Black gate

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" Frodo has passed beyond my sight." spoke Gandalf in the hall of Ecthelion.
" The darkness is deepening."
" Sauron does not have the ring. He has fallen silent for he is afraid of the Return of the king. His eye guards us, no Frodo." I said, Gandalf narrowed his eyes, Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn and Eomer listened carefully.

" It's only a matter of time. He has suffered of defeat, yes, but behind the walls of Mordor the enemy is regrouping." Gandalf was worried.
Gimli just laughed, sitting on the chair of the Steward:
" Let him stay there. Let him rot. Why should we care ?"
Gandalf starred at him angrily:
" Because 10,000 orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom."

" I have sent him to his death." he mumblered.
" No." Aragorn join the conversation.
" There is still hope for Frodo. He only needs time and safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth. We can give him that." he spoke from my heart. We had to divert Sauron from Frodo. But how ?

" We can draw out Sauron's armies, empty his lands. Then we will gather our full strenght and march to the Black gate."
" We cannot win against them." Eomer stabbed forward but I refused him:
" No we can't. But Frodo can win if we keep Sauron's eye fixed upon us."
Legolas smiled. He liked the idea.

Well, Gandalf was still afraid:
" Sauron will suspect a trap. He will not take the bait."
" Now I think he will." smiled Aragorn and winked.
" We have hope, there is still chance to help Frodo. " I said.
" Then what are we waiting for !" Gimli giggled.


I was sitting on our horse behind Legolas, dressed in the Gondorian armour as the other 200 soldiers behind me. The other half were the knights of Rohan between them Merry and Pippin.
In front of us lied great mountains of black, the sky above them was dusty and red.
" Here it is. Mordor." said Legolas, looking back at me.
" I can't imagine being here for so long how Frodo and Sam are."
" Me neither."

We finally stopped at the Black gate.
" Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth and let justice be done upon him". shouted Aragorn at the gate in front of us. Nothing happened.
" I âr trenar lle nan torth. Achasech calad ?" I asked in elvish.

The gate suddenly opened with a huge crack. A man on a horse came forth. If you could call him a man. His face was hidden under a hideous helmet, we could only see his mouth, covered in blood. His dirty teeth were smiling treacherously. I couldn't look at him so I turned my head away when he spoke :
" My master Sauron the Great bids thee welcome."

I still had my head turned aside, Legolas was holding my hand and I felt his eyes starting at the horrifying man in front of us.
Aragorn stayed silent.
" Is there someone in this rout, who has the autority to treat with me ?" the man asked.

Gandalf walked closer to him:
" We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master that the armies of Mordor must disband. He will depart these lands, and he will not be able to return again."
The man just laughed. Don't he dare !
" Old Greybeard!"

" You should better keep your mouth shut or I will shut it for you." I said angrily, taking my bow.
" I know you, she elf - the one who saw the eye. He knows what you fear. Loneliness ? Love ? Death ?
" Gen hedithon min noer Orodruin !"
He walked backwards. The language of elves frightened him but he still continued :
" Well maybe you all fear this !" he holded up a white shirt. Frodo's Mithril vest. No. He couldn't... Please...

"Ú-thenid !" I cried.
" Frodo !" Pippin and Merry joined me.
" Silence !" Gandalf stopped us.
" No..." gasped Merry.
" I said silence."
" The halfling was very dear to you as I see. You should know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host. Who would thought that someone so small could endure so much pain. And he did Gandalf. He did."

Tears spread down my cheeks. I lost so many people. Why did I still have  hope ?
Then Aragorn walked to him on his horse.
" And who is this ? Isildur's heir ? Well, it takes more to make a king than a broken elvish blade."
He didn't even finish his sentence and Aragorn cut of his head with one movement.
" But the broken elvish blade is enough to shut the Mouth of Sauron." I winked and Aragorn smiled warmly. What would I do without a friend like him ?

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