Your heart is where I belong

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Everyone wasenjoying the victory, drinking and eating happily.
I stood in an empty room, it was dark.  Only an old candle was burning on  a small table in thw corner. In the middle of the room there was a bed and on the it there lied a body, covered with a white silk which was decorated with silver ornaments.
" I can't..." Gimli wanted to say something but his tongue stopped. Instead of talking he started to cry.

" There is still hope." said Aragorn, trying to smile.
" There's none !!!" I wept.  I was compeletely ruined. My life lost menaing. " You don't see it ?! He's dead !"
" Nathìniel, please calm down." said Aragorn, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, placing a finger on my mouth.
" It's my fault... I promised..." I smirked.
" You can't look at it like that..."
" I should be the dead one !!!!"
" Nathìniel you..."
" Please mellon nín... I need to be alone." I said.
" Of course." Aragorn smiled empathicly and along Gimli  left the room.

Peace and quiet was all around me but a great hole in my heart.
I didn't hear Eowyn entering.
" He wouldn't want you to give up Nathìniel." she said, placing her hand on my shoulder.
" I can't live without him."
" You fill find someone, I know it."
" I won't. We were... We were engaged..." I sobbed, holding my ring.
" I'm so sorry." she said, and wrapped her arms around me so I felt safe.
" I'll leave you with him." she whispered and walked away.

I was thinking for a while but then
I carefully sat on the corner of the bed with tears in my eyes and started to sing quietly.

Thîr lín si faen sui loss.
Peul lín ring a hin lín holta.
Faer lín gwanna, revia nan ennor o gell.
Rhaw lín dar na hin, heb moina enni.
Meleth nín, aniron leddia bar.
Bar nín mi gurren lín, ennas aníron leddia.

Let me lie next to you, let my body join yours.
And my soul sail away, back home.
To the only place where I want to go.
Hold my hand once again, wrap your arms around my waist.
Kiss my lips and stop me whispering the word...
Your heart is where I belong.

Then I leaned down to his face, pressing a soft kiss on his cold lips, my tears falling on his cheeks.
" Guren lín bar nín." I whispered.
I burried my head into his chest and cried. It felt like an eternity

Well suddenly I felt warmth filling my lungs and I heard his heart beating. I looked up and saw his beautiful blue eyes opening slowly. He waslooking at me with his beautiful smile on wide lips.
" I couldn't leave you alone." he said, pressed his lips on my and kissed  me passionately.
When I touched his chest I realised that his wound is completely cured.
" I love you so much Nathìniel." he said stroking his fingers through my hair, looking into my eyes.
" I love you too. I can't imagine that you won't be here with me."
" I have to. I promised meleth nìn." he said and smiled.

" Legolas !!!" cried Aragorn happily.
" Mannen le, mellon nìn ?" asked Legolas calmly without any sign that he was dead a minute ago.
" Maer, man cennion le." he smiled.
" Your wound... It's cured !!" Aragorn blurted in surprise.
" Thanks to the elvish medicine." Legolas winked at me.

" You're alive !!" screamed Gimli, immediately putting his short arms around Legolas' waist
" Those pointy eared lads don't give up, do they ?" he laughed. We joined him too.
" I'm glad to see you all fit Legolas. " smiled Gandalf, standing in the door.
" However my friends, it is time  to leave. There is a bussiness in Isengard waiting for us."
We all stood up, Legolas  from his bed and we walked away to the stables.

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