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Akali breathes in Katsuki's scent and laughs at nothing in particular confusing Bakugou.

"What's funny princess?"

Akali shakes her head and stretches out her hand reaching for Katsuki's face.

He dodges and moves out of the way. He stands behind her staring at her ass.

"Catch me if you can Princess."

Akali crosses her arms not in the mood for a chase, "What do I get if I catch you?"

"You know how this goes. You get whatever you want. We both know you'll lose though."

Akali turns in the direction of his voice and pays attention before just pouncing like a cat.

Katsuki runs ahead and Akali follows using every sense either than her sight. She climbs a tree she remembers setting a trap for yesterday.

She aims a gun and shoots Katsuki down by accident when falling off the tree.

Katsuki gets mad and turns around running in her direction helping her up.

"Use your second quirk on me." Katsuki holds her chin up looking her in the eyes.

Akali gulps and tries anyway. Katsuki smiles when it works and kisses her.

He looks around and Akali is in her old room. "You should quit trying to be a hero Princess. You're not cut out for this."

Akali rolls her eyes turning around and Katsuki grabs her forearm, "I mean what I say. This isn't the right career for you. Pick another lane."

Akali waves Bakugou off turning away from him.

"I wanna be a hero and I can be one. Just like Izoo. He found a way and he's going to be a great hero one day. I want to be by his side."

Katsuki growls at Akali grabbing her by her shirt and pulling her closer. They lock eyes and he narrows them kissing her again.

Akali stares at him confused. The way he just kissed her right now is different from any other kiss they've shared.

Katsuki cups her cheek resting his forehead on hers, "You can't be by his side dead. Heroes die. You can barely handle your quirk you'd get in the way out there."

"I'm trying Katsuki. I'm training just like everybody else. Why can't you see that? Why do you always bring me down?"

He tucks a strand of bothersome hair away and looks around.

"I don't want to see you get hurt Princess. I'm not bringing you down I want you to stop. I can't handle watching you do this to you're self.

"You still think it's a game and it's not. I get it, your dads a pro so of course you've got the training for it but -

"Do you have the heart for it? Could you take your new villain friend and throw him in prison?

"Could you use your second quirk without negatively affecting yourself? There are a lot of factors you're ignoring.

"Stop trying to be a hero."

Akali slaps him across the face getting snapped out of the illusion when AIzawa uses his quirk on Akali.

"Can you see now?"  Aizawa asks and Akali nods.

"Woah, yeah. I don't get why my quirk is only working now."

"It isn't. You're only aware of it now, but I can count the number of times all you did was stare into Deku's eyes and he'd be caught frozen.

"I don't think you can tell the difference. It's worse that using it leaves you immobile."

Akali ignores Bakugou and goes back to her training. Aizawa helps her with one on one training while the others relax. It's their last day of camp.

On the bus home Akali cuddles up to Midoriya a blushing mess the entire way. Eventually they both fall asleep.

Bakugou gets annoyed and turns to Ochaco. She's an excellent distraction from all the conflicting feelings he's constantly going through with Akali.

It shouldn't be his damn job to give a fuck about whether or not she will get hurt or no. He's not her damn baby sitter.

Akali gets home and flops on the bed. She takes her phone and texts Dabi that she's back and he's warped over instantly.

He flops on the bed and flicks her forehead. "How was it?"

"My body hurts but it was good. That stupid Katsuki had his hands all over Ochaco the whole time. He even had the odecity to tell me to quit being a hero, what's that all about?"

Dabi gets up and grabs a Canacola leaving Akali to swipe her pillow at the air and beat the the ever loving crap out of it.

"He might be in love with you and conflicted. If that's the case you don't need to try so hard to get his attention.

"In fact, get a boyfriend. One you can happily flaunt right in his face and be happy. Don't date just anyone it has to be someone you really like.

"If you don't want one that's also okay, but you just need to focus on being a hero and all will be well with your life. Be the number one hero so everywhere he goes he'll see you, hear about you, and he'll constantly think about you it'll be sweet revenge."

Akali shakes her head, "I still want to break his heart and feed it to him after he sees how black it is. Where's Tomura?"

"Meeting your Mom's group. I won't tell you anything else. I have to go too just wanted to see how you're doing."

He pecks her on the lips and winks calling for a warp gate. Akali screams and throws the pillow against the Balcony glass door.

"Why the hell are you a villain you asshole?"

She sighs flopping on her bed. All Akali wants is sleep nothing else.    

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