Denethor's madness

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I stood in the Great hall, next to Denethor, who was disgustingly eating his meal. This was my fate. My future. I couldn't help myself but wonder: Why did I do this ?
" Can you sing, my lady ?" asked Denethor and disturbed my thoughts.
" Well yes... I used to sing with other elves back in Rivendell. But we don't have songs for great halls. We sing about trees, rivers, meadows, about love and dreams, sadness and peace. We don't have any about wars or evil." I said quietly.
" And why shoud any of your song be unfit for my halls ! Sing me one !" ordered Denethor.

I closed my eyes, focusing on my emotions and feeling. I saw Faramir fighting in Osgiliath, I saw the army of Rohan riding out of Edoras, Pippin and Merry laughing happily, Gimli tossing his axe, Aragorn wiping a tear from Eowin's eye,  Arwen lying on her bed, dying. Legolas sadly sitting on a stump, looking at Thurin elin, as it was slowly fading.
And then I sang:

Melui holwë o galadh panna faer nín, loth bo o men.
Menell doll sui coll samin.
Giliath síla glaw.
Rada nín lim, Iston mas nan bad.
Ai maer.
Ôl peleth sui fân.
Si ù-cennion, lond nín dolen.
Narn falf guren nín mar  erchamion
Im boe meleth nan bad ad dôr

I ended and looked at Denethor with sorrow written in my face. How does he not see it ? How does he not see the greatness that is hidden in his son...

Time passed by and I was sitting on a bench at the corner of courtyard with a view on Rohan mountains.
I closed my eyes, inhaling the fresh air. I fell into a dream.


"Six thousand will be not enough to defeat the armies of Mordor." spoke Aragorn, Theoden looked upset.


" I miss that lass. She had a pretty good spirit, aye ?" laughed Gimli.
" Not just that. She is the loveliest woman in the  whole world. She is so brave and kind... But so far." whispered Legolas.
" I miss Nathíniel too. Her songs were incredibly beautiful." joined the conversation Pippin.
" She was a good fighter too. You remember how she knocked down the orcs at Parth Gallen ?" started Merry.


"There they are. True Esquires of Rohan." smiled Eowyn after she put helmets on Pippin's and Merry's heads.


" The road, where does it lead ?" asked Gimli.
" It is the road to Dimholt. The door under the mountain.


" My lord Elrond." said Aragorn bowing in front of my father.
" I come on behalf from those whom I love. They are dying. The light of the Evenstar is fading as Sauron's power grows." Elrond said and looked at Arwen's pendant, shining ver poorly.
" And so is the light of Secret star."
" Nathìniel..."
" Her heart is breaking every minute she spends without Legolas. "


My pendant hangs around Legolas' neck, almost without light.


" They will answer to the king of Gondor."
" Andúril, flame of the west, forget from the shards of Narsil." said my father pulling out a beautiful long sword.
" Sauron will not have forgotten the sword of Elendil... The blade that was broken shall return to Minas Tirith."


"Faramir !" cried Denethor, making me get up. Oh no. Please don't say that he has fallen.

I opened my eyes and guickly got up from the bench. My heart stopped when I saw Faramir's unconscious body pierced by two arrows. No. Not again... Please no... Not another friend killed by orcs...
" They were outnumbered. None of them survived." said a soldier, kneeling next to Faramir. I just stood there, my eyes full of tears, without saying a word.
" My son is dead. My line has ended." said Denethor upset.
No. This can't be true. I kneeled to his son, putting my hand on his forehead. Surprisingly it was hot.
" He is alive ! Faramir lives !" I yelled happily, but Denethor continued :

" The House of Stewards has failed."
" Don't you see it ? You're son is alive my lord ! He needs medicine !" I cried but pretended that he doesn't hear me.
" My line has ended."
" My lord please !" I didn't see anything through the tears, my heart was beating faster than the drums in Moria.
Denethor was like in trans. He continued walking blindly until he reached the edge of courtyard. His eyes widened when he saw the fields of Pellenor.

No. This couldn't be it. I looked from behind him. About 75,000 orcs were spread around the fields. We couldn't survive this alone. Either Rohan, or the Heir of Elendil must come.
I watched Denethor as he tried to start breathing again.
" Rohan has deserted us !"
" No it hasn't my lord. They will come. I know it." I said and put a comforting hand his shoulder. He angrily shook it away.
" How do you know? You think I will believe those elven tricks you are playing on me ?! I know who you are... Witch ! Traitor ! Pretty face that tease men !
" My lord, please..."
" Theoden betrayed us !"

" No !!!" I screamed in frustration.
Suddenly a massive rock hit the wall of the last platform. Gondorians screamed, running through the streets in panic. Children were crying and soldiers protected the gate, blocked with baricades.
" Abandon your posts ! Fly for your lives !!!" cried Denethor.
It can't end like this. We must fight.
Suddenly I heard a loud crash. Gandalf smashed Denethor's head with his staff.
" Prepare for battle !" he yelled, then smiled at me.
" Si ath aglareb thûr." I winked and ran to the citadel for my armour.

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