Toya Todoroki

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Dabi gets a ticket to the sports festival, he hates that the seats closer to the stage are reserved for pros, but hopefully, he'll find the perfect seat where he can watch the students clearly, Toga is missing, he definitely had no interest of watching this event with her. 


Akali takes a deep breath, the curiosity about Dabi is giving her a headache, but she needs to take the sports festival seriously. The class walks onto the field, this field looks completely different to the one from last year. 

For one thing, it's bigger, but feels off, the ground beneath her feet feels hollow. 

The event begins, and the students are buried underground in tunnels. They simply have to find their way out before the timer runs out, worst of all, they can't see the timer. 

Akali makes a torch and looks around, she can hear something coming, it's on all fours, definitely not a student. She runs away turning the lights off and bumps into Bakugou who had a run in with the moles. 

Bakugou holds Akali tightly protecting her from the moles claws dodging it's attack. 

Akali blinds it with her flash and they realise they are stuck, there's a mole coming from each direction they were coming from. 

"The one that way is a lot smaller, we can take it, but the path is too narrow, we can't run side by side." Akali says. 

Bakugou takes her hand running ahead, he attacks the mole and Akali leaves markings of purple so they do not run around in circles. They come across another dead end. 

"Hey, do you still remember how to use your quirk? By now you would have had your illusions do all the work, are you sure you're okay?" Bakugou asks practically leaning on Akali. 

Akali shakes her head, "I did not have any clue of that, I'll get to it." She makes illusions of a bunch of people and they stay put, "Is it wise to stay boxed in here?" Akali asks worried. 

"Yeah, you're more powerful than you realise, i'll show you how to use your quirk." Bakugou says and Akali makes a gun aimed at the open space. Monoma passes by and then returns to join them in their spot. 

"Why the hell are you here?" Bakugou asks pissed. 

"Well, because i know she's going to win, so, I am here to win, be quiet, these things are attracted to sound." Monoma says relaxing. 

They all jump when an illusion peaks through the opening and calls them along. 

they run behind it and find the exit, they make it though and Monoma gives Akali a hug, "Woo, I knew focusing more on finding you then the exit would pay off."

Akali smiles, "It was all him, I had no idea my quirk could do that." She smiles at Bakugou who smiles back. 

She remembers more about him and rests her hand on her forehead, "You were a really terrible boyfriend." Akali says out of the blue, her memories are incomplete, something's just don't add up. 

She can't quite put her finger on it, but someone is missing from the equation, it's like her childhood is missing as well. 

"Wait? You two are dating?" Monoma looks at Bakugou who looks away. 

"She broke up with me." Bakugou says walking away from the conversation. 

Monoma looks at Akali who shrugs her shoulders, "What is that supposed to mean?" Monoma asks pissed off about the fact that Bakugou actually had a girlfriend to begind with, he just could not see it, and Akali being the one, he can't imagine in. 

"I don't remember the relationship, so far it's mostly bad, crappy, in fact, toxic is the word to say, but I can't remember some parts." She leans on Monoma's chest. 

"What? you lost your memories or something?" Monoma asks

"Yeah, some Dabi took them, which is odd, I don't know why, but I feel warm when I hear their name, I think we were friends, really good friends." She looks at Monoma and gulps when Bakugou is glaring at her with so much anger she can practically tatste it. 

"Dabi was never your frickin friend, non of them were, get him out of your stupid head."  Bakugou yells at Akali and looks away crossing his arms. 

Akali sniffles, "No wonder we broke up, you are so mean." She sits down sulking. 

Bakugou stubbornly refuses to say anything else, "Tch, this would not be happening if you weren't such a ..." He stops himself from finishing his sentence. 

Akali turns around angry with Bakugou, "Such a what? Villain lover? that's what you were going to say wasnt it?" She yells at him and Bakugou looks at her pissed off. 

"Yeah, I would have." He says. 

"You are such a hypocrite, didn't you love Kazan?" Akali stops confused about what she just said, "Whoever Kazan is." She turns around sitting down. 

"Kazan is your childhood best friend, not a villain!" Bakugou yells at Akali. 

Akali shakes her head, "No, my intuition is always right on the nose, I may not remember but I am pretty sure set Kazan is a villain, I have no problem remembering anyone else except for the villains who are in league with this Dabi guy, and if I have no memory of my childhood best friend, who, by the way you cheated on me with, she's a villain." 

"I cheated on her with you." Bakugou says under his breath. 

"What?" Akali asks staring at the back of his head with her mouth opened slightly. 

Bakugou's face cringes and he tilts his head to the side, "I did not cheat on you with her, I cheated on her with you." He says and turns around to face Akali, if she's going to remember, it's best he gets this over and done with. 

Akali chuckles and looks away, "Whatever, I don't give two shits about you anyway." She holds back the tears and lies on the floor looking up at the clouds. It was sunny a few minutes ago, now she can see rain clouds. 

She closes her eyes trying to keep the humiliation at bae, she has no idea why, but she sure misses Dabi right now, every time she tries to think about him, or remember, she just sees blue flames. 

she opens her eyes and the rain is harsh now. she sits up getting some cover. 

Monoma sits between Bakugou and Akali, despite getting in that fight they are still sitting close to each other. 

"Are you two, still in love with each other?" Monoma rips the band aid and asks the question that keeps making the air thinner and tinner. 

Akali and Bakugou do not answer. 

Akali sighs, "I'll take my chances with anyone else but him." She replies and stands up walking away. The rain calms down and the timer ends, all of class 2-A made it out, class 2-B as well, and a few lucky others 

"Take that back Princess, that is not what you said to me just yesterday, before your memories were taken." Bakugou says. 

Dabi smiles spotting Akali, "Akali!" He yells out her name just in time. 

Akali looks his way and tilts her head to the side, "I do not recognise him." 

"It's me! Toya! Toya Todoroki!" 

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