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After school Neon walks behind Bakugou who’s just mentally smirking and she’s just quiet very curious what this one on one with the blonde is about.

A car pulls over outside the school gate and Neon pales, if her father sees her talking to Bakugou or even breathing in the same direction as any member of the opposite sex she is getting a lecture of a life time and possibly taken out of the school.

She had to lie to her dad and call Midoriya gay to keep being friends with the guy.

“uhh, Katsuki please don’t talk to me my dad is watching and also I’ll see you tomorrow I guess” she turns and skips off to the car.

“hi dad” she smiles and her dad pecks the top of her head opening the door for her.

Bakugou stares in disbelief and part of him is a little relieved he wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to say when it’s just the two of them and he doesn’t think he actually likes her he’s leaning more into the theory that he likes that she can hold her own in a fight.

‘yeah, that’s it I don’t actually have feelings for her I just like that she beat a villain and nothing else’

He thinks to himself walking to the station and gets on the bus going home, finals are almost here and after that he will have to focus on getting into UA and from than he will be working towards becoming number one a girlfriend is the last thing he needs.

All might doesn’t have a girlfriend and that’s proof enough that number one doesn’t have room for any girlfriends she’s just a potential distraction and she’ll only get in his way.

She’s friends with his enemy making her the enemy.

“tch. How dare I take that piece of scum beneath me and raise him to a level of being my enemy he’s a weak link that I’m going to crush, and once he fails at UA he’ll finally let it seep through that nut sized brain of his that he’ll never be a hero and Neon will realise she was just lucky to get out of that situation alive”

He turns his head and the woman sitting next to him on the bus looks mortified, Bakugou forgot that he’s monologuing in public and his intense aura has the woman convinced she’s sitting next to a villain planning something evil.

He rolls his eyes and gets off the bus.

Akali walks into school ready for her final exams when this is over she will be gearing up for the UA entrance exam she’s been doing some secret training of her own and her dad being a Pro and all she’s got a black belt in Shiden Fudo and Togakure Ryu which are ninjutsu specific combat styles focussing on devastating unarmed combat and stealth.

Sneaking up on an enemy comes as natural as breathing to her sometimes she does it without even thinking fading into a crowd and scaring the shit out of her paranoid dad while she’s been right next to him the whole time.

The exams end and she goes to the shooting gallery to work on her aim she’s good at hand to hand yes, but her weapon of choice is a gun she’s a perfect shot and has liked playing with guns since her quirk manifested as well as a bow and arrow.

She improved her combat skills by copying Midoriya’s hero notes and making notes of her own on hero’s She’s got photogenic memory which is why she sucks at math since she can’t memories the whole textbook and just rewrite the textbook as it is, she never studies until the day before and still manages to do well, but math is one class she’s very happy with failing.


“see you at UA Izoo”

“uh, yeah. Come visit okay!”

“well, duhhh of course I will. I love visiting Grams”

Neon is moving away to live with her dad she was in Aldera for her third year so she could get a feel of what a public school was like she’s been home schooled from day one and after doing research and finding out that most kids who get home schooled sort of have a harder time making friends she nagged her dad every day until he decided to let her come live with her grandmother for a year.

She walks into her old room and flops on her bed, she was so happy when she left and now she’s back part of her is hoping she doesn’t have to move again, but knowing her dad they will be moving depending on whether she gets into UA or Shiketsu.

Shiketsu was her first choice, but after meeting Midoriya UA was a secondary choice.

Depending on whether Izoo makes it into UA or not will decide whether she joins UA or Shiketsu her hero career is in his hands.

She wakes up and looks out the window her dad is probably already gone. Since he started his own agency he was too busy to be at home for days, and for his daughters safety he thought shipping her off to her grand mother was safer.

She smiles and calls Izoo who’s already doing some training of his own, “well, I can’t protect you by just sitting on my ass like this so I’ll do some training too” she hangs up and gets ready for her daily jog taking her usual route, but since she’s running later than she used to she’s bumping into new people and a few old people.

She stops by her old friend’s house to give her a big surprise, they’ve been friends since childhood and got in a whole bunch of trouble together she’s the one that dragged Akali to the martial arts school and put the idea of Shiketsu into her head.

Now that she thinks about it Akali has never made a decision of her own on what she wants to be personally.

She just doesn’t want to be alone she’s always felt a little alone on the inside and anyone that can fill that void she is loyal too to a fault.

“well, well, well, what do we have here?”

she turns around and Kazan is smiling her way, her friend has always been a bit gangsta and that’s something Akali always liked about her.

“holy woah, Zen you got a tattoo”

“bitch, you got a gangsta ass scar. Since when are you more badass than me?”

“well, you know, I’ve always been a warrior princess at heart”

“I can see that”

Kazan jumps down and looks her scar over, “I know a cool way we can cover it up and piss your dad off at the same time”

“you know I’m down for that” Kazan takes Akali to her room and gets some purple ink, Akali’s second quirk allows her to make anything purple glow it’s a pretty useless quirk just like her mother, so she says every day.

She never understands why she has her mothers last name instead of her fathers, but if he says anything about her tattoo he better be ready to answer the usual questions he dodges.

Kazan draws a purple phoenix that makes the scar blend well with the whole image she’s not sure to trace over the scar or if that will ruin it so she’s going for a coin toss.

She flips the coin and the final decision is to leave it like it is.

“oi, I want a tattoo of this too. it’s the Neon family crest I saw it on my mothers’ back I just want mine a little smaller, but in a spot not hard to miss”

“bruhhh, I swear if I didn’t respect your ass I’d get that tattoo for myself”

“I know right, I swear that Katsuki is going to lose it when he sees this”

“Katsuki? Isnt that nerds name Izuku? Who the hell is Katsuki?”

“oh, he’s this really hot blonde that’s angry all the time you’ll see him at the up coming sports festival he has a really amazing quirk and is a really great fighter too I never talked about him because he was the enemy, but all in all I realy admired his fighting spirit”

Kazan nods and draws the dragon spiral and the Neon family motto on the body of the dragon in Japanese Kanji.

“man, if I say I’m not jealous I’m lying Babe your family crest is a work of art. I made it a little bigger it is totally going to make Katsuki lose his made” She teases and Akali nods in agreeance completely oblivious to Kazan’s actual meaning behind the joke.

“gosh, you’re still a hopeless child”

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