Grey havens

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Legolas' hand brushed my cheek, which immediately turned red as he touched me.
" Lastenech maer meleth nín ?" he asked softly.
I nodded and kissed his nose with a smile.
" I le ?"
" Beleg. Im an le."
He wrapped his around my shoulders.

" This is the day. They are sailing beyond the great sea. Gandalf, Frodo... Father."
" We should quickly dress for they leave soon."
" Yes, right."
I took a green traveller's cloak and put on leaf flats, tightened with leather laces.

"I took a green traveller's cloak and put on leaf flats, tightened with leather laces

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Legolas gazed at me with an amazed look as I  was dressing, without a single blink

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Legolas gazed at me with an amazed look as I was dressing, without a single blink.
I smiled and we ran down the stairs.
There already stood our friends including Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. Father walked behind us, followed by Arwen and Aragorn.
Also Galadriel and Celeborn waited for us.

The other people from the wedding congratulated us one more time and went each their own way.
We left the palace behind and walked out of the Mirkwood forest. The journey took a long time, and most of it I stayed silent, except a few times when I spoke to Legolas.

When we were almost at the Havens, Frodo walked over to me and spoke up:
" It is sad that Gandalf has to leave right?"
" You don't need to hide anything Frodo. I know that you are leaving too."
" Gandalf told you ?"
" Yes." I smiled a bit guilty.

" I have to go. The ring was a burden which left me many wounds that I won't be able to live with."
" I understand."
" Well.. It tears me apart. The feeling that I will never see any of you again. And Sam... My dear Sam. We went even through the fires of Mordor together. And now I will leave him."
" You will see each other soon. Sam carried the ring too, only for a while but he did."
" But Gandalf said..."
" Gandalf is a wizard. They often say something which they do not understand." I laughed.
Frodo joined me.

" Still I wanted to ask you something."
He looked at me with his eyes, big and blue:
" Will you take care of my Sam ? Just keep an eye on him so he won't mess up anything." Frodo smiled.
" I will Frodo. I promise. "


The sun was already setting when we arrived to the havens. The sky was bright yellow and white clouds were spreaded across it like bunches of cotton.
Frodo's uncle Bilbo slowly walked forward, his nephew was holding his hand.
" Well here's a sight I've never seen before." he smiled.
Neither have I. I thought to myself, gazing at the horizon. I wondered what it is,like, behind the sea.

Only now I noticed a majestic white ship, anchored at the shore.
I came to my father sniffing, with my eyes red from tears
He he,was standing by the boat, prepared to leave.

" Le boe gwannatach?" I sobbed.
Father wiped away mu tears, lifted up my chin and smiled:
" Ù-nalla iell nín. Lesta nîrnaeth lín hyana naid."
I took his hand and looked into his green eyes sadly.
" Hannon le ada. Hannon le an pân."
" E maus nín. " he brushed my cheek and wiped another tear.
" Cuil daer dartha an le. Estelio meleth Nathìniel."
"Esteliathon, ada."
I hugged him and sobbed into his shoulder.
" We will see each other there." with those words he took Bilbo by his hand and stepped on the boat

" The power of the Three rings has ended. The time has come for the dominion of men." Galadriel looked at Aragorn who was holding Arwen's hand while she was sniffing quietly.
Then she followed my father and their ship left the harbour.

Legolas wrapped his arms around me, leaning his head on mine which made me feel much better.
Merry, Pippin and Sam sniffled loudly while Frodo just stood there in silence.
" Farewell my brave friends." spoke Gandalf.
" My work is now finished. Here at last on the shores of sea, comes the end of our fellowship."
I burried my head into Legolas' chest and cried.
" I will not say do not weep for not all tears are evil."
he smiled and started walking towards the boat. Suddenly he stopped.

My dear Gandalf... You forgot Frodo.
" It is time." he said and Frodo scaredly walked forward.
" What does he mean ?" Sam asked surprised.
Frodo put his arm on Sam' shoulder.
" We left out to save the shire, and it has been saved. But not for me. There is a great life waiting for you Sam. "

I strengthened my attention. This was exactly what father said to me.
" You... You can' t leave...
Frodo handed him a leather red book with a gold star at the front page.
" The last pages are for you Sam."
Then he walked over to Merry and Pippin and embraced each of them. They were both upset, wiping away tears sad for their dear friend that was leaving.

Then he walked to me and wrapped his arms around my waist:
" Thank you Nathìniel. For being a light in dark places." and he handled me a little bottle. The light of Eärendil which he was given in Lothlorien.
" Farewell Frodo Baggins. My hero. The hero of our world." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Then he walked to Sam with crying and squeezed him strongly. When he pulled away he smiled and walked to Gandalf. He smiled once again and the ship sailed away

How could he...?" Sam turned to me with a terryfied face.
I just nodded and hugged him, his tears falling on my hands.
" You will see him again Sam."
" What do you mean ?"
" You were a ring bearer, although for a while but you were. That's why you will see the golden shores. But until then you will have to find another friends." I turned my head to Merry and Pippin, then to Legolas and me.
" I already found them." he smiled.

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