Towards the end

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" We were strangely fortunate for what Nathíniel saw in the palantir was our enemy's plan." said Gandalf. We were in the golden hall. Theoden was sitting on his throne, listening carefully. I leaned on Legolas' shoulder, taking his hand and squeezing it scaredly. Gimli and Aragorn stood a bit further from us.
" Sauron waits to strike the city of Minas Tirith. His defeat in Helm's deep showed him one thing..."
he turned to Aragorn.

"That the heir of Elendil has come forth. Men are not as weak as he supposed. There is still courage and honor within you." he said. Aragorn looked at me.
I told him. He must take the sword. He must return.
" He fears this. He is prepared to destroy Minas Tirith before he sees the return of the King."

" Rohan must be ready for war! The beacons of Gondor may light."
Gandalf now turned to Theoden.
" Why should we help those who didn't come to help us ?" asked the king angrily.
" I will go." said Aragorn and walked over to Gandalf.
" No !" Gandalf stopped him. Aragorn looked surprised.
" They must be warned !" Aragorn complained.
" They will be !" Gandalf got closer to Aragorn and whispered.

" You must come to Minas Tirith by another road. Follow the black ships. Join the army of the death."
What ? He can't ! They answer only to the king ! He does not have the sword. It must be reforged. We can't win then.

" I will ride for Minas Tirith ! And I won't go alone !" decided Gandalf looking at me.


I was walking down the stairs to the stables with Legolas. We were far behind Gandalf but we didn't run.
" Are you alright, meleth nín ?"
" Yes but... I'm scared of Aragorn. He can't do it without the sword."
" What do you mean ?"
I almost forgot that Legolas does not now anything about this ' King matter'.
" Never mind."
" I have to. You didn't say anything but Sauron knows that you are here. And then he knows that Aragorn is here. That's why you have to leave." said Legolas taking my hand
" But you will go with me, right ?" Legolas' eyes filled with tears.
" He will go with me right ?" I looked to Gandalf, crying.
He shook his head sadly.
" I can't leave him !" I screamed.
" You have to. It's for your own good."
" I will die without him !"
" At least you will die as a hero. " said Gandalf. No. The dream I had. It became true. Why....
Legolas looked at me. He knew what just happened.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me strongly.
His tears were falling on my cheeks.
" Ú i vethed. Le uivelin. Garthon an le."
" So will I." I said, crying into his shoulder.
" Take this." I said giving him my necklace. My star.
" I can't..."
" It's my star. My soul is in it. I'm giving it to you because I love you. My heart is now in your hands."
He brushed the ring on my finger:
"No matter how far you are, you are still mine." he kissed me again and I jumped on Shadowfax behind Gandalf.
" Nîn velui a lalaith veren nalú en- agovaded vín, meleth nìn."
" Navaer Legolas." I said and Shadowfax carried us away, through the gate and towards the plains of Rohan. The last thing I saw was a silhouette of my beloved, standing on a watchtower.

Legolas' POV

She was gone. My only love. I wish to kiss her again. To hear her voice and see her eyes. I couldn't hold such a pain. I looked to the distance, a small figure of horse was slowly dissapearing.
Aragorn walked from behind me:
" I know how much it hurts." he said putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
Of course he knew.. His love has sailed to Valinor.
" Don't loose hope Legolas. She is not a mere elf. She is Nathìniel. The bravest warrior with the greatest heart. She will survive."

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