Pass of Caradhras

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I was shivering. I was always the one who was cold, mostly because of my thin appearance but such cold as this was I never felt in my whole life. We were walking through the Pass of Caradhras where snow was heavily falling. Luckily, as an elf I had the ability to walk lightly on snow without burrying my feet into it. But that didn't help me, when my body started to freeze. I felt the cold running through my veins. The utter depth of my chest was burning with ice. It was terrrible. Like a knife, scratching on the surface.
I can do it. I said to myself and kept walking. My knees broke.
I can do it. My head ached horribly. I can do it. I can...
I fell into the snow. Frozen.

The last thing I heard was Legolas calling:
" Nathìniel no!"
And then I closed my eyes. Someone came to me and picked me up.  For a long time I just felt singns of moving. I knew I we were heading forward but I had no idea where and what does the land around us look like. But then, my bones started to soften and I felt my blood running through whole body. The warmth of the person carrying me filled my heart and after a while I started to breathe. I slowly opened my eyes. I was carried by Legolas.

I immediately blushed when I saw my savior. He's so strong. I thought to myself.
" Nathìniel! Thanks Eru you are alright ! I thought that we lost you!"
My lips were so frozen that I couldn't say anything so I just smiled weakly. If you could call that a smile.
" I can walk by myself now. Thank you." I finally said.
" No. Stay here. I will carry you all the way if you want."
" Isn't it a burden for you ?" I asked.
" You ? You are as a tree branch, mellon nín. And besides. I want to carry you. It makes me happy. " he winked.

I closed my eyes. I was safe and sound in his arms. Nothing could happen. At least that's what I thought.
Suddenly I heard voices, speaking in a dark language.
" There is a fell voice on the air!" Legolas yelled, making sure that everyone will hear him.
" Saruman!" Gandalf yelled back.
Then a large rock fell from the side of the mountain followed by a few smaller rocks.
" He's trying to bring down the mountain !" Aragorn screamed.
" We must turn back!" I shouted.
" No !" Gandalf shouted back.

He tried to stop it but Saruman was too strong. An avalanche came and burried us in it. Me still in Legolas' arms.
He digged out with me and shook of the snow from his white hair. I couldn't stop starring at him. He was just perfect. But the possiblity that he felt the same for me wad very low.
I was so lost in my thoughts , that  I didn't realize the rest of the fellowship was discussing how we should continue in our journey. The only thing  I heard was Frodo saying :
" We will go trough the mines !"

Did he mean the mines of Moria? Please anything but not that. It's full of disgusting dwarves, their stinky alcohol and stupid treasures. And of course it's dark there. And hot. And uncomfortable. Why mines !??? I screamed for myself.

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