At the Prancing pony

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Note : This is where the real story starts 😊

The day was slowly coming to its end.
Me and Aragorn were sitting in the corner of an inn called the Prancing pony. People around were drinking beer, dancing, talking and starring at us because we had our faces hidden in hoods. We were whispering to each other and everyone thought that we were talking about them but that wasn't true at all. We were talking about the ring. The ring of power. That was the reason why we were sitting in an inn instead of hunting orcs.
Our friend Gandalf said that we must find a hobbit named Frodo. He has the ring. It was suspicious that he can't do it himself.  So it was obvious that something was wrong with him. But what?

" Nathìniel look!" Aragorn said quickly.
" Is that him ?" I asked starring at a little man in a size of a child with large blue eyes and dark curly hair.
Aragorn nodded.
" But who are they ?" I asked pointing at three other hobbits settling next to him and asking the barman for a beer.
" Propably some friends."
One of them, a blonde hobbit of stronger figure looked at us.
" That couple have  nothing but starred at us since we came in." he said looking suspiciously at us. The servant came to their table and the one who was propably Frodo asked:
" Excuse me, those people in the corner, who are they ? "

" They are one of them Rangers.
Dangerous folk they are, wandering the wilds. The man , we have never heard his right name but round here he is known as strider."
" Strider." Frodo repeated." And what do you know about the other one ? She looks like a woman." he continued.
" She is. A very strange person. Even more than the man. You don't see a girl killing orcs and sleeping on the cold wood ground often. That's why people in this village call her the Wood lady."
The servant walked away.
" Wood lady. I like that." I told Aragorn and smiled.
" Yeah it's good. Much better then a strider." he said smiling too.

" Oh no. Frodo. " the ring fell on his finger and he dissappeared. We grabbed him by his arms and dragged him upstairs to our room.
" You draw to much attention to you, don't you, Mr. Underhill ?" Aragorn said angrily when the door behind us closed.
" What do you want from me ???" Frodo shouted scaredly.
" Nothing, just to be more careful on what you are carrying." Aragorn answered.
" I don't carry anything!"
" We can avoid being seen if we wish but dissappearing entirely. That's a rare gift, don't you think ?" I asked suspiciously.

" Who are you to ask me this questions? " continued Frodo.
He looked frightened but not so much as he should be. I thought to myself. Within a second the three other hobbits entered the room, checking if we hurt Frodo.
" You have a stout heart my dear hobbit, but that won't save you." I smiled at the blonde lad who talked about us at the table.
" Frodo we can't wait for Gandalf anymore. Something is wrong with him. " I told him gently.

" They are here !" Aragorn shouted.
We ran to a room on the otherside of hostel and watched the black riders stabbing pillows filled with feathers. Great trick. I thought to myself grinning.
" Who are they ?" Frodo asked me quitly, still frightened from Aragorn. I started talking about the great kings and how have they become the Naz-gûls

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