I love you

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Nathìniel's POV:

I saw Legolas starring at me. Was there something troubling him ? I asked myself. I wanted to talk to him but Boromir came to me before I could even move.
" You never stop looking beautiful." he said and touched my hand.
" Boromir, please, why are you still trying ? It is hopeless."
" Yes... Right. I will leave you alone with your elven prince." he said annoyed.
" Please let me..."
Explain. I thought but he was already gone. Why did he say alone? Does he know something I do not ?

Then someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bushes. I wanted to grab my knife but I left it in the tent. But as when a huge stone falls my fear fell down from me. It was Legolas.

" Thank Eru it is you !" I sighed but than noticed his strange look.
" Is there something troubling you, mellon?" I asked worried.
" Well... There is something I wanted to tell since I met you at the archery arena. Nathìniel I am the one."
" What do you mean ?" I asked frightened. I didn't even think of love.
" I am the one who will hold your hand no matter what and the one who will stay with you forever.  Orthach 'uren in tirach enni. Nin lithiach. Le bainon. I love you Nathìniel."
I starred at him, my eyes wide opened. He loves me??? He does ???? He loves meeeeee !!! Tears of happiness filled my eyes and I couldn't help myself by cry.
" What's wrong ?" he asked.
" Nothing, only that I love you too !"
" Nathíniel, would you allow me..." he started and pulled me closer to him. He slowly put his lips on mine, I felt his warm breath, soft lips kissing mine. It was a hundred times better than I imagined. Than I coukd ever imagine. We stayed there, surrounded by beautiful trees, kissing under the night sky for a while that felt like an eternity. When we finally separeted I leaned on his chest, feeling his heart beating.
" Le melithon anuir." I said and kissed his cheek.
" I will love you longer, meleth nín." he said and pulled me into another passionate kiss.

Other's POV

" I told you that they will end up together!" laughed Gimli.
" You owe me a glass of good beer, Sam." laughed Aragorn.
" Well.. It' worth it. Aren't they cute together ?" said Sam smiling.
" The cutest." said Merry happily.
" Look at her eyes ! I never saw anyone so happy !" Pippin giggled.
" She doesn't have a good taste on men." groaned Boromir, clearly annoyed.
" I wish Gandalf could see them" said Frodo sadly.

Nathíniel's POV :

I followed Legolas to a " special place" as he called it. I had to close my eyes. He wanted to surprise me.
" Are we finally here ?"
" Not yet."
" Now ?"
" Just a few more steps, meleth nín."
" Can I?"
" Yes, you can open them now, meleth nín." he said.
I did so and I brushed my eyes all over and over again
I saw a beautiful place covered with thousands of flowers of every kind. I laid on the grass, smelled the sweet fragrance of flowers  and I watched the stars. Legolas laid next to me. I cuddled myself next to him and we watched the stars, shining brightly on a beautiful Lothlorien stars.  A few steps away shone the light of Caras Galadhon and above us there was a huge moon dressed in white.
After a while we fell asleep, covered with flowers. I was with him. The dream became real.


I woke up in Legolas' arms. He was still asleep, snoring quietly.
" Aur vaer." I whispered and kissed him on his nose. He slowly opened his beautiful blue eyes and smiled.
" We must hurry. The boats are waiting for us on the shore. I saw the wood elves preparing them early in the morning." I said and stood up.
I hid behind the bushes and quickly changed into traveling outfit.

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