My first life

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I woke up in a dark forest. My little baby body was covered with wet ground and green leaves. I was shivering. I was looking around with eyes half opened when I realised I don't remember anything.

My parents... Where are they ??? Who are they ??? And mostly important who am I ???

I wanted to cry but I was so cold that the tears have almost frozen in my eyes. I was lying there for days. I felt like I was dying. I wanted to give up but then I saw a bunch of figures shaped like trees heading to me.

One of them, a strong treeman with long brown beard and dark eyes lifted me up and looked into my eyes.
" Welcome Nathìniel, daughter of nothing." he said and walked away carrying me to some place that looked like a village of treepeople.

2016 years later

The arrow perfectly hitted the middle of my homemade bag target. I took another one and shot it right next to the first.

After hours of archery I started to feel tired. I leaned against an old tree feeling his calm soul and closed my eyes. I remembered something. A warm but rough hand holding me tight. A giggle, sweet as grapes for tongue and lovely as a song for ear. Green eyes. With the whole world of trees inside them. With so much wisdom and grandeur.

But then I heard deep voices of the ents, doing something that sounded like screaming and roaring. And then, fire burning. I started to run. When I was close enough to the ents'  I saw angry yellow flames killing every soul and near them a group of orcs. Within a second they slain everything. It was gone. My family, my friends, the only people I knew and loved. I wanted to shout but the orcs could still hear me so I hopelessly fell on the ground with eyes full of tears.
" I will revenge them. I will kill all the living orcs. I promise. "


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I was walking straight north without knowing the way. I was exhausted. I haven't sleep for days now but I couldn' t. All the memories of the Fangorn forest, they were tearing me apart. I wanted to find some help but I didn't know where could I find it and who will help me.

Once when I was really young I heard the old ents talking about a place in the north of Misty mountains where the elves live and their ruler is a really wise man. I didn't understand how could tree people visited that place but I just felt it was important so I remembered it.

After days and days of walking I still couldn't sleep. I wanted to, I needed to but I could not. I felt like I was going to die. I made just a few steps when my vision turned pitch black and I felt my body falling on the ground. Perhaps they'll find me. Or maybe not.

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