She doesn't remember me

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Aragorn's POV :

" No ! Nathìniel ! Please ! Wake up ! You can't die now !" I cried, holding the hand of my dear friend, lying on the ground with bloody wound in her chest.
She was like a sister to me. We wandered all of the paths in the north of Middleearth together. She was always there for me, when I felt bad. I can't imagine my life without her. And Arwen neither. She will be broken.
" Nathìniel wake up! Your sister needs you! And so do I !" I continued but nothing happened.
Legolas. He can't live without her.
" Nathìniel! Think of your love! Think of Legolas ! Please !" I lamented.

I put my hands on her chest to stop the bleeding. What suprised me, was her heart. It was still beating. She is alive. I have to wake her up.

I was interrupted by the sound of running.
" What happened ? Where are the hobbits ? And where is Boromir ? And Nath..."
Legolas' eyes widened when he saw Nathìniel's body covered with blood. His eyes started to fill with tears immediately.
" Noooooooooo!!!!!!" he screamed, falling on his knees.

Gimli came too and groaned:
" So we lost the lass."
" Can you for once be more sensitive !!!" yelled Legolas at him in frustration.
" Yes right. I'm sorry." Gimli said and went on a look to Boromir.

Legolas' POV

She was dead. Again. But now she was never going to come back. I will never see her beautiful smile again. I will never brush her smooth hair, I will never look into her eyes, green like summer trees. I will never kiss her lips, tasting like honey I will never touch her perfect body. I will never hear her lovely voice.
" She is still breathing." said Aragorn.
The hidden candle inside me immediately lighted up. So there's still hope.
" But you have to help me with your elven skills." he continued.
" I will do anything for my love." I said and stroke her beautiful hair.

We took of her tunic, so we could heal the wound. I quickly ran to forest for herbs that Aragorn told me to find. When I got all of them, I ran back to them. We mashed the herbs and spreaded the bend all over the wound. It had to hurt so much that she opened her eyes.

" What's that ?" she asked, gasping for air.
" Nathìniel you are alive !!!" I cried and hugged her tightly. I also kissed her on her forehead.
" Where... Where am I ? And who... Who are you ?" she asked trembling.
I realised it immediately. The joy that stroke like a thunder immediately left me.
She doesn't remember me.
My eyes filled with tears. She lives but she will never love me again.
I felt Aragorn holding me tightly and wiping a tear from the side of my face. I've lost her. Forever.

Nathìniel's POV:

I woke up at an unknown place with a man, dwarf and elf around me. I knew that I knew them. Especially the elf that kissed me but I couldn't remember anything. It has simply stuck in the back of my mind. The elf started to cry. I knew that something was wrong. But what ? Who were these people ? My head hurt terribly. So I closed my eyes and somehow,
everything around me went dark.


" Welcome Nathìniel. Daughter of nothing."


" I will revenge them. I will kill every living orc. I promise."


" Welcome to Rivendell."


" We are sisters Nathìniel."


" I am a ranger. They also call me strider but my real name is Aragorn."


" I will leave with him ada. I promised."


" You were born to be queen. I can feel your royal soul."


" Ten companions. So be it. You shall be the fellowship of the ring."


" Go sister. And remember. He loves you."


" Ú- boe lle peddion. Naethen. You will understand. Once."


"Do you know any songs Nathìniel ?"


"You have a lovely voice".


" I will carry you all the way if you want."


"There is something inside you that isn't so elvish. Something that allows me to speak to you.


" You will find someone. And he's already here."


" She can't die next to a dwarf tomb ! She deserves a proud elven funeral in a calm forest !"


" But we still have you. A sunshine in storm, a hope in gloom."


" I am the one Nathìniel."


" Perhaps it is because you are here."


"I would have follow you my lady."

And then I remembered everything.
" Legolas !!! I love you so much !!!" I cried and hugged him so tightly that he almost stopped breathing
" I thought I will never see you being yourself again." he said and kissed me passionately.
We didn't care that Aragorn and Gimli starred at us.
Then we carefully picked up Boromir's body and laid it into one of the boats. And that was the last time we saw the son of Gondor.

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