clean slate

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Akali and Mineta stay at the island a while longer while the others go back. "Katsuki."

Bakugou turns around smiling at Akali. "You're going to grow into something else." He admires her curves looking around before kissing her. "See you when we get back to class."

Akali smiles and pecks his cheek, "Sure thing." Mineta violently pulls out the balls on his head watching Akali and Bakugou talk while he's still free.

Bakugou arrives and his Dad asks questions about the trip. Mitsuki is surprised Bakugou is actually having a normal conversation with them.l before he goes to bed.

Ochaco receives a call from Bakugou and she jumps out of bed surprised he's the one calling, "Bakugou? Where did you get my number?"

"That's not the important part. Are you free to meet up tomorrow?"

Ochaco says yes and Bakugou smiles. They make arrangements to meet and Bakugou smiles when Ochaco actually showed up. She glares at him when he shamelessly checks her out.

"What the hell Bakugou?"

"I can't help it, you've got a body to die for." He takes her hand and they walk to his favourite new place since he started at UA.

The waitress that usually serves him smiles and he nods walking Ochaco to the couch. "Order whatever you like. It's on me."

Ochaco smirks daring Bakugou to repeat what he said, "I said order whatever you like." Ochaco orders half the menu to go and a plain Salad for herself.

Bakugou laughs as she smiles his way. "Alright, you got me. Well played." They eat together talking and Ochaco is surprised by how relaxed Bakugou can be.

His smile is great, he's lowkey funny, and very attentive. "So, where do you think camp is gonna be?"

Ochaco shrugs her shoulders, "I hope it's fun, Mr Aizawa is a total slave driver." Bakugou crosses his arms, "I think I can make it fun for you. I'm a super fun guy."

Ochaco laughs in his face and Bakugou groans, "That's funny Bakugou, you're seriously too funny." Bakugou grits his teeth, "I'm not being funny, I'm serious."

Ochaco laughs even harder accidentally making herself float. Bakugou catches her when she drops and he smiles taking a step back in his seat. "What do you say?

Ochaco smiles, "Well, I did have fun for today, and you did show me that there's a different side to you so I'm guessing we'll see when we get to camp.

Bakugou nods walking her to the station and buying her a ticket. "Are you rich or something?" Bakugou shakes his head, "Akali's mom and my mom are pretty close, so every year on my birthday I get a fat cheque, but I only knew about Akali when we met in middle school, but we weren't really friends."

"Deku mentioned that to me. Why weren't you guys friends?" Bakugou shrugs his shoulders, "We just got off on the wrong foot." Bakugou clears his throat, "Are you and Deku together or something?"

"Ohh, no. Not at all."

Bakugou keeps a straight face making a mental note to not date anyone who's dated him. "Do you like him?" Oxhaco blushes, "What? No! Of course not."

"I guess I'll be seeing you at camp pink cheeks." Katsuki pecks her cheek and she blushes climbing onto the bus, Katsuki's face pales when Kazan walks past Ochaco getting off the bus.

She didn't see the kiss so Katsuki is lowkey happy about that. He turns around and acts like he didn't see her. She smiles when she sees Bakugou walking past the bus and she jumps off.

"Hey, fancy meeting you here."

Katsuki turns around, "Why are you here? You broke up with me, remember?" Kazan narrows her eyes at him, "I was here to see Akali, she came back today and said she brought home a souvenir for me. I guess I'll just go. Bye."

Katsuki grabs her hand as she walks away, "I'm sorry, I just don't get why we broke up, and I don't know if we did break up or not. Where do we stand you and I?"

Kazan shrugs her shoulders, she is still not sure if Bakugou and Akali are done or not, but she won't put herself in a situation like that ever again. "We're done Katsuki. You and Akali can be together or whatever."

"I don't want her, I meant it when I chose you, but it's okay. We're done, don't ruin my next relationship when you realise you fucked up." He let's go.

Kazan glares at him, "Same applies to you, when you see me happy don't come running back."

"I won't, and I'll show you that it was never Akali, and you just self sabotaged something good."

"Good? Are you on crack Katsuki Bakugou? There was nothing good between us except for the sex." Katsuki waters his bottom lip with his tongue.

"Why'd you have to go on and bring that up? You know I don't think straight when I want you."

"I don't want you."

Katsuki clenches his jaw watching Kazan walk away. Any other day he'd chase after her, but today just isn't the day.

He needs a clean slate and this is the only way forward. "I mean you idiot, don't come back." Bakugou mutters to himself walking away.

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