She's Mine

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Dabi looks around and he can't find Akali anywhere. She waves at him surprising him by how she got on the roof so quick. He watches her running on the roof jumping and just suddenly disappearing.

Amali looks around before following the male inside the house. "You weren't followed right?" Akali shrugs her shoulders, with the pro's more vigilant and keeping an eye out for all   members of their group she can't be too sure about anything.

Akali attaches a bug to the building recording whatever they say. "We should accept the deal with the league of villains." The male shakes his head, "We've been fine on our own Mali, things won't just suddenly change now. They are too loud."

"We can avoid getting caught."

"We don't need the attention."

"That is just bullshit and you know it. We have all eyes onnus, all pros known who we are and what we look like. This may have been an inside job." The male glares at Amali, "Your daughter is a hero course student isn't she? How sure are you she wasn't spying on us the whole time?"

"Because, we went and did some digging. Erasure head is the one who took the recording and gave it to the pros, he's the hero that's been hot on our trail lately. Akali knows nothing."

"Isn't she with the league of villains?"

Amali nods, "You saw the way that Shigaraki guy acted when the 4 guys tried to go after her, we can trust her to not run to the pro's. She's with the league." The male chews on his cheek, "Just in case she's not. I want you to start spying on her and try to catch her with any of the league members. She could get kicked out of UA for it, and once she's been kicked out, she can join us."

"She already has a group."

"For now."

Dabi opens the door walking in like he owns the place completely leaving Akali dumbstruck, he was telling her about being covert yet he just waltzed in like he owns the place. "Who the hell are you?"

"Names, Dabi. Heard you saying something about my girlfriend. I don't want you trying to take her from the league, try anything and we're going to have a problem." Dabi looks in Akali's direction and she hides when Amali and the other guy turn their heads in her direction.

Dabi distracts them long enough for Akali to collect the bug and leave. They meet again at his place and listen to the recording. "Dabi, they will go around calling me your girlfriend that's not true."

"Yes it is, we had great sex too."

"Shut up, it wasn't real."

"It was to me." Akali groans hiding her blush behind her dyed hair looking away. "Stop it Dabi." Dabi tilts her head in his direction. "It was to me." He let's her go going to bed knowing she's going to leave.

Akali meets up with Mineta going to the airport heading for the Island. "I'm totally excited, what about you?"  Akali smiles at Mineta nodding her head. They spend most of the flight fantasizing about hot girls and food.

"I think I want to get Katsuki alone, what do you think would make him fall for me?" Mineta snorts, "he already has you idiot. You just need to get rid of the competition that's all." Akali smiles, "I already have a guy working on that."

Dabi bumps into Kazan who glares at him and he smirks, "That's not very heroic of you." Kazan rolls her eyes walking past Dabi. "I'm assuming you don't need this anymore." He holds up the phone he snatched off of her and smirks.

"I need it."

"So do I."

Kazan's eye twitches getting annoyed by Dabi who tosses her phone at her. "What do you say we hangout some time. I've been meaning to ask you that for a while now. You just always looked like every guy that approaches you gets burnt. You shouldn't make yourself so unapproachable."

Kazan rolls her eyes, "If you can't take the heat get the hell away from me." Dabi smirks putting up a flaming hand, "I think you're the one who can't handle my temperature."

"Ohhh, cute colours." Kazan clicks her tongue after her comment walking away, "Are you running or just ignoring me?" Kazan throws a middle finger walking to school. "If you're wondering about Akali and Bakugou, I can help you split them up for good. My brother goes to UA too."

Kazan turns around and Dabi is walking away with a smirk on his face. He doesn't trust Akali to not fall for Bakugou all over again and he knows he needs help splitting them up for good.

'What do you know about it?"

"I've been watching you, stalking is more like it, but I figured I'd quit being a creep and I'd help you get the guy you want and in exchange I get the girl I want." Kazan groans, "Of course, you wanted Akali."

"It's not like I stand a chance with you, you're too difficult. I want a girl that's a little easy. I never have to guess what she wants. You're too out of touch with your feminine side it's not a good look on a girl as hot as you are."

Kazan checks the time and runs to school ignoring Dabi who smirks. "The next time you see her she'll definitely play into your hands." Shigaraki comments walking with Dabi to the location they'll find Kurogiri.

"Well, I do think we need her on our team more than we do Akali, she is corruptable, Akali isn't."

"I have my reasons for wanting her specifically."

"You better keep your dried fingers off of her, she's mine." Shigaraki chuckles, "Good luck with that."

Girlfriend || Katsuki Bakugou X OCWhere stories live. Discover now