Faces of my beloved

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" Nathìniel !" called Legolas.
" Is something wrong meleth nín ?" I asked, a bit scared.
" No, just... Come down here!"
I quickly ran down the stairs. Legolas showed me to go outside. I was so engaged to what I saw that I didn't notice he walked away. I was alone. No I wasn't.

I was with my sister. She stood there with all her beauty in a wonderful dress in the colour of spring grass, smiling with tears of happiness in her eyes.
That moment I realised that she is one of those reasons why I was alive. My only sister whom I loved so much.
" Arwen... I'm so sorry... Please forgive me."
I walked to her, crying. I couldn't look at her. I felt so guilty.
Instead of her I starred at her feet.

But she softly lifted my chin and smiled:
" There is nothing to forgive."
And then embraced me very tightly, so much that I wasn't able to breathe.
" You can't imagine how much I missed you." I said, my arms still around her.
" I had to stay. For you, muinthel nìn."
" For Aragorn." I whispered.
" Yes."

" I must tell him you came !"
" No! I want to surprise him at the coronation. It will be our little secret." she smiled placing a finger on my mouth.
" I'm not going to say a word." I laughed.
" That reminds me... How is your
" prince" ?"

" We're engageeeed !!!!!" I screamed happily, hugging her again.
" That's amaziiiiing !!!!"
" I knooooow !!!"
" My little sister will soon be married... I'm so happy for you, Nathìniel."
" Actually I'm 200 years older than you but..."
" You are still smaller than me." she teased.
I just laughed.

When I looked from behind her shoulder I saw another familiar figure, standing on the edge of the courtyard.
" Ada..."
He turned around with a warm smile.
" Iel nín."
" You came. All the way here. " I weeped.
He wrapped his arms around me, my tears were falling on his shoulder.
" Ada. You didn't forsake me."

" I coukd never." he smiled
" I'm prepared to give you my kingdom, for my time here is coming to it's end." he said with a serious face.
Legolas walked to me. I took his hand and smiled.
" I have found my true love ada. Rather by your will or not I will stay with him until everything shall pass away."

Father smiled but tears filled his eyes.
Legolas spoke:
" She will be the most beautiful queen of Mirkwood that has ever lived." he looked at me and kissed my cheek. I blushed deeply.
" I agree with that." father smiled and walked away.

I turned to Legolas. And whispered :
" I will be the most beutiful queen beacause the beauty of my husband will shine upon me." I kissed him softly.
He blushed and hand in hand we walked upstairs to our room.

I found a beautiful velvet gown of purple and gold which would perfectly fit me for Aragorn's coronation.

I found a beautiful velvet gown of purple and gold which would perfectly fit me for Aragorn's coronation

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I put on a golden crown and walked to the courtyard where a crowd of Gondorians already stood

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I put on a golden crown and walked to the courtyard where a crowd of Gondorians already stood.

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