Minas Tirith

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I opened my eyes. Yellow sun was rising from behind the hills, white clouds were painted on a perfect blue sky.
In front of us stood the  dark mass of Mount Mindolluin. Upun its thrust knee stood the Guarded city of Minas Tirith.
Its great seven walls, strong, made of stone that was white as snow, were surrounding the Tower of Ecthelion.

" Minas Tirith. The city of kings." said Gandalf as we walked up the crowded streets of the city.
We walked every level while the gondorians were starring at scaredly.
It's propably unusual that a wizard and an elf are walking through thesr streets.
" It's magnificent . But lifeless. There are no trees, flowers neither. The city has lost it's old beauty." I said, trying to find something green as we ran towards the seventh platform.

I stopped breathing for a second when I saw the White tree from my vision standing in the middle of the courtyyard. It was whitered, but still it was guarded by four citadel guards.
" That's the tree I saw in the palantír !" I said, very surprised.
" Yes the white tree of Gondor. " nodded Gandalf with a smile.
" The tree of king !" I gasped.
" They guard it because they still have hope that the king will return and the tree will bloom again." I said looking into Gandalf's sad blue eyes.
" The sword was reforged Gandalf."
He gave me a satisfied smile.

" But you can't speak of him in front of Denethor. He is only the steward of Gondor, speaking of the king will make him angry. Do not mention Frodo neither."
" Denethor ? It's Boromir's father !"
" Yes. We can't tell him anything about the death of his son."
" I will better not speak at all." I smiled and we entered the great hall.

It was gloomy like the rest of the city. Giant black pillars made of marble were decorating an empty vestibul. Between the pillars stood statues of old kings carved into a white stone. They were all strong and mighty with long hair and crowns but their eyes were dead . Lost in the river of ages, their hearts faded in the wind of time.
At the end of the hall was a throne. An old man sat on it. He looked like the kings from stone at the corridor but there was one thing, which was making him different. A great sorrow. He was gazing at sonething in his lap, tears on his face.

" Hail Denethor, son of Ecthelion, Lord and Steward of Gondor !" spoke Gandalf loudly.
" I come with tidings in this dark hour and with counsel."
Denethor lifted his head, his dark eyes full of angrew and sadness.
" Perhaps you came to explain this ?" he cried, holding Boromir's horn tightly. It was broken.


"I would have follow you my brother, my captain, my king.
My lady."

" Perhaps you came to tell me why my son is dead!"
I know how he feels. I remembered that terrifying moment at Parth Gallen when and arrow hitted Boromir's chest.
" Your son died with honor and dignity.  He died for protecting me and two of our friends. He sacrified himself for lives of others." I said and walked closer to him. Gandalf tried to stop me but I didn't listen. If there is one way to honor Boromir's dead then it is this way. I kneeled before Denethor, offering him my bow :
" I offer you my service. My elven powers, my fighting skills, all of it, for the payment of this debt."
Gandalf looked at me surprised. He knew that my life is slowly coming to its end.

" Well this is my first command to you: Why did you, an elven princess escaped and a mighty warrior such as my son did not ?" asked Denethor angrily.
" Only one arrow can take life of a strong man while Boromir was pierced by many."
A tear stremed down his cheek.
" My lord, there will be a time to wept for Boromir, but now we must fight. The war is on your doorsteps. Where are the armies of Gondor ?" asked Gandalf, making Denethor annoyed.

" You still have friends. Theoden of Rohan will come to help you. Light the beacons."
Denethor eyes narrowed and his lips curved into an ironic smile.
" You think you are wise Mithrandir. You think I'm blind, but I saw more than you think and more then you'll ever know !
I know who rides with Theoden of Rohan. I heard about this Aragorn. And I'm telling you right now, I will not bow to the Ranger from the North !"

My blood was now boiling like a sea of fire. How can he ? He shouldn't even sit on this throne !
I would have faced him but I couldn't. I am his servant now.
Gandalf yelled at him and with angrew he left the hall. I immediately followed him.

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