Warg attack

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" What is it ?" asked Aragorn, scaredly looking at Háma.
" I'm not sure yet." he answered, gazing at the horizont.
" Wargs !!!!!!" cried Gamling. I grabbed my bow and prepared arrows.
Theoden shouted from a far :
" What is it ?!!!"
" Wargs! We are under attack !!!!" yelled Aragorn, cutting a hand of an orc.

A bunch of children ran to me, crying.
" We must quickly get them to safety !!!" I yelled at Theoden.
He looked at Eowyn. She walked away upset, taking some boy by hand and showing people to follow her.
" She will take them to Helm's deep. She knows the way." said Theoden and continued fighting. She should have fight with us. She is a brave warrior but her king never gives her a chance.
I gazed at her and she smiled. Soon she and her people hid behind a rock and I was again alone.

I shot an arrow into a warg's leg so it fell, bumping into the others. I continued shooting. As the wargs were falling on the ground I jumped on each one, shooting the next above him. When they all fell, I jumped down elegantly, making sure I'm clean.
Legolas gazed at me, eyes wide opened.
" I didn't now you could do that." he said surprised.
" Well... Now you know." I winked at continued fighting side by side with my fiancee.

When arrow hit a head of orc, it fell down showing a small figure falling of a cliff.
" Aragoooorn !!!" cried Legolas running to the edge of cliff, followed by me and Gimli.
" He' s dead." laugh an orc harshly, showing his dirty teeth.
" You lie !!!!" I cried, my hands burried in my face.
" You lie!!! He will never give up like that ! He is Estel. A hope..." I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. At least he will meet Arwen in the undaying lands. Theoden putted a comforting hand on my shoulder.
" Come. We must get the wounded on horses. The wolves will return again."

I helped a man in shined armour to sit on his horse. He had a bad injury on his leg.
He thanked and the horse galloped away.
He couldn't just... No... Not after all we've been through together. He was like a brother of mine. I wish to see his smile again.


" What's that ???" I asked pointing at the weird soup looking like dirt that Aragorn was giving me.
" Just taste it. I know it looks horrible but it tastes great." he laughed puting the spoon of soup to my mouth.
" It's disgusting !" I laughed, my mouth full of that greasy liquid.
" I know ! I was just kidding ! But you're a ranger now you must eat what you find." he laughed.
" You know I don't like to eat much." I laughed.


" You know what would be really funny ?" I asked Aragorn, who was sitting with me by the fire in the middle of a forest.
" What ?" he asked smiling.
" An orc marriage." I said and he immediately burst into laugh.
" I would like to see that !" he giggled.
" Can you imagine how would they kiss ?" I asked smiling.
" Oh no." he laughed.

I wish to hear his voice that comforted me so many times

" Aaaaaaah !" I gasped holding my leg tightly so I stop the bleeding.
" I know but you have to endure it."
" Aaah." I sighed bitting my lips.
" Just a second." he said and put a somekind of creme on the wound.
" It will be okay." he said stroking his fingers through my hair.

" Ethelitha ad. " said Legolas wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing me on my forehead.
" Ú ethelitha. Wanwenion ho. Anuir." I said wiping a tear from my eye..
" Ennas 'sal estel. E i estel." he said and putted his lips on mine softly. They were sweet as fresh apples and soft as a pillow.
He took my hand, brushing the ring and interviewing his fingers with mine.

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