The coucil meeting

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I came to my room and put on a simple white dress decorated with golden ornaments and a golden crown

I came to my room and put on a simple white dress decorated with golden ornaments and a golden crown

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I hurried to the meeting room

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I hurried to the meeting room. I couldn't be late for I would dissapoint my father then.
I finally make it there. The place was gathered with men, elves, dwarves and of course there was Frodo.
I sat on an empty chair next to a tall, strong man with dirty blonde hair and proud grey eyes.
" You look stunning, my lady." he said immediately when I sat.
" Thank you." I blushed and smiled. It was sweet. Still I already had eyes for another. He was there. In a beautiful, silk, elven cape, with those beautiful eyes looking at some place, that was propably beautiful too.

" Strangers from distant lands, friends of old" my father interrupted my thinking.
" You were summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middleearth world stands on the brink of destruction. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate. This one doom
Bring forth the ring Frodo."
Frodo stood up and scaredly put the ring on a stand in the center of meeting room. Others at the council started whispering. Suddenly the man sitting next to me stood up:

" It is a gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not to use the ring ?
My father and my people protected the whole land from the evil forces. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give the ring to Gondor and we will use it against him."
" You cannot use it. None of us can.  The ring answers only to Sauron and Sauron alone. It has no other master." Aragorn treated him.
" And what would a mere ranger know of this matter?"
This was too harsh of him. I stood up but I didn't say anything. Legolas did it for me:
" He is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."
Finally someone who appreciate him. I thought to myself.

" So this is Isildur's heir?" the Gondorian continued. Something seemed strange about him now.
" Yes he is. And the heir to throne of Gondor too." I said angrily.
" Sit down lady. Don't interrupt the speech of men."
Speech of men? Who does he think he is ? If I could I would tell him something but I rather sat down and listened.
" Aragorn is right. We can not control it." Gandalf spoke up.
" Well, there is only one choice." my father said and all eyes on the meeting looked at him.
" The ring must be destroyed." he said with a very serious look.
" Then what are we waiting for ?" One of the dwarfs sitting on the other side of the circle grabbed his axe and hitted the ring. But the axe shattered when it touched it. Also the dwarf fell on the floor.

" The ring can not be destroyed by any craft we here posses, Gimli, son of Glóin." my father started.
" It was made in the fires of Mount Doom and only there it can be unmade. One of you must to this."
The man next to me started to protest again.
Legolas stopped him but then Gimli started to argue with Legolas.
" I will be dead before I see the  ring in the hands of an elf!" he said grumply. So this is what he says as thanks for our hospitality ? Really nice.
Then a soft and quiet voice spoke up.
" I will take it. I will take the ring to Mordor."

Everyone turned around. Gandalf was dissapointed:
" I will help you as long as you'll have to carry this burden." he said
" If by my life or my death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword." said Aragorn.
" And you do have my bow." said Legolas.
That sentence echoed in my head like a song in a cave. This is my fate. All my life I waited for love
Now is my chance to catch it and never let it go.
" And my axe." Gimli stood up
" If it's your will, then Gondor will see it done." the man said. I wonder what his name is.
" I will sacrifice my life if it means to help you Frodo." everyone looked at me. Aragorn and Legolas smiled, Gandalf and Gimli starred at me with surprise and the mean man was angry.

" You're a woman!"
" Yes I am. And I know that I'm not as strong as you are. But I'm strong enough to fight in this war! And I will!" I cried. I saw Gimli smiling. Maybe we'll be friends after all.
" But if you die, I will not cry after you." the man continued.
" You have no right to underestimate her, Boromir, son of Denethor." Gandalf spoke up. Yes ! I finally know his name.
" Mr. Frodo is not going anywhere without me!" Sam entered the room.
Everone smiled. Then Merry and Pippin entered the room.
" We're going too." they said.
" You need people if intelligence on this sort of mission, quest,thing." Pippin proclaimed.
" Well that rules you out, Pip." Merry cooled him down.

" Nine. Eeh. Ten companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring." my father said.
What did he mean nine? He won't let me go ? I got an answer when he came to me:
" Tolo an nin Nathìniel."

Come with me Nathíniel.

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