The fields of Pellenor

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I rode towards the rohirrim, Shadowfax' white figure could be seen from a far.  They were already done with the orcs but another enemy stood before them. They were preparing for the battle, standing in the line. I tried to be inconspicuous, quietly stopping at the left end of line.

The rider that stood next to me immediately turned.
" Are my eyes cheated by some spell ? Nathíniel! "
" Eowyn !" I threw my arms around her neck. I'm so happy to see you too ! You are in battle ! How did you..."
" Don't speak so loud. I'm not supposed to be here. They neither." she whispered, pointing to two hobbits sitting in front of her.

" Merry, Pippin !"
" Nathínieeeeel !!! It's  so wonderful to see you again!" rejoiced Merry.
" If you would know how much we missed you... And Legolas... He couldn't stop talking about you!" laughed Pippin.
" Is he alright ? I don't see him." I started to observe the line of riders.
" He followed Aragorn to the paths of dead. So did Gimli." spoke Eowyn sadly.
" The king of the dead shall fill his oath to the king of Gondor." I whispered narrowing my eyes.

Theoden rode pass the line, his sword drawing with the others. He stopped when his sword touched the Dagger of Helm.
" Nathìniel." he gazed at me in surprise.
" The elves stand among your people, my king." I bowed and he replied with a warm smile.
" I am the one to bow." he said and bended down.

" Reform the line! Prepare to charge !!!" he yelled and I stepped back with my horse.
Theoden raised his sword and let out a huge cry :
" Charge !!!!!"
And we ran towards the huge elephant- looking creatures that were crushing every man and rider with their massive feet. Each of them carried a war tower filled with Haradrim archers on their backs

When we came closer they sent a rain of arrows at us.
I wrapped my arms tightly around Shadowfax and rode towards the Mumakil, shooting arrows to the war tower.

First arrow flew very fast and it stabbed right into the neck of one of the archers. The second hit another's shoulder and I continued fighting like this for a long time. I didn't saw Eowyn nor Pippin and Merry.

I moved to the army of orcs, leaving the Mumakils behind me. One of them ran to me, tossing his axe. I jumped kicking him to his chest. As he was falling I stabbed my dagger to his back.
When he was down I saw a great black ship,  followed by others sailing to the docks.
I knew immediately who sailed k  the ships.
" Here comes the king." I smiled and ran to the shore.

" Late as ussual ! Get off your ships you see rats! There is a work to do!" yelled an orc commander, walking to the ships.
They are no see rats. I said for myself with a grin and Aragorn jumped from the ship, followed by Gimli.
" There is the elvish lass!" he called running to me and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly.
Aragorn came to me, squeezing me tightly.
" Hannon le, mellon nín." he whispered
" For what ?" I asked in surprise
" For the hope you kept when I had none. " he looked into my eyes with tears if happoness.

He walked over to Gimli and then I saw Him. His blue eyes, golden hair, perfect body. My heart started beating faster. I freezed.
" Meleth nín." he walked over to me, his face full of joy.
" Legolas !" I cried, throwing my arms around his neck.
" I thought I never see you again."
" I couldn't leave you, meleth nín." he pressed his lips on mine. The sweet taste of his tongue now filling my mouth.
We kissed just for a few seconds but it felt like eternity. He softly pulled away, gazing at me with his ocean eyes.

" I could look at you forever."
I blushed and kissed him again.
When I looked down I noticed my pendant hanging around his neck. It shone brightly.
" Galad o elin nín síla." I whispered.
" And it will shine from now on." he took my hand.
I was so engaged to our reunion that I didn't realise that Gimli and Aragorn were fighting for their lives, surrounded by the dead warriors of Gondor.

Suddenly a huge crashed came from behind us. A mumakil was walking forward. I looked at Legolas, he looked at me and we ran towards him, preparing our bows. He was with me. I would not care if I died then for I would die side by side with the love of my life.

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