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“quit starring I know my eyes are scary” Neon looks away and Bakugou gives her a confused look, Neon is used to people staring into her eyes they are a unique clear water colour that sometimes looks scary, but that’s due to the fact that it’s a rare colour that only her bloodline specifically has.

“your eyes are fine to me quit acting weird” he smirks getting a free pass to stare into them without him looking like a creep bonus points for the light blush on her cheeks.

“you two want to explain what’s going on between the two of you?” Kenji asks and Neon shakes her head giving the impression that there actually is something going on.

Bakugou is not against the idea so he just smirks with a cocky expression on his face, a thought hits his mind and he turns around reaching for her choker Neon stiffens and his hand stops in its tracks.

“don’t be so stiff you idiot it’s making me uncomfortable”

“you don’t just reach out and grab someone Katsuki it’s considered rude and perverted”

“I wasn’t reaching for you I was reaching for your choker”

“that’s considered plain disrespect”

“I’m offended you expected anything else from me”

“well, excuse me for thinking you’re half a decent human being on the inside”

“if you think I’m half a decent human being, then why did you randomly glare at me in the cafeteria? It was Deku wasn’t it?” he stands up in his seat and glares the green haired boy just minding his own business, “Deku you bastard what did you say to her?”

Neon stands in front of Bakugou and glares the blonde, “he didn’t say anything and could you refrain from acting like such a pig and stop yelling at him”

‘I thought he doesn’t yell at you’

Izuku thinks to himself and watches the two stare each other down, “you his girlfriend or something? why the hell you defending him?”

“I’m defending him because he’s my friend you should get one than maybe you wouldn’t have had two cowards run off and leave you behind when you got attacked by the sludge villain”

“I don’t need anyone to come save me”

“really? sure as hell didn’t seem like it to me” she throws her choker at him and he stares at her scar, he knows she understands more than everyone else what it was like being in the situation he was in the difference between the two of them is that she had to save herself while he had all might come to save him.

“everyone needs a hero Katsuki” she leans in a little closer and looks him in the eyes, “you also need friends that won’t run off when you need them, they’ll run into hell for you. Do you have a friend like that?”

He looks at her not even phased, a hero that needs someone is weak in his eyes. “you don’t understand me that’s all there is to it”

“I know I don’t, but if we were all cut from the same cloth we wouldn’t argue so much and you’d be a total bore”

she smiles and he smirks back, he’d be bored too if he had no one to argue with all the time, but he cant get over how confusing she is, one minute their laughing together the next she’s death staring and ignoring him. “what’s the deal with you being all on and off with me? I hate it when you get all hot and cold”

“uhhh, woah? Bakugou and Neon are a thing?” they both turns their heads and Katsuki stares for a moment and notes the height difference between the two of them, he’s a solid 4 inches taller than she is.

“Katsuki why are you always staring at me?”

“how about we meet up after school and talk about that, but I think it’s pretty obvious”

“if it was I would’ve embarrassed you about it earlier so, no it’s not obvious to me”

“could you two, stop gossiping in front of us not only is that rude it’s straight A disrespect”

“shut up no one cares what you think”

“Katsuki keep your voice down I’ll go deaf”

“what? Your short ass is out of range, you enjoy getting my attention or are you just pissing me off on purpose?”

“I am not short I am just …” Bakugou stands right in front of her pressing their bodies together and his lips touch her forehead.

“anybody want to explain to this girl that she’s short” Neon steps on Bakugou’s foot and he grabs her cheeks and looks her in the eyes.

“careful Princess, you don’t want to poke a sleeping bear”

“if you’re the bear I aint scared”

“tch, meet me after school behind the bleachers if you aren’t scared”


Neon sits with Izuku and he looks her up and down, now that he thinks about it Bakugou has been leaving him alone since she beat him up and he doesn’t say anything when she’s around and every time he yelled at him it was because of Neon saying something stupid and then glaring at the ash blonde like it’s his fault.

“I think Kachan likes you”

“no way, there’s no way anyone would like me”

“why would no one not like you? You’re a great friend that’s caring and strong, not to mention your dad is hero”

“ugh, he’s a nobody no one knows about”

“what? That’s not true, he’s the current number 30 and rising in the ranks”

“uh huh” Neon turns to everyone else in the room, “oi? Y’all heard of the Pro Hero Metal?”

“isn’t he a new hero or something?” that comment alone proves her point, her dad isn’t really big on media and stuff so he doesn’t care all that much about his ranking and ratings, but still he’s a nobody that no one knows about.

Bakugou googles the Pro hero and his eyes widen when a picture of Neon and the model Amaya pops up, “your dad is the pro Metal?” Bakugou asks out loud and Neon nods, “yeah, I thought Izoo mentioned it to you guys or even Toya for that fact he’s met the guy a bunch of times”

“in my defence, your dad hates me so I don’t see myself talking about the guy and saying anything nice, he’s a total jack ass to anyone that isn’t you”

Not that she hates her dad, but the guy is just too strict it’s annoying and she’s only ever met her mother a bunch of times and most times it was pure luck, she came here to get away from the stress of family, she could go for a day without the drama between those two and being smothered with affection from one and getting none from the other.

She drifts out of those thoughts and focusses on the present and getting the ridiculous idea that Katsuki Bakugou likes her out of her head, she knows she falls for guys as easily as she breaths and if the idea even crosses her mind she’s going to have a crush like there’s no tomorrow and probably make a fool out of herself.

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