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Bakugou sits down on his bed when he gets to his room. He picks up the phone after Kazan calls for the millionth time.

"What?" He asks gritting his teeth. He is beyond disgusted with Kazan, but he can't show her that. She will be suspicious when he's angry with her for doing what he's doing.

"I wanted to know why you're with league?" Kazan asks suspecting him of being a spy.

"None of your damn business." He hangs up turning over closing his eyes until Kaminari knocks on his door.

Toga fills Kazan in about Shigaraki blackmailing Bakugou with footage of him at the fighting rink, "He will get expelled if they find out."

Kazan frowns, "Why would he do that?" She really hates Shigaraki.

Toga senses the hostility and looks her in the eyes, "Are you perhaps unhappy with Shigaraki because he has history with Akali? If you must know, it was never romantic, they were like brother and sister." She clears up the confusion for Kazan.

"I still don't like him."

"He's a villain doing what villains do, what's your excuse for being here? Even Bakugou is doing this against his will, you, on the other hand, have free will, why are you still here?" Toga pokes at Kazan's buttons, she will have to come to terms with herself.

Kazan frowns, "Dabi. But lately he's been distant."

Toga crosses her arms, "He has a girlfriend. You've seen how down he is lately, things are a mess between the two of them." She observes her reaction.

If Kazan will be part of the league she has to be here for the right reasons. All for One set her up for this. She just needs to chip away at all the surface reasons Kazan has for joining the league.

If she stays as one of them, she will have to prove that she is really with them, there will be no room for potential traitors.

Mustard walks into the room wearing his school uniform. Kazan's eyes widen seeing another student here.

"That's Mustard, he's a poison user. Be careful around him." Toga warns.

Mustard sits next to Kurogiri who is having a conversation with Shigaraki, "It's going to be pretty epic attacking those UA brats."

"That might be difficult. That Bakugou kid gave us a different location from the one our mole gave us. Either he's playing us or he was given false Intel." Shigaraki says sipping his glass of whiskey.

"Is the mole Akali?" Kazan asks with excitement in her bones about the idea of Akali being a traitor.

"No, since she's been living at UA, access to her has been blocked. She's as good as useless to us now. I tried her but she went and warned the teachers.

"Maybe they changed original locations because of her Intel that we're planning an attack. They can do that, it's no coincidence it's equally far from the campus as the original spot, but then, in the opposite direction."

Dabi walks into the room sitting down at the bar ordering a glass. Kurogiri pours him the same whiskey as Shigaraki.

Kazan sits beside him, "So, you have a girlfriend, is she with the league?" She asks as nicely she can to increase her chances of an answer.

"No, she wants to pull me out of this life of crime. We're honestly at odds regarding where our future together is going. She won't give up on me and I'm not giving up on her."

Kazan scowls, "Why'd you lead me on like that then?"

Dabi turns to her with his usual cool attitude, "I didn't, we were merely friends, you thought more to it then there was. I never in any way made any moves that would even suggest I want to be romantically involved.

"I take Toga out to the rinks all the time. It's where I like to hangout, Heroes tend to bust the place, I'd feel better about my odds of escaping when they show up with back up, that's all you were. Back Up."

Dabi explicitly remembers when Akali was down and her esteem was buried beneath the floors of hell itself. It was so low he couldn't even stand it.

All because Bakugou decided he could be such a dick towards her and get away with it. He called her back up. He cheats and calls her a back up, what bullshit and nerve.

Kazan frowns when Dabi breaks the glass in his hand. Dabi is pretty riled up, things with his girlfriend must be really serious.

Bakugou walks into the room with Akali right behind him chattering up a storm.

"This is not an arcade Bakugou."

More like complaining a storm.

"Shut up, I'm doing you a favour." He moves out of the way smirking directly at Dabi who looks away when he catches a glimpse of Akali.

She gasps, "Kazan? You really are with the league. Katsuki wouldn't admit it when I asked, I can't believe this."

"You're not one to talk, you're the one that slept with Dabi." Bakugou announces to everyone in the room.

She looks Bakugou in the eyes, expression less, emotionless.

Dabi stands up taking Akali's hand going to his room.

Kazan looks directly at Bakugou who sits beside her.

"Didn't want you thinking Akali is an angel when she's not. I don't approve of you being here, but fine, do you."

"Why'd you bring her here?" She asks smiling slightly.

Bakugou crosses his arms, "Because I wanted footage of all of you, including Akali here. So now, you have to hand over the footage you have on me or I hand this over about you."

Shigaraki raises a brow, "Go right ahead, we have nothing to lose. So what? You'll be exposing your two exes as one of us. One of them falsely by the way, Akali is not one of us."

Katsuki smirks, "That's where you're wrong, you would never let Akali get in trouble."

Dabi walks out of the room alone, "That's where you're wrong, and just to prove my point, you'll be going back alone. You'll regret what you've done here today. I promise you that."

Kurogiri warps Bakugou away. He goes back to the hideout and finds it empty. He calls Midoriya to track her down and the tracker is left in the hideout.

He calls an agency reporting what just happened. He destroys the footage that he was going to use against them.

He goes home and destroys the copy. He set up a back up plan. He wanted them to be confident after destroying his camera. Not realising a copy was being transmitted to this computer in his room.

This is a mess, but it's nothing he can't fix.

"I'll have to call your bluff Dabi."

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