The end of all things

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The black gate finally opened, showing a terryfying army of
30, 000 orcs. We couldn't survive it.
" Pull back, pull back!" cried Aragorn.
We slowly galloped backwards to the rest of our little army.
But Sauron was looking at us. The plan was working.
I could feel his eye, examining every part of my body.
The Mordor army marched towards us.

I grabbed my bow as Aragorn rode around us:
" Hold your ground! Hold your ground ! Sons of Gondor, sons of Rohan ! Daughter of Trees !" he smiled at me.
" I see it in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day! An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bit you stand, men of the west !"  he cried galloping in front of us. Everytime he rode pass he looked at me. Now he gazed like he wanted me to say something.


" But we still have you, a sunshine in storm, a hope in gloom."


I stepped forward and turned to the men of Rohan and Gondor.
" This day we do not fight just for Frodo, nor for Middlearth. We fight for us ! For a better life for our children ! For calm hearts of our beloved ! All of you keep courage in your heart, so show it ! Show Sauron no mercy !
Peng nín linnatha go meigol lín. Si ath thûr, ionath o adan !" I cried.
The army of orcs surrounded us. There was no exit.


" Legolas ?" I asked shyly.
" Yes meleth nín ?"
" If this is the end, then it is the most beautiful end that I could have imagined. It doesn't matter where or when I die as long as I die next to you."
He kissed me passionately as it was the last time he did so.
" Ù- I vethed meleth nín. Beleg telitha."
" Estel." I smiled.

I turned, the orcs were almost everywere. I wrapped my arms tigh around Legolas' waist.
The eye of Sauron pierced my heart :
" There is nothing waiting for you there. This is the end. Either you'll die or he will. And you will weep forever, you face hidden in the black veil."
" I do not fear you." I cut him off.

Aragorn turned to us with courage in his eyes.
" For Frodo." he said and charged forward.


" When I'm with you I feel so free."

Now :

" For Sam !!!" I cried.
" Aaaaaaa !!! Pippin and Merry joined me as we rode towards the armies of Mordor.

I kicked the orc into his chest. When he was down, I aimed and shot an arrow that stabbed into his stomach. I got that one. It seemed hopeful. Perhaps  we could survive.
Well... I quickly changed ny mind when I heard that horrifying screech, echoing in the air. A nazgûl flew towards me. I wanted to dodge but I tripped over a dead soldier and fell on the ground.

The wraith was getting closer to me, he was almost there.
It was gone. I looked at Legolas one last time, his beautiful hair was shining as he was fighting. He turned with a terrified face and then I closed my eyes.

Legolas' POV

She fell. I saw her there, lying on the mass of dead orcs with eyes closed. Her beautiful green eyes... A tear streamed down my cheek. I was in transe, everything around me was blured I could only focuse on her. I couldn't even breathe. I just freezed.

But then the feeling stopped and angrew filled me.
I ran to her, crashing every creature that was in my way:
This can't be true, no, no... After all... Nooooooo.

I kneeled next to her, my head falling on her chest:
" Please... Wake up meleth nín."
My tears fell on her face. I wanted to see her eyes one last time. I leaned and kissed her cold lips softly.

She looked so innocent... The fairest of all... And she was gone now. I took her hand which was cold as ice, full of bruises and scratches and kissed it. I was still crying.

" She died as a hero." said Gandalf coming to me.
" She should not!" I cried burrying my face to her stomach.
" Look ! Maybe the world still can be saved !" he pointed at three giant eagles coming towards us.
" Eagles !!!!" screamed Pippin.
" I will revenge you, meleth nín." I said and stabbed my dagger into an orcs' eye.

Nathíniel's POV

I woke up at home. Sun was shining, the waterfalls were peacefully falling into a flowing river. Windowsills were stuffed with beautiful flowers of all kind. It was already spring.
Am I dead ? I asked myself.

" Le boe tol ad Nathìniel." a soft voice spoke behind me. It was Arwen. Her eyes were wet and her voice was trembling.
" Amman ? Ennas al estel. " I said and a tear streamed down my face.
" Ennas anuir estel, muinthel nín.." she brushed my cheek, wiping the tear away and smiling through the sadness.
" Amarth nín tolen. Mi lith gwanathon, an meleth nín a mellyn nín." I took her hand and looked into her deep blue eyes.
" Ú- amarth lín. Melech ho ?"
" An ilu gurren nín." I answered
" Tolo ad Nathìniel. E boe lle. Ada boe lle. Im boe lle." she stroke hwre fingers through my hair
" Mannen bronon ?"
" Garrich meleth. A...  theryn." she kissed my forehead and then the wind took her. She dissapeard like a dust.
" Theryn ???"

I didn't get the answer because I woke up. I saw the Dark tower of Barad- dûr falling. They made it. On my surprise I was in eagle's claws. They came. They came to save me. And not just me. I smiled when I saw the other two in front of me, carrying Sam and Frodo.
" She was right. There is always hope."

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