The argue

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I followed my father to his chamber. When we got there he shutted the door angrily and sat on his bed.
" You're not going anywhere!" he yelled at me.
The tears started to form in my eyes.
" Ada!"
" I'll tell your companions that you have a disease that can't be cured."
" You can't just lie to them like that !"
" And you could lie to me, when you said that you'll stay ?!"
" I didn't lie. I had no other option !"

" You can't go!"
" But who will go if I won't ?"
" No one. Nine of them is enough."
" I have to protect my family !"
" You have no family!" Silence filled the air. He looked kike he wanted ti say something but I ran to my room, wiping away the tears with the sleeve of my dress.
I couldn't believe it. He cared for me just because he wanted a queen from me. Nothing else. I felt hot waterfalls of tears falling from my eyes. I felt utter sadness and confusion at the same time. After all those years...

When I finally reached my chamber  I jumped into my bed and curled my thin body into a small ball. I sobbed to my pillow and soon it was whole wet.
Then I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't want anyone to see me like this so I hid under the blanket. But the person took it away and looked into my face. Arwen.
" He loves you, Nathìniel." she tried to comfort me.
" I don't think so. He was just using me."
" Nathìniel, he would never. He loves you as his own. He was just angry."
" I understand him but... I have to go. I must."

" It's the elf isn't it ?"
I slowly nodded.
" I don't want to go to Valinor neither. I loved Aragorn from the moment I met him. But father said that I can't give up my immortality because of him. But I have to. I will never love anyone else."
" That's why I want to leave. Of course I want to fight but he might be..."
" The one." Arwen ended my sentence.
" What should I do ?"
" Go."
" But what about you?"
" Don't worry about me, muinthel nìn. La maethor veleg a gornui. Estelio enni. Hortho le huil vaer. Gurren nallatha nalú achenin le. And remeber. He loves you."
" So do I." I said and wrapped my hands around her. I slightly cried into her shoulder.

After a while someone knocked on the door. I opened and looked into the bright blue eyes of my father. I wanted to say something but he placed his finger on my mouth and pressed my hear against his chest, holding me closely.
" Garo lend vaer, iel nín." he whispered.
" Does that mean I can go?" I asked.
" The rest of the fellowship won't any longer." he winked.
With joy and excitement I quickly kissed him on his cheek and with laugh on my lips started to pack my things.

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