Phase 1

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Dabi smiles when Kazan walks out of the shower. He took her out for a good time at the fighting rink in her city.

This is the third underground event he has taken her too. In order for her to actually become a villain she has to love it.

Phase one is for him to bring it out of her, she will fall for him naturally, "I'll admit, you're a pretty fun guy to hang around. Surprised you'd take me on a third date and you still have not made any moves on me."

She resists talking any further about Bakugou. He's not worth it, it's kind of nice though, to have someone just enjoy your company and have fun with you for the sake of having fun.

She walks into her room and her roommate looks surprised when  her tattoos are gone.

"Wow, this new guy is really good for you. You looked cleaned up, excuse me if it sounds like an insult."

Kazan blushes looking in the mirror, she posts pictures of her make over wondering what Katsuki will comment and say.

She looks out the window sitting comfortably wrapped in a blanket. She loves the idea of actually living like this. Going out and having a field day, and coming home to a cosy bed and being comfortable.

Dabi knows exactly how to bring up a side to herself she was never aware of. He's a bit harsh but it's the good kind.

She takes her phone thanking him for the good time, and for once sex was not a part of it. She sits down wondering when in the world she ever fooled herself into a thinking sex is the way to get a guy and keep one.

He should love her for who she really is and bring out the best in her.

She goes to sleep and wakes up going for classes before coming back and doing her home work. She sneaks off to the MMA underground and watches the fights while hiding.

Dabi smiles when he gets a text from a bartender at the MMA Rink telling him Kazan is back.

He gets warped to Akali's place and finds her drinking tea in her room watching the rain pour.

He sits beside her and smiles, "You've changed lately, I like it." He compliments the new look. Akali removed the dye in her hair and grew it longer.

She nods her head, "I got over my petty revenge for starters and now. I'm happy. I've been doing some part time investigating too.

"I got busted last night by Erasure and then he scolded me and took all my work. He and a few heroes captured the group I had been stalking.

"A group of girls were almost trafficked, I'm glad they made it in time. There's an international organisation doing human experimentation on people for multiple quirks and stuff like that."

She completely misses the look on Dabi's face as he stares while she speaks looking out the window. She's quieter and calmer now.

"How's progress with your quirk?" Dabi asks curious. He had someone talk to Amali so she can give her daughter some tips.

Akali smiles, "Great. I did really well too, I even have a provisional Hero License now. My Hero name is Neon. Since I changed my last name to my fathers."

Dabi frowns, he was already complimenting her progress, he's not Impressed with finding out she still has not delt with her family issues, "Hey, what happened?" He asks wanting to know the full story.

"I cut ties with my mothers side of the family, I can't handle the drama. They are good for nothing but sending cheques. They can keep it at that."

Dabi cups her cheeks, "You're angry with them Akali, I get that but you can't vent like this. Cutting people is not the way to do it."

Akali scowls, "That's all I know to do, so what should I do?"

"Learn to move on, forgive without ever getting an apology, not for them but for you. One day you'll have your own family and you can get it right, either wise you'll repeat the same mistakes."

Akali scowls, "I don't want to do that. Honestly, I'd rather be alone. Who wants kids anyway."

Dabi chuckles, "You'll be just fine. Our kids will have me for a father."

Akali chuckles, "A villain their mother is going to hand in to the authorities. Riiight.. That does not spell out broken family in any way." She looks him in the eyes, "If you weren't a villain Dabi, I'd give my everything to you."

Dabi feels a pit in his stomach open up and the blackness get swallowed up. He heard what she said but he can't seem to understand it. On the other hand it's a really plane Jane statement. There's no hidden meaning behind it.

"Your words just knocked the wind right out of me, what do you mean I would give you my every thing?"

She looks him in the eyes and shows him a vision of her dream house with her two kids.

Dabi walks into the room and the kids run into arms giving him a bright greeting as he's back from work. He works as an investigation officer with the police.


Dabi gasps when the vision ends.

"I meant my life Dabi." She stands up walking away leaving her room.

Dabi sits there in complete shock. That life will never happen and if that's what she expects from him, it's best they both cut ties. He could never give her what she wants, not with what the league is about to do next.

"The next time I see you. I might have to kill you." Dabi says standing up leaving. He'll focus on the one he can sway to their side.

Akali is too loyal to be swayed from her path.

Akali walks back into her room and there's a gift for her on her bed. She knows it's from All for One. He's getting a bit too bold lately.

She'll have to work on getting him captured. With him out of the way Shigaraki and Dabi might change and they won't have to be enemies any more.

She smiles at the thought. She'll talk to Aizawa about it. From now on, no more hiding things from him. She knows she can count on him to help her.

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