The mines of Moria

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The sky was dark. We were on our way to Moria. Or Khazad-dûm as it was called by the dwarven kings.
When we finally reached the massive, royal-looking stone wall, Gandalf scrabed away the dirt and found a pattern on the wall.
" Isildin. It mirrors only sunlight and moonlight." he said and the moon immediatly escaped from the clouds.
It showed a door with a tree in the middle of it and elven carvings above.
" That is the gate of Celebrimbor !" I blurted out.
" It says, the Gates of Durin, lord of Moria. Speak friend and enter. What does that suppose to mean ? I thought to myself. Should we say something ? But what ?

Gandalf clearly didn't understand it neither. He tried a lot of passwords but none of them worked. It was hopeless that we would ever get inside.
Then Frodo jumped up smiling :
" It's a riddle! What is an elvish word for friend?"
" Mellon." I said with Gandalf and the door started to open.
" You're very smart hobbit Frodo." I said and smiled at him. He replied with a grin and we entered the gate.
" Soon, dear elves, you will enjoy the hospitality of dwarves. Roaring fire, malt beer, red meat off the bone. This is the home of my cousin Balin." Gimli said with a satisfied smile.

Gimli was my friend but  hot air smelling like alcohol and sweat of dwarves wasn't what I would call a great hospitality. But after a while I realised that there aren't any dwarves or food. Jewels from mine neither.
" This is no mine ! It is a tomb !" shouted Boromir.
" No!" screamed Gimli.
" Goblins." said Legolas after he pulled out an arrow from skeleton's chest.
" Wood lady !" yelled Sam, trying to help Frodo escape from the grip of a tentacle from the water.
I ran there, followed by Aragorn and Boromir and we started to cut the tentacles. When the creature showed it's face Legolas stabbed an arrow right in the middle of it.
" Into the mines !" cried Gandalf and we followed him.

It was dark there. Gandalf talked about the journey that was ahead of us but my mind was somewhere else.
Will he ever love me ? I think he is the one but what if he has already eyes for another. He's an elf like my. He can't just change his mind. And neither can I. If my love is not destined to be repaid then I will die of a broken heart.
" Nathìniel is there something bothering you ?" A soft voice whispered behind me. Legolas.
" Im maer." I answered with a little smile.
" No you're not." he said and then I realised that I was crying.
" Please tell me what's wrong." he continued.

" You won't understand." I whispered. I thought that he would try to convince me again but I was wrong. Instead of it he pulled me into a soft embrace. I felt his heart beating and his lovely smell was filling my lungs. I slightly sobbed into his shoulder.
" Mathach eithel si ?" he asked.
" Maer. Hannnon lle." I answered still holding him tightly.
" If you'll ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here for you." he smiled and walked over to Gandalf.

Im maer. - I'm fine.
" Maer. Le hannon." - Yes. Thank you.
Mathach eithel si ?" - Are you feeling better now

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