The Talk

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"Katsuki I came to watch the movie and so did everyone else here."

"Fine, but we're going to discuss this soon enough."

Akali watches the movie enjoying it with Midoriya while Katsuki is pissed of they are acting like he's not sitting between the two of them.

The movie ends and they start faning over the entire thing.

"Where are we going to eat?" Akali asks feeling her stomach growl.

Midoriya doesn't answer leading the way to their usual spot. They order their usual meals while Bakugou is fuming.

It's as if he's not even here, Akali is treating him like he's some invisible person, like a third wheel and he hates that.

After the movies he glares at Midoriya to give them some space. He walks Akali to his house and shuts the door to his room once they enter.

"Hey, are you seeing someone else?" Katsuki asks feeling his heart ache at just the thought.

Akali hangs her head, she could never say that even if she wanted too but she has fallen for Dabi and the only reason they aren't together is because he's a villain.

She wishes she saw him as more of a big brother like she does Shigaraki, then again, there in lies the problem.

These group of villains have been more of a family to her then everyone else around her.

"Princess?" Bakugou asks worried because of her silence and the look on her face.

"No, but I think I've made up my mind about me and you Katsuki. I am done, I am done shaming myself like I have been doing.

"I am done throwing my self respect out the window. Dignity, and self love out. I need time, I never knew I was broken until I fell in love with you.

"So desperate for love I let you treat me like this. I am not a toy and I should not let you play me like this. Say what you had to say, and for once Katsuki Bakugou, tell the truth."

She looks him in the eyes making it very clear that this is it for him. His only chance to be honest with her and she's done with him.

The best way to break his heart is for her to love herself like she expected him to love her. It's not his burden to bare to fill the gaps her parents should have filled.

Her fear of being abandoned led to care less choices. Desperation to the point of throwing herself away. That ends here.

"I love you Akali Neon. I just don't want that right now. I want to focus on the now, my future has always been being number one and right now I'm just having fun.

"I get it, it's a dick move to have fun with your emotions but I was not ready for when my own emotions would betray me and I'd fall in love. Not just with you but Kazan too. The more I try to fight it the more I am drawn to you.

"You're the type of person I'd one day want to marry, but I am not into committing to a relationship right now, but I do want you to be with me. One day when I pick someone to marry, I want that to be you."

He sighs and looks at Akali waiting for her to say something.

She walks past him leaving without uttering another word to him. She surprised Midoriya who thought she would sleep over.

"You're back early, what happened?"

"I am done with Bakugou for good this time. I just realised I never really loved him, just the idea of being loved by him. All I've ever wanted was to be loved and I never got it from the people I expected it from so I instead went looking for it else where.

"He seemed like the type of guy who doesn't throw himself at just anyone. The type that's loyal, protective, attentive, and I fell for him because I know I'm right, he is like that. Just shocked he's immature and a sex addict."

She sits beside him and closes her eyes taking a deep breath. Now if it was her feelings for him and her quirk controlling him he is free.

She lies on the bed surprising Midoriya's mother when she opens the door and finds both of them on the bed knocked out. She chuckles, "I swear I have two children."

She closes the door slowly careful to not wake them.

"Have a sweet night kids."

Girlfriend || Katsuki Bakugou X OCWhere stories live. Discover now