Phase 3

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Bakugou paces up and down his room on the phone with Kazan, "You better tell me where she so, or I will tell them you're with the league."

Kazan frowns, "She's at her house, Dabi took her there just now." She frowns, "You really messed up Bakugou."

He rolls his eyes leaving the school to go check her house. He walks in and Akali is barely breathing on the bed.

He calls for help and they rush her to the hospital. He waits outside for the doctor to tell them what's wrong.

He texts Kirishima so he tells the class where she is. After an hour they all arrive and the hospital staff looks confused.

The doctor comes out and addresses Mr Aizawa, he seems to be giving them a positive report. She's okay and will be well, but she's lost her quirk.

Everyone pauses at the same time, "What do you mean?" Bakugou asks.

"Her quirk was taken. She is now an ordinary human."

Midoriya objects, "No, I refuse to believe that. If her quirk can be taken, a new one can be given. This is not the end of the road for her." He tears up.

She was there for him when he was quirkless, held his hand every step of the way once he was here. It won't end like this for her.

The doctor walks away and Aizawa calms down the students. Bakugou is still in shock.

He can vivdly hear Kazan's last words to him echoing over and over again. He looks like his world just stopped spinning.

He runs past the doctors and teachers to her room. He takes her hand, "Princess tell me this is not true, he wouldn't just take your quirk like that, he's bluffing. Trust me. Okay. Just get up."

Akali's eyes open slowly, she turns to Bakugou looking him right in the eyes.

"What happened?"

She sits up wincing, she remembers floating in a body of water, everyday all she would see was Dabi staring right back at her through her window glass, or whatever.

It was clear though.

The Doctor tells her about her quirk, she remembers coming in contact with All for One. A doctor, and a one on one with Shigaraki.

The entire time she was in the tube. He was talking but she heard nothing, water is supposed to enhance the speed of sound, or at least make you hear clearly. She heard nothing.

"I'm afraid, your journey as a hero ends here."

She jumps out of the bed looking through her things, Dabi must have left her a note, Bakugou is right. If he took her quirk, he can give it back.

All Might walks into the room after hearing what happened.

Akali frowns, "I was in a lab, plugged up to tubes ..."

She starts blurting out what she remembers when the shock kicks in.

The doctors hold her down and knock her out. She goes to sleep. Everyone is sent home.

The whole class stares at Bakugou sitting at the table unable to even put himself together.

He isn't eating. He's frozen in shock. He's been reassuring himself this is all a bluff. He can't seem to keep up that spirit.


Dabi smirks.

All for One laughs, "Her new quirk will activate when you arrive at the island. That will keep them distracted."

Shigaraki turns to Dabi, "Well done using this to our advantage. Realising that he destroyed her dream will have Bakugou crawling back to us before the school trip. We can trick him into doing some of our dirty work for us."

"Doubtful. The trip will probably be cancelled. We'll have to lay low for the rest of the year. Let's continue messing with them in their second year. We need to humble that kid Bakugou some more."

All for One agrees giving the league a new target. Kazan walks into the room and they give her and Mustard their own assignments.

"We'll resume this war with UA after making their heads spin. We'll see them in their second year."

"Her new quirk won't activate until then, is that what you want?" Toga asks.

Dabi nods, "Yeah, Akali trusts me, and we'll use that to our advantage for now."

Kazan nods leaving. Dabi smirks. He can't wait for Bakugou to finally realise what the hell he's done.

"Think she'll like the new quirk?" Spinner asks sharpening his blades.

Dabi shrugs his shoulders, "I need it. I told her I'd find a way to make her useful to me. Come hell or high water, I won't kill her."

Shigaraki crosses his arms, "What's with the second quirk? Are you putting her back on the hero lines?"

"Yes, we need a reason to keep Kazan pursuing her hero career. Having a hero as our look out will help. They'll need our help to make them look good. We need the top level access, that's what you said Shigaraki, remember?"

Shigaraki nods, "Can't believe this all started with a single girl. Soon, we'll be in the centre of the hero system. Destroying it from the inside."

"Well done Tomura, you are improving quite well." All for One compliments. 'Very well indeed.'

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