The battle of Minas Tirith

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I aimed and shot an arrow right into an orc's forehead. I immediately dodged left because another orcs was pointing his bloody dagger at my face. I elegantly stabbed my arrow to his shoulder and avoided another one that flew pass my head.

When I spotted in the corner of my eye a figure coming from behind me, I swiftly turned, kicked the orc into his stomach, smashed my bow against his head and cut a made wound across his chest with the dagger of Helm. It was beautiful but also very useful. I thought, shooting arrow by arrow.

Gandalf did very well, his right hand he used for smashing around with his staff and in the left hand he held Glamdring. The great sword.

As he was fighting he didn't noticed a troll behind him. I stretched by bow but the arrow missed. Instead of Gandalf, the troll ran to me, cutting my arm with his sword.

" Aaaah." I hissed in pain, grabbing my elbow covered with blood.
" Nathíniel ! " cried Gandalf.
" It's alright... I.. "
" Run to the citadel ! Hide !"
I did as he said, still holding my arm.

I stopped when I saw a few servants, carrying Faramir on a stretcher. In front of them walked Denethor, his face cold as ice, his eyes dark, full of sorrow.
I followed them to a wide vaulted chamber. They entered and I slowly sneaked in after them. The chamber was huge, in each corner there was a marble tomb with a sleeping man carved from stone.
" No tomb for Denethor and Faramir, no peaceful sleep We will burn as the heathen kings of old. Bring wood and oil." spoke Denethor in a monotone voice, narrowing his eyes.

I stood in front of the door, starring at him in disbelief. He was going to burn his son alive !
From the shadow I watched as they carefull put Faramir's body on the funeral table in the middle of the room. Denethor kissed his forehead and spoke :
" He is burning, already burning."
He said and the guards stacked firewood around his body.
I must do something. I won't let another man of Gondor die.
I rushed forward, angrily grabbing the wood sticks and throwing them away.
" He is not dead ! Leave him be !" I cried.

Denethor grabbed my sleeve and led me to the door:
" He's my son ! I am the Steward of Gondor ! No pointy eared princess will order me what to do ! "
" My lord..."
" Farewell Nathíniel Thurin Elin, daughter of Elrond ! I release you from my service ! Go and die in what way seems best to you !" he yelled and shut the door in front of my face.
I will. I will die for my love. But at first I will save Faramir.

I ran down the street, killing some orcs that stood in my way, trying to find Gandalf. I finally saw him, he was protecting  one of the women with her child.
" Gandalf !" I cried. He turned with a surprised face, looking at my arm. I almost forgot that I hurt it.
" Denethor has lost his mind ! He is going to burn Faramir alive !"
He grabbed my hand and we jumped on Shadowfax. We rode up the city until we finally reached the chamber.
" Stop this madness !" shouted Gandalf.
" Anor valthen, togo laugas lín nestad enir gûr hen!" I cried.
Denethor ignored us, snatching a flaming torch and hurling it at the pyre, which immediately ignites.


" I would have follow you my lady."

" Faramir no !" I screamed, running to him. With all my strength I pushed Faramir off the burning pyre. He was heavier then I expected.
" Do not take my son from me !!!"  yelled Denethor. Grabbing my neck. I couldn't breathe. He would have suffocated me if Shadowfax didn't rear up, striking Denethor into the burning pyre.
" Faramir..." he spoke, his eyes that reflected flames were full of tears.
Then, with a huge scream he lurged of the pyre, his body in flames ran out of the door.

I starred at him sadly. No one should end like this. We all deserve to die in peace among those who we love... Legolas... Rohan was here... They came...
Gandalf put his arm around my shoulders:
" So passes Denethor, son od Ecthelion. You are free now my dear, now go and hide in the citadel."

" Legolas is here. Rohan came to help us. I will fight!"
" But there is only certain death that waits for you !"
I looked at him, brave as never before, full of hope.
" At least I will die as a hero." with those words I jumped on Shadowfax' back and rode down the city, wind blowing in my hair.
As I reached the last floor I rode to the edge of wall, Shadowfax jumped across it. My eyes widened when I saw hundreds of Rohirrims on their horses.
" Mellyn tolen. "

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