Hopes Up

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Dabi smirks kissing Akali, "Don't worry about it. Okay? Do not at all worry. You can call me Toya, you're the only one that can call me that."

Shigaraki sighs, "Geez, did you have to tell us now that she's still alive?"

"Yes. Bakugou had to believe you, and I can't let him see me like this. No one knows it's me, he's the only one that could expose me. My fake dead skin is itching like hell lately. It's hard to maintain character with a false mask. I see why he sucks at it." He touches Akali's face.

Toga takes her hand, "What did you do?"

"What Shigaraki wanted. Destroyed the ties to those ratchet heroes. She chose us. I don't want anything to get in the way of that. She will now have a new name. New quirk. A new life as one of us. No going to those bastards ever again. Her memories will never comeback this time. This mask hides her well. As for these bastards, if it wasn't for Kazan finding out before hand they were going to kill her. She would be dead, I fully intend to make them pay, and destroy them. Just make sure the Bakugou kid doesn't get Luna here one on one." Dabi smiles.

"Why Luna?" Spinner asks.

"Something only I should know. Now than. Let's go murder us some geniuses. I mean, shutting down hero schools? Practically genius. There is no way this worked without any heroes being a part of it. No way at all." Dabi smiles.

Shigaraki sighs, "Luna ey? Such a perfect name for our little Moon Light. Let's get to hunting for these bastards."


Katsuki at the detention center Kazan is being held in sighs in relief to find out she's not in Tartarus. He begged Aizawa to let him see her. If Akali is still alive she would know.

He waits for the cameras and for it to be clear that they're alone, "Hey, some bastards went around killing a student from every hero course school. Kali was one of them, and her body is missing. Dabi sent me to ask you where she could be. Name all the spots you know. Hurry up. We won't have privacy for long." He passed her note.

Kazan sighs, she was starting to think there won't be any rescue, but Katsuki is that ray of hope she's been hoping for. She starts writing.

"Hey, I'm only an errand boy, I am completely in the dark. Does all this mean she's alive, or they're looking for a corpse?" He tries to not look so desperate waiting for an answer.

"Alive. I warned them that she was UA's target. Dabi removed the bombed as soon as he found it."

"How did she get a bomb on her anyway?" Katsuki asks.

"Through the parents. No one will would ever expect that it was passed through them. The heroes will never find how it was passed on when they are thinking it's student to student, but they made direct contact with the parents and it's through them that they pass these bombs on. It takes a simple touch. It also takes a touch to pass it on. It's obviously a quirk not a real bomb." She explains.

"What about the others? Are they dead?" Katsuki asks.

"Unless someone figured it out in time. Not at all. Akali is not the only one of your classmates who's parents passed on the bomb. I would say I know who specifically, but I don't." Kazan says. The camera starts working again and she passes the paper on to him quickly.

Katsuki looks at her, "How's it been here anyway?"

"Fun. I am not a bad child. I just made bad decisions. I might be getting back to my ordinary life after this. I don't know. Can't be sure if it's empty promises." Kazan says.

"If you still doubt heroes like this you deserve to rot in here. You'll never change. You'll keep going back to them. I seriously can't believe it's come to this. You and I meeting like this." Katsuki looks at her with utter disgust.

"Right. I see now. Well, bye I guess." She looks away. She is not sure if he was acting or meant it, but knowing him. He meant every word. Instead of spying and pretending he's not with the league. He came clean from day one his job is to work undercover and whatever they tell him is up to them.

Weirdly enough. He earned Shigaraki's trust just like that, but they could never trust her fully. What did Akali do to earn his trust? The Pizza? Simply sharing a box of Pizza?

What was it? Was it something they said? She stands up when the heroes open the door and escort her to her room. She sits down and sighs, at least the villains care enough to rescue her. Reassure her they're on her side. Here, she is flooded with back handed threats. Sugar coated intimidation. Of course she'd take her chances with the villains. Obviously.

Mr Aizawa looks at Bakugou sleeping in the backseat of the car.

Hawks looks at the places written down,  "Well, if there's one thing I have to admit. He did his job well earning their trust. I have a plan. A way to sniff them out."

"What is it?" Endeavour asks

"A memorial service where the students from all the schools pay their respects after the funeral. We'll see who shows up and try to see through footage which of the people there made contact with the deceased students parents. It makes sense that it was passed on through parents. The schools have high tech security."

Endeavour nods, "And if the bombs are already in the students. Detonation is all they need to do, first of all to make parents lose trust in us, and second to discourage future aspiring heroes, but what do you think they are waiting for?"

Hawks sighs, "Their strength is in our lack of knowledge. As long as we can't answer these questions. We're in trouble."

Aizawa crosses his arms. He can't get over just how much everything he knows is confusing him. His student fell in love with a villain, and he fell in love with her. That he can understand. To some extent he can rationalise it.

Dabi saved her life. That he can understand, but at the same time he just can't.

How did this happen? But most importantly, is that really the question to be asking? If not, is when? The right question? Or is why?

"What? Is something the problem here Erasure?"

Mr Aizawa shakes his head, "No, just concerned. That if she's with the villains right now, what exactly is she doing?"

Endeavour looks at the locations, "Is she with them? Why would they be furious? What if the plan to save her life didn't work."

Mr Aizawa looks at Bakugou still alive, he's also considering that, but to discuss this in front of him is something he's avoiding, "Let's hope for the best. We already cried enough."

Hawks notices Aizawa keeps glancing at the sleeping Bakugou. It's obvious he has barely slept at all, "Right. let's get our hopes up. They've been using deception to outsmart us. Our tendency to assume the worst is what's giving them the advantage. Let's be hopeful."

Mr Aizawa agrees, "Let's discuss this memorial plan in more detail."


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