Celebrating love

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" Nathìniel... I'm so glad you found each other." Aragorn sat next to me with a tanker of elven beer, taking a small apple from a bowl that was in the table of a large and long table.
I blushed with a smile:
" Eru's ways are always unknown. We think about how horrible it could've been, but sometimes it prepares beautiful surprise for us that changes our life."

Aragorn smiled, gazing at the ceiling, thinking about something.
" What is it ?"
" Nothing I just... All of my life I spent hiding. Pretending to be a ranger, someone who I wasn't supposed to be, just because I was scared. Well now the destiny surprised be. I finally stopped fearing myself. Isildur's heir, the king of Gondor. That's who I am."
" That's who you will always be." I placed my hand on his, looking into his eyes, in the oulour of a forest lake.

" Tell me, how is it to be a king ? Since I am the queen of Mirkwood now I need to learn something." I laughed and we continued in our conversation while Legolas was happily chatting with Arwen.


" Be kind to her. Never tell her what do. She will either stay quiet and listen to you for she is too shy to complain or she will stab you in your back." I heard Arwen's loud voice, sounding a bit drunk. I quickly ran to her.
" What are you talking about ?" I asked completely surprised.
" I would never do that meleth nín. I would stay quiet because I'm too shy to complain, yes. But I would never hurt you, herven nín." I kissed his cheek and leaned on his chest.
" I know meleth nín. Neither would I." he kissed the top of my head and rest his head on mine.
We didn't noticed that Arwen dissapeared.


Pippin and Merry were dancing on the table, spilling beer all around them as they were jumping in the air. Everyone was laughing and cheering. This time I was standing. next to Gandalf who was clapping his hands in the rhytm of song.
" Finally there is no war of ring we should worry about." I said and tsked with my lips.
" I thought you didn't want to do any beauty routines." teased Gandalf. I giggled for the only thing I've done was that I put on a red lipstick.

" Well... People change." I laughed.
" Yes."
" Is something wrong Gandalf ?"
" I'm worried about Frodo. The war is over, Sauron is defeated, howewer there are still some wounds that will never completely heal."
I remembered the night at Amon sûl. Frodo's eyes went wide, he couldn't breathe. He would die if Arwen wouldn't came.
" Frodo has a very strong heart." I said, looking at the little dark haired hobbit standing in the crowd, laughing.

" That is why the elves offered him this great oppurtunity."
" A ship for the last ring bearer..."
" After the wedding, we are going to ride to Grey havens. There Frodo will say goodbye to these lands and so will I."
" My father is leaving too."
" The age of elves has ended. So had the age of Maiar. I returned only to complete my quest. This times belong to men and two lovely elves of Mirkwood." he smiled at me.


I was going to take a tissue from the table, when soft hands of Legolas grabbed my waist and made me sit on his lap.
He stroke his fingers through my hair.
" I can't believe that you are finally mine."
" Neither can I. It seems like it was yesterday when I met you at the archery arena, thinking: Who is this beautiful man."
" Since then I wondered how can such a sweet, shy and beautiful lady kill orcs and face Sauron."
" I am brave only in certain situations." I winked


Faramir sat on a chair, completely drunk, trying to catch his breath.
I just laughed and sat next to him.
With blurred eyes he gazed at me, curving his lips into a weird smile:

" You remember when we first met at Minas Tirith ?"
" Yes. It was wonderful to meet such a honorable and loyal person."
" Well... I actually fell in love with you for a second."
" Faramir you're drunk." I stopped him.
" But then you told be about your fiancee and I was a bit jealous, also I felt like I was useless." he continued.
" Faramir you..."

" Eowin made me loose the feeling. I love her so much. And now when I see how happy you are with Legolas... I know that love always finds a different path."
My eyes filled with tears. My dear Faramir... What would I do without a friend like you ?


"I don't feel my legs." groaned Legolas. It was late at night, everyone was already in their rooms, sleeping or talking to each other.
Only us - the bride and the groom, were sitting in a hall where the wedding was celebrated, moaning in pain.

" This was the definitely not the last time I danced. But I really need a break from it
." I sighed and leaned on Legolas' tired body.
" Me too. I think... We should propably go to bed."
" That's a brilliant idea." I tried to stand up but my legs were so stiffed that I fell on the chair.

" No, stay like that, meleth nín." he came to me, picking me up bridal- style and carrying me to our room.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on his lips softly.
" It is always a pleasure to carry you in my arms." he whispered as we finally entered the room.

He gently laid me on the bed and cuddled next to me.
He ran down with his fingers down my spine, making me shiver, his lips pressed to my neck and his hair tickling my shoulders. I turned to him so I could see his eyes, although hidden in the shadow of night. His chest was now touching mine, his arms around my waist.
In this lovely position we fell asleep as husband and wife.

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