An unknown land

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We were still on our way, finding some signs that will help us find Merry and Pippin.
I wonder where did the orcs take them. I can't imagine those cheerful little hobbits, always in need for food, trembling somewhere, surrounded by those bloodthirsty creatures.

" Not idly do the leaves of Lórien fall." Aragorn interrupted me, holding a clasp in the shape of green leaf. It was the same clasp, that Galadriel gave all of us before we left Lothlórien.
" One of them must threw it here, so we could find them." I said.
" They are propably alive." continued Legolas, smiling.

I climbed a large rock that was in my way and ran after othe thers who were much further.
" Rohan. The Home of Horse-lords.
There is something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to this creatures, sets it's will against us." said Aragorn, and I followed Legolas to the edge of a cliff. I looked over the whole horizon. Something that payed my attention, were little figures carrying smaller figures that looked like hobbits, turning to the right.
" What do your elf eyes see ?" asked Aragorn.
" The Uruks turned north-east. " said Legolas.
" They are taking the hobbits to Isengard !" I said, horrified.
" Saruman." said Aragorn angrily and we continued in our way to Edoras.

Rohan was a beautiful land. It was like nothing I've ever seen. Golden fields were spreading under proud white mountains, covered with snow. There were no trees or bushes, just grass and weeds. I've never been here. The south of Middle earth was absolutely unknown to me.
My father has never mentioned the king of Rohan, the country neither.

" Come on Gimli ! " I heard Legolas calling. Gimli had too short legs to run as fast as we did.
" I have to breathe! That's the key !" he shouted back, gasping for air.

After a whole day of running we decided to take a break. It was evening.  After we woke up, the whole sky was like a fire.
" A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night." said Legolas, looking at the pink fluffy clouds.
" Now we most hope it was orc blood." I pointed out and we continued walking for another few hours.

Suddenly we heard the sound of horses running. Legolas grabbed my hand and we hid behind a rock. I looked from behind it and saw a group of tall men on their horses. Propably the riders of Rohan. They seemed friendly. That's propably why Aragorn came out of our hiding. We followed him.
" Riders from Rohan ! What's new in the mark ?" he asked.

" What bussiness does a man, two elves and a dwarf have in the Ridermark ?" asked one of them, tall and strong man with long blonde hair, suspiciously.
" We came on behalf of peace and friendship." I said, putting my hand on the dagger in my belt.
" Close your mouth lass or I will cut off your pointy ears. Let men speak." he said proudly.
" Don't you dare touch her !" spoke  Legolas and pointed an arrow to men's face.
I kindly put his hand down, Aragorn spoke up:

" I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, this is Nathìniel, daughter of Lord Elrond in Imladris, this one is Gimli son of Glóin and Legolas from the Woodland realm. We are friends of Rohan and of the king too."
" Saruman has poisoned his mind. He doesn't recognize even his own kin anymore. The stupid white wizard has spies all over the mark." said the man sadly.
" We aren't spies. We are tracking a party of Uruk-hais. They captured our friends. Halflings, they'd look only like children to your eyes. Haven't you see them ?" Aragorn asked worriedly.

" We left none of them alive. I'm sorry." he apologized.
" No!" I cried. Legolas pulled me closer to him.
" I can do nothing for you. But take these. Their names are Arod and Hasufel. May they carry you towards a better fate than theor previous masters. Search for your friends but do not trust hope. There is not much left of it in these lands."
" Thank you." I said, tears in my eyes.
" And forgive me for my behavior, lady Nathìniel." he said and kissed my hand. Then he sat on a horse and galloped away.

We walked to corpse field. Gimli found a hobbit belt and Aragorn kicked one of the helmets angrily.
" We failed them!" he cried, hands burried into his face.
I hugged him tightly and wiped the tear from his eye. Then I saw that he's starring at something.
" Two hobbits laid here. Their hands were bound. Their bonds were cut. They ran over here, followed. The tracks lead away from the battle to..." he watched the footprints turning north.

" Fangorn forest." he ended.
" I wonder what madness drew them there." groaned Gimli. Dwarf. I thought to myself. He hasn' t seen the beauty of living trees yet. Oh how much I missed that place. It's a shame that all of the ents I knew are gone.
Still I can't wait to go home.

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