Houses of healing

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I jumped on the left leg of the Mumakil by catching a stabbed spear. Legolas was climbing the right. Even though we were fighting for our lives he yelled so I could hear him:
" Have I already told you how great you look in the Gondorian armour ?!"
" Thank you !" I yelled back, shooting arrows to Haradrims that stood in the war tower. I couldn't myself but blush deeply. He is always so sweet.

" I forgot to tell you how amazed I was when I saw you. I was like : How can someone be so beautiful?" I told him when he stood next to me.
" I should ask that." he winked and kissed my cheek, sliding down the mumakil's trunk.
I followed him, while sliding throwing my bow behind my back. I elegentaly jumped off, smiling at Legolas.
" You were two on him, that wasn't fair!" grumped Gimli jealously.
We just laughed, knowing that we won.

My heart suddenly stopped. I fell on the ground, some weird feeling tighting my heart. I closed my eyes.
When I woke up I was next to Theoden. He was dying. How did I got here ? I looked at myself. I was dressed in a beautiful gown, my hands were clean and my hair braided. Was it another vision ?
What am I doing here ?

" Nathíniel..." gasped Theoden.
" My king." I pulled out the dagger he gave me and carefully put it in his hands. But he stopped me.
" No, it is yours. Keep it and remember that the land of Rohan will be always grateful for the aid that elves gave us. Farewell, friend of men." he closed his eyes.
I burried my face into my hands, crying, still holding the dagger. I didn't know him very well. We weren't even as close as we could be.
" Îdh, âr belegron." I said and kissed his forehead.

Then the vision flew away and I woke up hearing Legolas' voice:
" Nathìniel ! Meleth nín, wake up, please!"
He immediately kissed me when I opened my eyes.
" What happened ?"
" Theoden is not between us anymore. Death took him."

When I looked around, still with tears streaming down my cheeks I realised that the war was over. The army of dead stood in front of Aragorn:
" Release us." spoke the king
" Bad idea. These lads may come in handy later. Despite the fact- They are dead !" grumped Gimli.
" You promised Aragorn. A king should keep his promises." I looked at Aragorn.
" I hold your oath fulfilled. Go. Be at peace." when he said this the king dissapeared, his people after him.
Gondor was safe. But Frodo was still on his way to Mount Doom, watched by the Eye.

I walked around the wounded, trying to help with my healing skills. I haven't seen so much injured men in my whole life. While I was doing just a simple elvish medicine, Aragorn was giving life to those who almost died. There was an old legend that was saying that the hands of a king can heal.

I sat next to Eomer, watching Aragorn who was carefully bathing Eowyn's forehead with a piece of cloth.
" She has a very brave heart." I said, looking into Eomer's hazel eyes.
" She was the daughter of Rohan. Beautiful and strong." he said sadly.
" She is. Do not be afraid of death, mellon nín for it's just a pass to something greater. Something wonderful and endless." I took his big hand and closed it between my small ones.

"Your sister has much to live for. She wouldn't give up so easily." I smiled, wiping a tear from his eye.
" I know." he smiled and looked away.
Suddenly I heard breathing. She was alive.
" Nathíniel. I... It was horrible.. I almost.."
" Shhh. It's alright. You are here now. Everything is over."
She got up from her bed and pulled me into a strong embrace.
" Thank you." she whispered.
" No, thank you."


I was on my way to fetch some herbs when a hand touched my shoulder. I turned and saw Faramir. I was so happy to see him again.
" Faramir!" I cried squeezing him tightly.
" Nathíniel." his bright smile shone and he starred at me speachless for a while.
" Thank you for saving my life. Gandalf told me everything. I owe you so much." he finally said
" I let Boromir die. I couldn't see another son of Denethor pass away. " I smiled but my smile soon faded away.

" Your father...."
" He was a mad man. Don't care about him."
" Really ?"
He shook his head.
" He loved you very much Faramir. He really did. But when he finally realised it, he couldn't tell you anymore."
Faramir didn't say a word, he just gazed at the other side of the room where Eowyn stood, when she saw him she smiled.
" She is a wonderful woman with a kind heart."
" She seems so."
" I think you would get along good." I smiled and showed him to go.

Now I stood alone, looking outside the window at the magnificient night sky studded with stars. Above all of them shone Evenstar. I heard Arwen's beautiful voice singing, echoing in my head. Where was she? Where was my sister ?
Someone took my hand and walked over to me. Legolas.
" Thiach main, naer. Amman, meleth nín ?" he asked brushing my cheek.

" Arwen. Aníron cennia e."  I said looking down at our hands
" Cennithach." he smiled, lifting my chin up and looking to my eyes. Then he pressed his lips on mine softly and I joined him in a long passionate kiss.
" I always enjoy this so much." I smiled and placed my lips on his neck, then his nose, cheek, forehead, all over his head.
" You know what I will enjoy more ?" he teased and I followed him to the sleeping quartets.

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