The mines of Moria Part.2

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" I have no memory of this place." said Gandalf, annoyed after a long time of walking in the mines.
" Are we lost ?" asked Pippin sadly.
" No, we're not lost." said Merry trying to comfort him.
" I think we are lost." said Pippin again and I couldn't help myself but smile.
" Quiet Pip. Gandalf is thinking." said Merry.
" Merry ? I'm hungry." said Pip again.
Oh those hobbits. They always think about food.
Pippin and Merry continued in their conversation.

Frodo was talking to Gandalf about a creature named Gollum. It was following us for a few days now. I wonder why  it was so important.
Gimli and Legolas were arguing about some dwarvish weapons and why they're useless. Even though they were good friends they were still a dwarf and an elf. Which meant it was kt so easy to reach an agreement on everything.
Sam, Boromir and Aragorn were walking alone. So I decided to talk to Sam. I didn't know him very well and he looked like a really nice person.

" Hey" he said as I walked over to him.
" Hello." I said too and we continued in an awkward silence for next minutes.
" Do you think we will survive this mission, or what shall I call it ?" Sam asked worried.
" I'm not sure but we can't loose hope. It's the only thing that keeps us alive." I smiled.
" How can you be such an optimist ?" Sam giggled.
" Elven powers." I laughed.

" Yes, propably. You know..." he started. " I always wanted to meet and elf but I was scared that I won't be able to speak politely enough with them. You know, they are so peaceful and magnificient creatures and I'm just a simple gardener. But when I'm with you I feel so free. You are incredibly beautiful and wise and kind and lovely beyond my words but you have something inside you that isn't so elvish. Something that allows me to speak to you. Something that makes me feel worthy."
" You are worthy, Sam. And I'm glad I can make you feel nice." I said with a warm smile and a look that mother gives her son when he asks her some sweet question.

Later Frodo wanted to speak with Sam so I stayed alone.
" Even though I don't see you very well, you look beautiful." said Boromir and walked over to me.
" Thank you." I smiled but it was hopeless in the utter darkness of Moria mines where we couldn't see our own feet
Boromir was very nice but...  My heart was already stolen. By a certain elf.  I smirked for myself.

" He likes you, he won't hurt you. Do not worry about him." said Aragorn. Can he read my mind ?
" I'm not scared but I never faced that. For my whole life, no one has ever tried to court me. Thry would want to. But ada didn't allow any elves to do so. They were only my friends. Perhaps it was good. Still there will be only one that I will love. I just hope taht he will love me. That he will hold my hand no matter what and stay with me forever."
" You will find someone. I know it. And he is already here."
" I don't like Boromir."
" Who said that I'm talking about Boromir?" he said smiling.

" Even I found someone like that. But unfortunately she is far away from me and maybe I will never see her again. I've always wanted to have a family, to raise our children and then die in peace looking at my son Eldarion sitting on the throne."
" You already have a name for your son ? That's sweet." I said and smiled.
" I know it's weird." he said upset.
" Of course it's not! It's lovely !" I comforted him. Then I saw the weird look that Legolas gave us. Was he jealous ?

We entered the room and Gimli immediately ran to a tomb that was in the middle of it.
" Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, the lord of Moria. He is dead then. It's as I feard." said Gandalf and I saw tears filling Gimli's eyes. I slowly came to him and pet his shoulder.
" We can not stay here any longer." said Legolas and Gandalf started to read an old book lying next to the tomb.
His reading was interrupted by a loud crash that would wake the dead. Pippin knocked a skeleton into the well.

" Fool of a took! Next time throw yourself in, and rid us of your stupidity!" yelled Gandalf at Pippin, who was clearly frightened.
For a while it looked like no one had heard us but then drums started to beat loudly. I looked at Frodo's sword. It glowed bright blue.

" Orcs!" screamed Legolas.
We ran to the door and started to bar it with the weapons that we found in the room. Unfortunetly it didn't hold for long. I stretched my bow and shotthe first arrow right into an orc's heart. Thanks to Legolas who teached me how to do it. I shot another one and another one. Soon almost all of the orcs were dead. I saw Sam hitting some orc with his frying pan. I smiled but then another orc stabbed Frodo into his chest.
I was coming to him when my vision turned dark. Terrible pain entered my body. I was stabbed into my back.

Legolas' POV

I saw Nathìniel falling on the ground with a dagger stabbed into the middle of her back. I immediately ran to her. Everyone was already there trying to help her.
" She's not breathing !" screamed Sam holding the dagger.
" No !!!!!" I yelled back, tears in my eyes. She can't be dead. I haven't told her yet. Please. No.
" To the bridge of Khazad-dûm!" yelled Gandalf.

" What about her ?!!!" screamed Sam.
" We must leave her here. There is no other choice."
" She can't die in mines! She deserves a proud elvish funeral in a calm forest !" I cried
" I'm sorry Legolas." said Gandalf running away, others following him. I came to her and carefully picked her dead body up bridal-style. Then I ran behind them with Nathìniel in my arms. I should have told her earlier.

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