about his family and his father, if he had been raised in a different family he would not be a villain at all.

Akali stands up and slowly walks towards Bakugou, she stands right in front of him with a smile on her face.


Bakugou stares at Akali glaring him down with a dark look in her eyes. She looks him dead in the eyes using her quirk.

Katsuki finds himself back at the hideout. Akali gasps seeing Kazan there.

Bakugou smirks, "Your so called boyfriend is just another toxic cycle, he's got his eyes on Kazan too. I told you before. You're just a back up plan." A shadow Bakugou says.

Akali takes a step back away from Bakugou, "I am done with him. I want nothing to do with him just like I do with you. You want to judge me for it Bakugou have at it."

"Princess that's not it at all and you know it." He says crossing his arms, "That was just my jealousy talking. He loves you and you love him too."

Akali rolls her eyes, "Is that information supposed to mean something Bakugou? Why are you here?"

"I wanted to offer you a chance to see him, I have access in and out of here. Thought I should let you know that." He walks away glad he will have Akali to use to keep Dabi on a leash.

Akali snorts, she will never trust Katsuki Bakugou. No way is that happening. Broken Trust, is something he will never get back.

"I'd rather die Katsuki Bakugou." She says and Bakugou stops in his tracks after hearing that. He can't believe what he just heard.

"W.  What?" He turns around and Akali looks him in the eyes.

"I'd rather die then trust you again. You've changed, you've gotten too full of yourself. You act like you're the only one who's a real hero here. You've been treating everyone like shit ever since you got your new gig. They just pumped up your ego with more hot air, your head went further up your ass."

Bakugou smirks, "I am a real hero, you just can't notice that blinded by your love for a villain."

"Tch, you're the real villain in my story." She closes the door and locks it.

"I hate you Katsuki Bakugou, I really hate you." She says more to herself then anyone else.  

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